MDiv and MA Conflict Transformation or MA Restorative Justice Dual Degree
About MDiv and MA Conflict Transformation or MA Restorative Justice Dual Degree
This degree combines study in Eastern Mennonite University’s world-renowned Center for Justice and Peacebuilding with theological and practical preparation for ministry. Those interested in working in conflict transformation and peacebuilding or restorative justice with a ministry focus would be well-suited for this degree.
Degree Requirements
69 credit hours of coursework for the Master of Divinity degree - 50 SH of the MDiv core curriculum and 19 SH of electives AND
30 credit hours of coursework for the Master of Arts in Conflict Transformation degree - 12 SH from core requirements and 6 SH of CT specialization (PAX 665 Designing Processes for CT OR PAX 687 Promise of Peacebuilding, and a skills assessment course), 3-6 elective credits, and a 6-9 credit practicum (chosen in consultation with an academic advisor)
30 credit hours of coursework for the Master of Arts in Restorative Justice degree - 12 SH from core requirements, 9 SH RJ required courses, and the 6-9 credit practicum, with the potential of 3 elective credits (chosen in consultation with an academic advisor)
Seminary Core Curriculum (42 credits)
FS 503 Formation in Spiritual Practices (3 SH)
FS 504 Formation in Narrative Identity (3 SH)
BIBL 511 Old Testament: Text in Context (3 SH)
BIBL 512 New Testament: Text in Context (3 SH)
CTH 501/512 Christian Traditions I and II (6 SH)
FS 698/699 Formation in Vocation and Leadership I & II (3 SH)
CTT 634 Living Theology (3 SH)
CM 643 Missio Dei in Cultural Context (3 SH)
CTE 702 Christian Ethics (3 SH)
12 hours of Biblical studies (12 SH)
For the MDiv, several integrative courses as designated electives (8-9 SH).
CM 631 Churches and Social Transformation (3 SH)
CTE 640 Topics in Ethics (3 SH)
Anabaptist Studies course or CM 671 United Methodist History (2-3 SH)
Additional MDiv electives (18 SH), including
at least one SMCL course and one CM course.
Master of Arts in Conflict Transformation Curriculum (30 credits)
Foundations 1 sequence (6 SH)
PAX 533 Analysis: Understanding Conflict (3 SH)
PAX 532 Formation for Peacebuilding Practice (3 SH)
Foundations 2 sequence (3 SH)
PAX 635 Global Challenges, Local Struggles and Transnational Solidarities (3 SH)
PAX 535 Research Methods for Social Change (3 SH)
PAX 665 Designing Processes for Conflict Transformation (3 SH) OR PAX 687 Promise of Peacebuilding
Skills assessment courses - choose at least one:
PAX 601 Mediation & Negotiation (3 SH)
PAX 676 Restorative Justice Practices (3 SH)
PAX 610 Facilitation: Process Design & Skills for Dialogue, Deliberation & Decision-making (3 SH)
Two elective course (6 SH)
PAX 682 Practicum (6-9 SH)
Master of Arts in Restorative Justice (30 credits)
Foundations 1 sequence (6 SH)
PAX 533 Analysis: Understanding Conflict (3 SH)
PAX 532 Formation for Peacebuilding Practice (3 SH)
Foundations 2 sequence (3 SH)
PAX 635 Global Challenges, Local Struggles and Transnational Solidarities (3 SH)
PAX 535 Research Methods for Social Change (3 SH)
PAX 571 Restorative Justice: Principles, Theories & Applications (3 SH)
PAX 676 Restorative Justice Practices (3 SH)
PAX 677 Restorative Justice and Whole System Approaches (3 SH)
One elective course (3 SH)
PAX 682 Practicum (6-9 SH)