Chaplaincy Concentration for the Master of Divinity and the Master of Arts in Christian Leadership

Chaplaincy Concentration for the Master of Divinity and the Master of Arts in Christian Leadership

Master of Divinity with Chaplaincy Concentration (81 SH)

Following a bachelor’s degree from a college or university accredited by a member of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation, this EMS graduate degree program is designed to meet the semester hour and CPE requirements for ACPE Board Certified Chaplains.

Core Courses (66 SH)

Year 1 (24 SH)

FS 503 Formation in Spiritual Practices (3 SH)

FS 504 Formation in Narrative Identity (3 SH)

BIBL 511 Hebrew Bible: Text in Context (3 SH) 

BIBL 512 New Testament: Text in Context (3 SH) 

CTH 501 Christian Traditions I (3 SH) 

CTH 512 Christian Traditions II (3 SH) 

CTT 634 Living Theology (3 SH) 

CM 644 Decolonizing Intercultural Studies (3 SH) 


Year 2 (24 SH)

SMFE 601 Clinical Pastoral Education Level I A (Fall/Spring or Summer Unit, 6 SH)

BIBL 532 Elementary Hebrew (3 SH)* 

BIBL 542 Hebrew Readings (3 SH)* 

CTE 702 Christian Ethics (3 SH) 

SMCL 611 Pastoral Care (3 SH)

SMCL 642 Congregational Worship (3 SH)

Intercultural Experience (3 SH) – CM 613, CM 614, or other CM intercultural courses


Year 3 (18 SH)

SMFE 701 Clinical Pastoral Education, Level I B (Fall/Spring or Summer Unit, 6 SH)

BIBL 531 Elementary Greek (3 SH)* 

BIBL 541 Greek Readings (3 SH)* 

PAX 540 Strategies for Trauma Awareness and Resilience I (2 SH) 

SMCL 564 Theological Reflections on Trauma (1 SH)

FS 698 Formation in Vocation and Leadership (2 SH)

FS 699 Formation in Vocation and Leadership (1 SH)

  • Or, take the biblical languages alternate track: 

  • BIBL 532 Elementary Hebrew or BIBL 531 Elementary Greek (3 SH) 

  • Hebrew Bible book study elective (3 SH) 

  • New Testament book study elective (3 SH) 

  • BIBL 621 Interpreting the Biblical Text (3 SH) 

Elective and Tradition-Specific Courses (15 SH)

United Methodists seeking UMC ordination must take all of the following:

  • FS 601 Formation in Ministry (3 SH) 

  • FS 602 Formation in Ministry (3 SH)

  • CM 670 United Methodist Studies I (3 SH) 

  • CM 680 United Methodist Studies II (3 SH) 

  • CM 621 Evangelism: Living to Tell (3 SH)

  • SMCL 602 Foundations for Christian Preaching (3 SH) - required for Virginia Conference members and may replace SMCL 611 Pastoral Care requirement

Anabaptist-affiliated students must take one of the following:

  • CTH 641 Mennonite History (3 SH) 

  • CTT 633 Anabaptist Theology (3 SH) 

  • CTT 523 Anabaptism Today: Topics (3 SH) 

  • CTT 546 Jesus, Empire, and Jubilee Community (3 SH) 

  • CTE 713 Sermon on the Mount: Peace, Justice and the Reign of God (3 SH) 


Post-MDiv CPE: (may take for graduate credit or audit, but cannot count toward the MDiv) 

SMFE 702 Clinical Pastoral Education—Level II A 

SMFE 702 Clinical Pastoral Education—Level II B


Master of Arts in Christian Leadership with Chaplaincy Concentration (48 SH)

Following a bachelor’s degree from a college or university accredited by a member of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation, this EMS graduate degree program is designed to meet the semester hour and CPE requirements for ACPE Associate Certified Chaplains.

