Biology, major

Biology, major

Contacts: Jim Yoder, Douglas Graber Neufeld, and Laurie Yoder
Degree: Bachelor of Science
Semester Hours: 50-55

The EMU biology program is dedicated to the investigation of life with our students, from molecules to ecosystems, and emphasizes the skills and content knowledge required for careers in health care and biological professions. The biology major includes a set of biology core courses that teach the breadth of biological science, an apprenticeship experience that allows for professional exploration, and three separate tracks plus the option to pursue a teaching endorsement that students can select from.

Students who major in biology will select one of the tracks listed below:

  1. General Biology Track: Students in the General Biology track are trained in all aspects of biology, from molecular analysis to ecological field studies, and including supporting courses in the physical sciences and math. Students completing this track have a lot of freedom to explore different aspects of natural science while completing their requirements, leading to a preparation for careers in various biological fields or to further graduate study in animal physiology, botany, ecology or molecular and cellular biology. Students in this track are also well-prepared for professional health programs including medical, veterinary, dental, or physician’s assistant programs.

  2. Neuroscience Track: Students in the neuroscience track explore how biology and psychology intersect - how genes and anatomy determine emotion, behavior, and disorders. Students completing this track are well prepared for careers or further graduate study in biomedical neuroscience, and also for professional health programs including medical, veterinary, dental, or physician’s assistant programs.

  3. Pre-Physical Therapy Track: Students in the Pre-PT track are interested in how the human body works, how health is restored after injury, and in gaining the specific skills and knowledge required for becoming a physical therapist. These students take the exact courses required to enter any Doctor of Physical Therapy program in the United States.

Biology Courses (27 SH)

  • BIOL 173 Concepts in Biology-Unity and Diversity of Life (4) 

  • BIOL 174 Concepts in Biology Seminar (1)  

  • BIOL 215 Organismal Biology (4)  

  • #BIOL 220 Science Professions Seminar (1)  

  • BIOL 240 Molecular and Cellular Biology (4) 

  • BIOL 255 Biology Research Seminar (1)   

  • BIOL 485 Faith, Science and Ethics (2) OR *ENVS 325 Environmental Ethics (2)  

  • CHEM 223 General Chemistry I (4)  

  • CHEM 224 General Chemistry II (4)  

  • STAT 220 Inferential Statistics (2) 

#Those seeking secondary education licensure may substitute ED 411 Reflective Teaching Seminar and Portfolio for BIOL 220.

Apprenticeship Experience (1 SH)
Choose one course from this list:

  • BIOL 219 Life Science Practicum (1) 

  • BIOL 429 Biology Internship (1) 

  • BIOL 479 Biology Research (1) 

  • BIOCH/CHEM 479 Biochemistry/Chemistry Research (1) 

  • ED 361 Content Methods PFE (Secondary education licensure students only) (1) 

  • PSYC 499 Research in a Neuroscience Topic (1)   

  • completing an NSF REU (Research Experiences for Undergraduates) or other program-approved summer research programs (no credit hours received)

  • 45 hours of an approved professional internship or shadowing experience

Additional courses for the General Biology Track (22-23 SH; 50-51 SH total):

  • BIOL 235 Ecology-Adaptation and Environment (4) 

  • Choose one lab course from this list:

    • BIOCH 318 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Lab (2) 

    • BIOL 317 Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (4) 

    • *BIOL 327 Advanced Microbiology (3) 

    • BIOL 437 Advanced Human Anatomy (4) 

    • BIOL 447 Advanced Human Physiology (4) 

  • Choose one field course from this list:  

    • *BIOL 358 Natural History of the Shenandoah Valley (4) 

    • *BIOL 368 Blue Ridge Botany (2) 

    • *BIOL 388 Entomology (3) 

    • *ENVS 379 Techniques in Environmental Monitoring (1) 

    • *ENVS 385 Conservation Biology (4) 

    • *ENVS 465 Topics in Advanced Ecology (2) 

  • Select additional 300+ level coursework in BIOL or BIOCH to reach a total of 15 SH of biology or biochemistry coursework in addition to courses in the Biology Courses and Apprenticeship Experiences sections above.

  • Choose two supporting science and math courses from this list:

    • *CHEM 285 Environmental Chemistry (4) 

    • CHEM 315 Organic Chemistry I (4) 

    • CHEM 316 Organic Chemistry II (4) 

    • *MATH 150 Elements of Calculus (3) OR MATH 185 Calculus I (4) 

    • MATH 195 Calculus II (4) 

    • (PHYS 151 College Physics I OR PHYS 252 University Physics I) and PHYS 253 University Physics I laboratory (4 total) 

    • (PHYS 162 College Physics II OR PHYS 262 University Physics II) and PHYS 263 University Physics II laboratory (4 total)

Additional course in the Neuroscience Track (25-27 SH; 53-55 SH total)

  • *BIOL 451 Neuropsychology (3) 

  • *BIOL 478 Advanced Neurobiology (3) 

  • PSYC 101 General Psychology (3) 

  • PSYC 342 Cognitive Psychology (3) 

  • Choose two biomedical courses from this list:

    • *BIOCH 398 Advanced Cellular Biology (3) 

    • *BIOCH 438 Molecular Genetics (3) 

    • BIOL 317 Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (4) 

    • BIOL 437 Advanced Human Anatomy (4) 

    • BIOL 447 Advanced Human Physiology (4) 

  • Choose two supporting science and math courses from this list:

    • BIOL 235 Ecology-Adaptation and Environment (4) 

    • *CHEM 285 Environmental Chemistry (4) 

    • CHEM 315 Organic Chemistry I (4) 

    • CHEM 316 Organic Chemistry II (4) 

    • *MATH 150 Elements of Calculus (3) OR MATH 185 Calculus I (4) 

    • MATH 195 Calculus II (4) 

    • (PHYS 151 College Physics I OR PHYS 252 University Physics I) and PHYS 253 University Physics I laboratory (4 total) 

    • (PHYS 162 College Physics II OR PHYS 262 University Physics II) and PHYS 263 University Physics II laboratory (4 total)

Students in the neuroscience concentration are encouraged to take PSYC 499 Research in a Neuroscience Topic to fulfill the apprenticeship requirement. 

Additional courses in the Pre-Physical Therapy Track (22-23 SH; 50-51 SH total):

  • BIOL 437 Advanced Human Anatomy (4) 

  • BIOL 447 Advanced Human Physiology (4) 

  • *MATH 150 Elements of Calculus (3) OR MATH 185 Calculus I (4) 

  • (PHYS 151 College Physics I OR PHYS 252 University Physics I) and PHYS 253 University Physics I laboratory (4 total) 

  • (PHYS 162 College Physics II OR PHYS 262 University Physics II) and PHYS 263 University Physics II laboratory (4 total)

  • PSYC 101 General Psychology (3) 

* indicates the course is offered in alternate years
Students in the Pre-PT concentration are encouraged to take BIOL 219 to fulfil the apprenticeship requirement.

Enrollment in upper-level biology, biochemistry, chemistry and environmental science courses (BIOL, BIOCH, CHEM, ENVS 300s and 400s) requires a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 in all science and math courses (BIOL, BIOCH, CHEM, ENVS, MATH, PHYS). Students who fail to earn a C- in any coursework required for their major should promptly schedule a meeting with their advisor.

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