ED 331 Math in Elementary School (2 SH)

ED 331 Math in Elementary School (2 SH)

Curriculum Block is comprised of ED 331, 332, 333 (4 SH content; 2 SH practicum) which provide foundations of curriculum development and implementation. Coursework is integrated with a 60-hour practicum experience in K-6 classrooms with a focus on local, state, and national curriculum standards. Introduces methods of teaching mathematics in grades K-6 with significant attention to planning, instruction and assessment activities which are responsive to the needs of diverse learners. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) standards and Virginia Standards of Learning (SOLs) provide the content framework. Participants will be involved in exploration, development and practical applications of inquiry, discovery, directed teaching, use of manipulatives, and other activities designed to prepare them for teaching mathematics in elementary schools. Prerequisites: ED 235, ED 245 and a cumulative GPA of 2.5.

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