MSN and MBA Dual Degree
The Master of Science in Nursing courses are delivered online, including two virtual residency requirements for orientation to the program (1.5 days) and NURS 503 Practice Skills for Conflict Transformation (format TBD).
The Master of Business Administration courses are also delivered online.
Admission Requirements
Students must be accepted to both the MSN and MBA programs.
MSN and MBA requirements: a 3.0 GPA in undergraduate nursing courses plus 2 acceptable references
Interview with both the MSN and MBA program directors
Course Requirements
Semester Hours: 56 SH (a reduction of 17 SH in the dual degree)
Students can take all MSN courses or MBA courses together or MSN and MBA courses integrated with each other.
MSN Requirements (32 SH)
NURS 501 Conceptual Framework for Sacred Covenant (1 SH)
NURS 503 Practice Skills for Conflict Transformation (3 SH)
NURS 510 Historical, Philosophical and Theoretical Foundations of Nursing (3 SH)
NURS 511 Translational Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice (3 SH)
NURS 512 Knowledge Development: Informatics, Epidemiology and Outcomes (3 SH)
NURS 515 Health Care Delivery System (3 SH)
NURS 516 Application of Legal and Ethical Principles to Health Care (3 SH)
NURS 620 Safety, Risk Reduction, and Quality Care (4 SH)
NURS 626 Managing in a Complex Environment (3 SH)
NURS 629 Instructional Methodologies Nurse Leaders (2 SH)
NURS 630 Leadership Project (4 SH) (with the addition of an MBA faculty advising the project to ensure the presence of sustainability content)
NOTE: NURS 511 is a prerequisite to NURS 620 which is a prerequisite to NURS 630. In addition, these courses must be taken sequentially in the student’s last year of MSN program requirements. Finally, all work must be completed or being taken concurrently before one is eligible for enrollment in NURS 630.
MBA Requirements (24 SH)
MBA 522 Leadership and Management for the Common Good (4 weeks w/ weekend residency, 3 SH) OR OLS 510 Leadership and Management for the Common Good (semester long, 3 SH)
MBA 541 Global Sustainability (6 weeks, 3 SH) OR MBA 680 Sustainable Organizations and Global Citizenship (semester long, 3 SH)
MBA 564 Organizational Behavior (7 weeks, 3 SH) OR NURS 628 Systems Approach to Organizational Behavior (semester long, 3 SH)
MBA 585 Managerial Finance and Accounting (6 weeks, 3 SH) OR OLS 540 Managerial Finance and Accounting (semester long, 3 SH)
MBA 615 Narrative Leadership (3 SH) OR MBA 670 Strategic Leadership in a Multicultural World (3 SH)
MBA 623 Financial Management (3 SH)
MBA 647 Strategic Marketing Management (3 SH)
MBA 671 Data Analytics for Decision Making (3 SH) OR MBA 663 Managerial Economics (3 SH)