Engineering Major

Engineering Major

Degree: Bachelor of Science
Semester Hours: 77
Advisor: Esther Tian

EMU offers an engineering major with a minimum of 77 SH in mathematics, computer science, chemistry, physics, and engineering. Students may choose to have an emphasis in either mechanical or computer engineering by selecting specific upper-level courses as listed below.

EMU’s engineering program prepares students  to use their technical expertise, working together, to serve the common good. The program has the following educational objectives

  1. Graduates engage in careers and continuing education related to their field of study, using engineering skills strengthened by interdisciplinary knowledge and the liberal arts.
  2. Graduates perform in their vocation with a global mindset, serve in order to better society, and seek to be leaders for positive change.
  3. Graduates communicate effectively in diverse teams, building community and working constructively towards shared objectives and goals.
  4. Graduates demonstrate ethical values, grounded in commitments to sustainability, peacebuilding, and social justice.

Engineering Core (29 SH)

  • ENGR 110 Introduction to Engineering and Design - 4 
  • ENGR 156 Mathematics for Engineering Lab -
  • *ENGR 245 Experimental Methods - 2 
  • *ENGR 265 Analog Circuits - 4 
  • ENGR 270 Engineering Statics - 3 
  • ENGR 291 Engineering Design II - 2 
  • ENGR 325 Engineering Ethics - 2 
  • ENGR 390 Engineering Design III - 2 
  • ENGR 490 Senior Design - 2 
  • ENGR 491 Capstone Project - 2 

Choose two of the following courses:

  • CS 145 Introduction to Programming -
  • CS 155 Programming in Python - 2 
  • CS 245 Programming in Java - 2 
  • CS 255 Intermediate Programming - 2 

Math/Science Core (31 or 32 SH)

  • CHEM 223 General Chemistry I  OR CHEM 224 General Chemistry II - 4 
  • MATH 185 Calculus I - 4 
  • MATH 195 Calculus II - 4 
  • *MATH 284 Multivariate Calculus - 2 
  • *MATH 286 Vector Calculus - 2 
  • STAT 220 Inferential Statistics - 2 
  • *MATH 310 Differential Equations - 3 
  • PHYS 252  and PHYS 253 University Physics I, lecture and laboratory  - 4 
  • PHYS 262  and PHYS 263 University Physics II, lecture and laboratory  - 4

Choose one of the following courses (2 or 3 SH):

  • MATH 154 Mathematics for Engineering - 2 
  • *MATH 333 Topics: Math Modeling -
  • *MATH 350 Linear Algebra - 3 

Upper-Level Electives (17 SH)

Include three 300 level or 400 level courses.

Mechanical Engineering Emphasis (17 SH)

  • *ENGR 280 Engineering Dynamics - 3 
  • ENGR 380 Systems - 4 
  • *ENGR 350 Fluid Mechanics - 4  OR *PHYS 405 Thermodynamics - 3 

Choose a minimum of 6 SH from the following courses:

  • *ENGR 333 Topics in Engineering (with advisor approval) - 2-4 
  • *CE 365 Digital Circuits - 3 
  • *ENGR 370 Strength of Materials - 4 
  • *ENGR 350 Fluid Mechanics - 4  OR *PHYS 405 Thermodynamics - 3 
  • *ENGR 480 Control Systems - 3 
  • ENGR 499 Independent Study/Research (to be arranged with faculty) - 1-3 

Computer Engineering Emphasis (17 SH)

  • MATH 170 Discrete Math - 4 
  • CE 165 Networks and Data Communication - 2 
  • CE 175 Architecture and Operating Systems -

Choose a minimum of 7 SH from the following courses:

  • *CE 365 Digital Circuits - 3 
  • *CE 375 Software Engineering - 2 
  • CE 330-335 Topics in Computer Engineering (with advisor approval) - 2-4 
  • *CS 345 Data Structures - 2 
  • *CS 355 Adv. Data Structures - 2 
  • CS 330-335 Topics in Computing (with advisor approval) - 2-4 
  • *ENGR 333 Topics in Engineering (with advisor approval) - 2-4 
  • ENGR 380 Systems - 4 
  • *ENGR 480 Control Systems - 3 
  • ENGR 499 Independent Study/Research (to be arranged with faculty) - 1-3 

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