Year 1 (24 SH)

FS 503 Formation in Spiritual Practices (3 SH)

FS 504 Formation in Narrative Identity (3 SH)

BIBL 511 Hebrew Bible: Text in Context (3 SH) 

BIBL 512 New Testament: Text in Context (3 SH) 

CTH 501 Christian Traditions I or CTH 512 Christian Traditions II (3 SH) 

CTT 634 Living Theology (3 SH) 

CM 644 Decolonizing Intercultural Studies (3 SH) 

BIBL 621 Interpreting the Biblical Text (3 SH)


Year 2 (24 SH)

SMFE 601 Clinical Pastoral Education Level I A (Fall/Spring or Summer Unit, 6 SH)

SMCL 611 Pastoral Care (3 SH) (or, for United Methodist deacon candidates, SMCL 642 Congregational Worship)

Any BIBL course (3 SH) 

Two Advanced Theological studies courses: CTT, CTE or CTH (6 SH)

Anabaptist studies course recommended: CTH 523, 546, 633 or 641 

or, for United Methodist  deacon candidates, CM 670 United Methodist Studies I and CM 680 United Methodist Studies II

PAX 540 Strategies for Trauma Awareness and Resilience I (2 SH) (or, for United Methodist deacon candidates, CM621 Evangelism: Living to Tell) 

SMCL 564 Theological Reflections on Trauma (1 SH) (or, for United Methodist deacon candidates, CM621 Evangelism: Living to Tell) 

FS 698 Formation in Vocation and Leadership (2 SH)

FS 699 Formation in Vocation and Leadership (1 SH)


Post-MACL CPE: (may take for graduate credit or audit, but cannot count toward the MACL) 

SMFE 701 Clinical Pastoral Education, Level I B (Fall/Spring or Summer Unit, 6 SH)


APC qualifications for Board Certification

  1. Undergraduate Education
    Bachelor’s degree from a college or university accredited by a member of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (www.chea.org).

  2. Graduate Education
    Qualifying Master’s degree conferred by a college or institution accredited by CHEA.
    – To qualify, the degree must include a minimum 30 semester hours and be granted in one of three academic disciplines: Theology, Philosophy, or Psychology.
    One year (24 semester hours) of study in three of four chaplaincy competence subject areas:
    – History of a religious or philosophical tradition
    – Spiritual Practices or Practical Ministry
    – Sacred Texts or Foundational Documents
    – World Religions
    Total Hours
    – Board Certified Chaplain: 72 graduate semester hours (includes up to 24 equivalency credits)
    – Associate Certified Chaplain: 48 graduate semester hours (equivalency credits not available)
    Mentored Education
    – Applicants trained in certain non-academic traditions may be eligible to meet the education requirements by documenting up to 7200 hours of mentored study: Buddhist and Indigenous traditions.
    – The total hours requirement includes the hours in the qualifying Master’s Degree, the chaplaincy competence subjects, and other study relevant to the practice of chaplaincy.
    – Courses counted toward the one year of chaplaincy competence subjects do not need to be included in the qualifying degree. Courses must be completed at CHEA accredited institutions.
    – Applicants for BCC who demonstrate a minimum of 48 graduate semester hours and meet the chaplaincy competence subject requirement can apply for up to 24 graduate education equivalent credits. See the Graduate Education Equivalency Worksheet for details.
    – Applicants who have earned academic credit for CPE as part of a degree program may apply one unit of CPE to both the total education hours requirement and the BCCI CPE requirement.

  3. Faith Group Endorsement or Recognition
    Provide documentation of current endorsement or acceptable language in accordance with the applicant’s spiritual/faith tradition (received or reaffirmed within last 12 months). The letter must be mailed, emailed, or faxed directly to the BCCI office for your faith group. Faith groups must be recognized by the Department of Defense (Armed Forces Chaplains Board) or previously reviewed and approved by the BCCI. If not, the applicant must contact the BCCI office regarding a review of the faith group.

