HONRS 312 Honors Colloquium (3 SH)
HONRS 312 Honors Colloquium (3 SH)
Colloquium courses explore a specific topic chosen by the professor and are designed to be provocative and challenging but accessible to students of any major—no prerequisites are required. These courses run every semester and course topics vary. All EMU students are invited to take these courses, but Honors students in the Honors Program have priority for enrollment. Upcoming courses are Fall 2020: "Acts of Resistance: Walking, Pilgrimage & Rock'n'Roll" (Chad Gusler); Spring 2021: "You are Here: Creative Engagement with Big History & Deep Time" (Daniel King); Fall 2021: "Toward a Decolonial Reading of Marx' Capital" (Tim Seidel); and Spring 2022: "We are the Fish and Trauma is the Water" (Paul Yoder).
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