Degree Requirements - CJP

Degree Requirements - CJP

Master of Arts in Conflict Transformation Requirements

Degree: Master of Arts
Semester Hours: 39 (effective Fall 2024; previously 45)

The Master of Arts in Conflict Transformation (MACT) is awarded upon successful completion of 39 semester hours (SH). This includes an 12 credit required core, a high level conflict transformation course, a fall or spring skills assessment course, electives, and the practicum. Students work with an academic advisor to establish a course of study that will meet that student’s vocational goals. When pursued full-time, the program can be completed in two academic years; limited-residency students normally finish in three to five years. Normally all students are required to take 5-6 credits of their MACT residentially, on EMU's campus, with one of those courses being PAX 635.

To graduate the student must meet all course and practicum requirements, earn a minimum GPA of 3.00, master the program assessment criteria for competency, and obtain formal approval of the faculty for graduation.

Master of Arts Core (12 SH)

  • Foundations 1 sequence

    • PAX 533 Analysis: Understanding Conflict (3 SH) 

    • PAX 532 Formation for Peacebuilding Practice (3 SH)

  • Foundations 2 sequence

    • PAX 635 Global Challenges, Local Struggles and Transnational Solidarities (3 SH)

  • PAX 535 Research Methods for Social Change (3 SH)

Conflict Transformation Required Courses (6 SH)

  • PAX 665 Designing Processes for Conflict Transformation (fall) (3 SH) OR PAX 687 The Promise of Peacebuilding (spring) (3 SH)

And choose one of the following:

  • PAX 601 Mediation & Negotiation (fall) (3 SH)

  • PAX 676 Restorative Justice Practices (spring) (3 SH)

  • PAX 610 Facilitation: Process Design & Skills for Dialogue, Deliberation & Decision-making (spring) (3SH)

Electives (12-15 SH)

  • Additional skills courses, other PAX courses, or other courses decided with your faculty advisor based on your interests and goals. CJP’s annual Summer Peacebuilding Institute is also an excellent opportunity to pick up interesting elective courses taught by practitioner experts.

Practicum (6-9 SH)

  • PAX 682 Practicum

    • CJP accepts one student petition per year to complete PAX 683 Thesis in lieu of PAX 682 Practicum

Master of Arts in Restorative Justice Requirements

Degree: Master of Arts
Semester Hours: 39 (effective Fall 2024; previously 45)

The Master of Arts in Restorative Justice (MARJ) is awarded upon successful completion of 39 SH. This includes a 12 credit required core, 9 credits of required restorative justice courses, cross-disciplinary elective courses, and the practicum. Students work with an academic advisor to establish a course of study that will meet that student’s vocational goals. When pursued full-time, the program can be completed in two years; limited-residency students normally finish in three to five years. Normally all students are required to take 5-6 credits of their MACT residentially, on EMU's campus, with one of those courses being PAX 635.

To graduate, the student must meet all course and practicum requirements, earn a minimum GPA of 3.00, master the program assessment criteria for competency, and obtain formal approval of the faculty for graduation.

Master of Arts Core (12 SH)

  • Foundations 1 sequence

    • PAX 533 Analysis: Understanding Conflict (3 SH) 

    • PAX 532 Formation for Peacebuilding Practice (3 SH)

  • Foundations 2 sequence

    • PAX 635 Global Challenges, Local Struggles and Transnational Solidarities (3 SH)

  • PAX 535 Research Methods for Social Change (3 SH)

Restorative Justice Required Courses (9 SH)

  • PAX 571 Restorative Justice: Principles, Theories & Applications (3 SH)

  • PAX 676 Restorative Justice Practices (3 SH)

  • PAX 677 Restorative Justice and Whole System Approaches (3 SH)

Electives (9-12 SH)

  • Additional skills courses, other PAX courses, or other courses decided with your faculty advisor based on your interests and goals. CJP’s annual Summer Peacebuilding Institute is also an excellent opportunity to pick up interesting elective courses taught by practitioner experts.

Practicum (6-9 SH)

  • PAX 682 Practicum (CJP accepts one student petition per year to complete PAX 683 Thesis in lieu of PAX 682 Practicum.)

Master of Arts in Transformational Leadership Requirements

Degree: Master of Arts
Semester Hours: 36

Core courses (21 SH)
These courses are available in an online or hybrid format.

  • Foundations 1 sequence

    • PAX 533 Analysis for Conflict Transformation (3 SH)

    • PAX 532 Formation for Peacebuilding Practice (3 SH)

  • PAX 535 Research Methods for Social Change (3 SH)

  • OLS 510 Leadership for the Common Good (3 SH)

  • MBA 560 Stewardship, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship (3 SH)

  • PAX 568 Transformational Leadership for Creating Change OR MOL 620 Transformative Leadership in Dynamic Contexts (3 SH)

  • Praxis courses

    • PAX 507 Praxis: Personal & Community Formation (1 SH)

    • PAX 508 Praxis: Project (1 SH)

    • PAX 509 Praxis: Integrative Capstone (1 SH)

Skills Electives (at least 6 SH)
A variety of courses focusing on leadership skills are available. Topics include:

  • Group facilitation and designing facilitated processes

  • Mediation and negotiation

  • Program evaluation

  • Circle processes

  • Finance and accounting

  • Project management and grant writing

  • Ministering in times of trauma

  • Pastoral care

Focus-Area Electives (9 SH)
These will be selected from CJP course offerings through consultation with program mentors to help the students meet their professional development goals.  Courses may include, but are not limited to:

  • CM 631 Churches and Social Transformation (3 SH)

  • CM 654 Race and Religion in America (3 SH)

  • CM 724 Racial Healing and the Blue-Eyed Soul (3 SH)

  • OLS 530 Organizational Behavior (3 SH)

  • PAX 540 Strategies for Trauma Awareness & Resilience (STAR) 1

  • PAX 640 Strategies for Trauma Awareness & Resilience (STAR) 2

  • PAX 571 Restorative Justice: Principles, Theories & Applications (3 SH)

  • PAX 677 Restorative Justice & Whole Systems Approaches (3 SH) 

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