  4. Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE)
    Units accredited by the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education (ACPE), National Association of Catholic Chaplains (NACC) or the Canadian Association for Spiritual Care (CASC) are accepted. The required clinical education for Board certified chaplains is four units. Associate Certified Chaplains need to have two units. Equivalency for one unit of CPE is available. See the CPE Equivalency Instructions for details.

  5. Work Experience
    A minimum of 2,000 hours of work or volunteer experience as a chaplain following the completion of the required CPE units (four for BCC and two for ACC.) Use of additional units of CPE is considered an equivalency. Work experience hours accrue in positions where a substantial part of work duties focus on care commonly provided by chaplains in specialized settings, such as health care, prisons, or corporate chaplaincy. Properly documented volunteer chaplain hours are acceptable. Work hours accrued in parochial ministry cannot be included.

  6. Professional Competence demonstrated in written materials and the certification interview.

  7. The professional credential Board Certified Chaplain is awarded by a vote of Board of Chaplaincy Certification, Incorporated (BCCI) Commission on Certification. A chaplain holding the BCC credential has met all application requirements and demonstrated professional competence before a committee of peers. Application requirements include: a qualifying undergraduate degree and 72 hours of qualifying graduate education, four units of clinical pastoral education (CPE), and the endorsement or formal support of a recognized faith group.  After meeting the application requirements, the chaplain meets with a Certification Committee, certified chaplains approved by the BCCI Commission on Certification, who assess competence in 29 chaplaincy skills and make a recommendation to the Commission on Certification. The Commission reviews the recommendation and finding that the applicant meets all requirements and demonstrates competence, votes to recommend to the board of directors’ ratification of the certification.

A Provisional Board Certified Chaplain has demonstrated professional competence by meeting all the board certified chaplain (BCC) eligibility requirements. Provisional status is granted in the case of one or both of the following exceptions:

  1. The BCC candidate has demonstrated competency in at least 24-29 BCC competencies, inclusive of all those related to pastoral functioning (PPS 1-11).

  2. The BCC candidate has not completed the 2,000 hours of work experience as a chaplain.

A Provisional Board Certified Chaplain has two years from the initial date of certification to submit a request for a subsequent appearance to demonstrate competency in the remaining standards to a certification committee, or to submit the proper documentation of completion of 2,000 hours of chaplaincy experience (for a paper review). If a provisional board certified chaplain does not complete either of these requirements within the specified timeframe, they will be removed from the roster and will need to reapply for certification.

he professional credential Associate Certified Chaplain is awarded by a vote of Board of Chaplaincy Certification, Incorporated (BCCI) Commission on Certification. A chaplain holding the ACC credential has met all application requirements and demonstrated professional competence before a committee of peers. Application requirements include: a qualifying undergraduate degree and 48 hours of qualifying graduate education, two units of clinical pastoral education (CPE), and the endorsement or formal support of a recognized faith group.  After meeting the application requirements, the chaplain meets with a Certification Committee, certified chaplains approved by the BCCI Commission on Certification, who assess competence in 29 chaplaincy skills and make a recommendation to the Commission on Certification. The Commission reviews the recommendation and finding that the applicant meets all requirements and demonstrates competence, votes to recommend to the board of directors the ratification of the certification.

The professional competence by meeting all the Associate Certified Chaplain (ACC) eligibility requirements. Provisional status is granted in the case of one or both of the following exceptions:

  1. The ACC candidate has demonstrated competency in at least 24-29 BCC competencies, inclusive of all those related to pastoral functioning (PPS 1-11).

  2. The ACC candidate has not completed the 2,000 hours of work experience as a chaplain.

A Provisional Associate Certified Chaplain has two years from the initial date of certification to submit a request for a subsequent appearance to demonstrate competency in the remaining standards to a certification committee, or to submit the proper documentation of completion of 2,000 hours of chaplaincy experience (for a paper review). If a provisional associate certified chaplain does not complete either of these requirements within the specified timeframe, they will be removed from the roster and will need to reapply for certification.