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BIOL 388 Entomology (3 SH)
BIOL 395 Bioinformatics (2 SH)
BIOL 429 Biology Internship (1-3 SH)
BIOL 437 Advanced Human Anatomy (4 SH)
BIOL 447 Advanced Human Physiology (4 SH)
BIOL 451 Neuropsychology (3 SH)
BIOL 461-465 Topics in Advanced Ecology (2 SH)
BIOL 478 Advanced Neurobiology (3 SH)
BIOL 479 Biology Research (1-3 SH)
BIOL 485 Faith, Science and Ethics (2 SH)
BIOL 499 Independent Study (3 SH)
BIST 212 And the Word Became Book: History of the Bible (3 SH)
BIST 223 Four Portraits of Jesus: Reading the Gospels (3 SH)
BIST 323 Life and Letters of Apostle Paul (3 SH)
BIST 341 Old Testament Studies (3 SH)
BIST 390 Biblical Perspectives (3 SH)
BIST 412 Elementary Hebrew (3 SH)
BIST 423 Elementary Greek (3 SH)
BIST 499 Independent Study (1-3 SH)
BISTL 380 Biblical Perspectives (3 SH)
BISTL 390 Biblical Perspectives (3 SH)
BUAD 101 Business at EMU (3 SH)
BUAD 111 Exploring Business (3 SH)
BUAD 221 Principles of Management (3 SH)
BUAD 301 Quantitative Decision Making (3 SH)
BUAD 321 Human Resource Management (3 SH)
BUAD 331 Organizational Behavior (3 SH)
BUAD 411 Business Law (3 SH)
BUAD 431 Seminar in Human Resource Management (3 SH)
BUAD 441 International Business (3 SH)
BUAD 461 Strategic Leadership in Organizations (3 SH)
BUAD 465 Project Management and Grantwriting (3 SH)
BUAD 470-475 Topics in Business (3 SH)
BUAD 481 Business Internship (1-3 SH)
BUAD 499 Independent Study (1-3 SH)
CCSCL 440 Cross-Cultural Perspectives (3 SH)
CCSCL 450 Cross-Cultural Perspectives (3 SH)
CCSPA 312 Advanced Conversational Spanish I (3 SH)
CCSPA 322 Advanced Conversational Spanish II (3 SH)
CCSSC 201 Cross-Cultural Social Science (3 SH)
CCSSC 202 Cross-Cultural Learning Integration (0-1 SH)
CCSSC 211 Cross-Cultural Community Immersion (3 SH)
CCSSC 386 Cross-Cultural Social Science: Multicultural History of DC (3 SH)
CCSSC 387 The Urban Landscape (3 SH)
CCSSC 440 Cross-Cultural Perspectives (3 SH)
CCUSL 310 Global Trends in Health Care (3 SH)
CE 165 Networking and Data Communication (2 SH)
CE 175 Architecture and Operating Systems (4 SH)
CE 330-335 Topics in Computer Engineering (2-4 SH)
CE 365 Digital Circuits (3 SH)
CE 375 Software Engineering (2 SH)
CHEM 105 Chemistry for the Life Sciences (2 SH)
CHEM 155 Matter and Energy (3 SH)
CHEM 223 General Chemistry I (4 SH)
CHEM 224 General Chemistry II (4 SH)
CHEM 285 Environmental Chemistry (4 SH)
CHEM 305 Alternative Energy (2 SH)
CHEM 315 Organic Chemistry I (4 SH)
CHEM 316 Organic Chemistry II (4 SH)
CHEM 325 Analytical Chemistry I (2 SH)
CHEM 345 Analytical Chemistry II (2 SH)
CHEM 405 Thermodynamics (3 SH)
CHEM 406 Quantum Mechanics (3 SH)
CHEM 479 Chemistry/Biochemistry Research (1-3 SH)
CHEM 499 Independent Study (1-3 SH)
CHMUS 211 Music for the Congregation (3 SH)
CHMUS 490 Church Music Internship (1-2 SH)
CHST 101 Small Group Ministry Practicum I (1 SH)
CHST 212 Introduction to Youth Ministry (3 SH)
CHST 223 Spiritual Formation, Sacred Pauses (3 SH)
CHST 234 Mission in a Changing World (3 SH)
CHST 260 Teaching, Ministry, and Healthy Sexuality (3 SH)
CHST 312 Missiology (3 SH)
CHST 334 Almost Christian: Youth Ministry In Congregations (3 SH)
CHST 365 Mennonite History and Thought (3 SH)
CHST 372 Church Leadership for Transformation (3 SH)
CHST 435 Martyrs, Merchants, and Mendicants: 1500 Years of the Christian Movement (3 SH)
CHST 451 Church Work Practicum (3 SH)
CHST 462 Mission Practicum (3 SH)
CHST 473 Youth Ministry Practicum (3 SH)
CHST 499 Independent Study (1-3 SH)
CIS 211 Spreadsheet and Data Management (1 SH)
CIS 251 Management Information Systems (3 SH)
