Academic Support

Academic Support

Hartzler Library
G. Marcille Frederick, director

The Sadie A. Hartzler Library makes published research available and assists students, faculty and staff in finding and evaluating that research. Whether one is assessing the probability of misinformation pushed to you by a social media platform or received from an online or AI search, using library-provided academic and professional databases, or finding a print resource, the library staff is dedicated to strengthening the educational process and improving research results. Library use (whether on- or off-site) is highly correlated with academic success, whether measured in grade point average or graduation rates.

The library's website (https://emu.edu/library ) is the portal to most resources and services. Subject-specific guides created by librarians provide concise help in finding article, streaming media, book and other resources. Librarians can also assist with citation formatting. Users may get research help via email, phone, or social media. Almost all of our 80,000 academic journals and research databases can be accessed online. Newspapers, magazines and over 365,000 books are also available online, with an additional 130,000 print books on site. If you need information, we will help you find and assess it!

Academic Success Center
Cathy Smeltzer Erb, director

The Academic Success Center is an academic support and enrichment resource for all students, faculty, and staff. Peer tutors are available throughout the week for subject-specific and writing tutoring in the Center, and in designated STEM courses. In addition, subject-specific tutor-led group study sessions are offered as needed. The Center offers student workshops on writing, reading comprehension, note making, and various study skill and time management topics. Individual and small group coaching is available upon request.

The goal of the Academic Success Center is to support all students, faculty, and staff in their academic pursuits whenever requested. The Academic Success Center is located in Sadie Hartzler Library, third floor.

Academic Advocacy Program

Each year EMU grants conditional admission to a limited number of students who fall below the requirements for unconditional admission but who otherwise demonstrate the ability and motivation to adequately perform university-level work. Students participate in the Academic Advocacy Program, part of the provost's office. The program will provide holistic advising and student support to strengthen the student's potential for success.  Students work with a "first year" advisor to develop a manageable course load during their first two semesters and will take a college success course during their first semester.  

The first-year advisors help students choose appropriate courses to develop study skills, reading, and writing proficiency. They also provide a link to a student's future major advisor and encourage a connection to that academic department's campus activities and organizations. 

The advisors stay in touch with students, professors, and coaches when appropriate; communicate EMU's academic and specific course expectations; and track student performance. Students are expected to meet their advisor once each week at the beginning of the year and less frequently later as needs dictate. As with all students enrolled at EMU, academic progress is reviewed at the end of each semester. 

Office of Academic Access
Cathy Smeltzer Erb, director

EMU is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities to ensure equal access to the university and its related programs. The university seeks to comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and the ADA Amendments Act of 2008. Faculty and staff support students with reasonable accommodations in the classroom according to documented recommendations. The faculty and staff also assist students to develop and use strategies that promote independence and personal success. Students with accommodations are encouraged to access the academic supports provided by the Academic Success Center.

Upon acceptance to EMU, students with documented disabilities should contact the Office of Academic Access (540-432-4354; oaa@emu.edu) in the Academic Success Center to begin the process of receiving accommodations. Medical documentation in support of reasonable accommodations can be submitted to the Office of Academic Access any time after acceptance to EMU. The Office of Academic Access is located in Sadie Hartzler Library, third floor. Students with physical disabilities related to housing should also contact the director of Housing and Residence Life located in the Student Life office, University Commons (540-432-4128).

Disclosure of a disability is voluntary, and all documentation is kept confidential in the Office of Academic Access. Students may disclose and provide documentation of their disabilities at any time they wish to request accommodations.

Accommodations are not retroactive. Upon request, information will be provided to help students obtain documentation and understand their rights and responsibilities in the university setting.

Students who wish to appeal a decision on their accommodations may use the university grievance procedures located in the president's office or the Student Life office.

Career Services
Kimberly Phillips, director

Career Services offers coaching and resources at all points of career development. Services are offered through individual appointments, workshops, classroom presentations, and online resources. Career counseling, testing services, interest inventories, graduate school information, cover letter and résumé assistance, job/internship searching, and interview preparation are among the most requested services. For more information, visit www.emu.edu/careers.

Testing Services

The career services office administers CLEP, DSST, OPI and OPIc tests that offer students the opportunity to obtain college credit by examination. Information concerning other national testing programs (GRE, GMAT, LSAT, etc.) may be obtained from Career Services. For more information, visit www.emu.edu/careers/testing.


CoachLink is a program that pairs undergraduate students needing an extra layer of support with professional mentors that help students succeed academically, physically, emotionally, and spiritually at EMU. CoachLink mentors have years of experience working with college students and understand the difficulties of balancing all of the demands required of students in order to persist and graduate with a degree. CoachLink provides personalized, 1-on-1 coaching and mentoring to support students in their college life and will help students think about and overcome their own personal barriers to success. Email coachlink@emu.edu for more information.

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