CIS 321 Advanced Spreadsheets (1 SH)
CMUS 114 Appreciating Music Making (3 SH)
CMUS 116 Appreciating Music Making (2 SH)
CMUS 120 Music Fundamentals (3 SH)
CMUS 181 Music Theory I (3 SH)
CMUS 200 Landscape of Music (0 SH)
CMUS 201 Topic: World Music (2 SH)
CMUS 202 Topic: Folk-Rock to Hip-Hop (2 SH)
CMUS 203 Topic: Listening to Film (2 SH)
CMUS 204 Topic: Introduction to Music Technology (2 SH)
CMUS 205 Topic: Musical Theater (2 SH)
CMUS 250 Music History I (3 SH)
CMUS 260 Music History II (3 SH)
CMUS 281 Music Theory II (3 SH)
CMUS 411 Conducting I (4 SH)
CMUS 412 The Compleat Musician (4 SH)
CMUS 440 Seminar (1-3 SH)
CMUS 490 Internship (1-2 SH)
CMUS 499 Independent Study (1-3 SH)
CORE 101 Transitions (1 SH)
CORE 120 University Research (1 SH)
CORE 201 Life Wellness (2 SH)
CORE 401 Senior Seminar (2 SH)
CS 105 Intro to Computer Science (2 SH)
CS 145 Introduction to Programming (2 SH)
CS 155 Programming in Python (2 SH)
CS 245 Programming in Java (2 SH)
CS 255 Intermediate Programming (2 SH)
CS 265 Databases (2 SH)
CS 275 Web Applications (2 SH)
CS 330-335 Topics in Computing (2-4 SH)
CS 345 Data Structures (2 SH)
CS 355 Advanced Data Structures (2 SH)
CS 365 System Administration (2 SH)
CS 445 Analysis of Algorithms (2 SH)
CS 455 Programming Languages (2 SH)
CS 475 Capstone Project (2 SH)
CS 488 Computer Science Internship (1-3 SH)
CS 499 Independent Study/Research (1-3 SH)
delete EDS 455 Foundations of Education and Special Education (3 SH)
ECON 201 Survey of Economics (3 SH)
ECON 211 Principles of Microeconomics (3 SH)
ECON 212 Principles of Macroeconomics (3 SH)
ECON 300 Environmental and Ecological Economics (3 SH)
ECON 311 Contemporary Economic Issues (3 SH)
ECON 331 History of Economic Thought (3 SH)
ECON 341 Intermediate Microeconomics (3 SH)
ECON 342 Intermediate Macroeconomics (3 SH)
ECON 401 Development Economics (3 SH)
ECON 411 International Economics (3 SH)
ECON 481 Economics Internship (1-3 SH)
ECON 499 Independent Study (1-3 SH)
ED 101 Exploring Teaching (2 SH)
ED 221 Professional Field Experience (Early Childhood) (2 SH)
ED 235 Curriculum and Organization in Early Education (4 SH)
ED 245 Learning and Classroom Environments (3 SH)
ED 252 Learning and Classroom Environments Professional Field Experience (6-12) (1 SH)
ED 275 Instructional Technology and Assessment (3 SH)
ED 301 Needs of Diverse Learners (3 SH)
ED 331 Math in Elementary School (2 SH)
ED 332 Science in the Elementary School (2 SH)
ED 333 Social Studies in the Elementary School (2 SH)
ED 341 Language Arts (2 SH)
ED 342 Reading/ Diagnostic Reading (3 SH)
ED 343 Content Area Reading and Writing (2 SH)
ED 351 General Curriculum and Methods for Middle and Secondary Teaching (1 SH)
ED 361 Secondary Methods Professional Field Experience (1 SH)
ED 385 Content Area Methods for Middle and Secondary Teaching (2 SH)
ED 395 Reading and Writing in the Content Area (3 SH)
ED 401 Examining Foundations of Education (2 SH)
ED 411 Reflective Teaching Seminar and Portfolio (1 SH)
ED 421 Student Teaching I: PreK-3 (7 SH)
ED 422 Student Teaching II: PreK-3 (7 SH)
ED 423 Student Teaching II: 4-6 (7 SH)
ED 451 Middle School Student Teaching (7 SH)
ED 452 High School Student Teaching (7 SH)
ED 461 Elementary School Student Teaching (PreK-6) (7 SH)
ED 462 Middle/High School Student Teaching (6-12) (7 SH)
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Course Descriptions
CHST 499 Independent Study (1-3 SH)
CHST 499 Independent Study (1-3 SH)
Barbara Byer (Deactivated)
Owned by
Barbara Byer (Deactivated)
Last updated:
Apr 15, 2020
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