Course Descriptions
Course Descriptions
- ABP 101 Covenant and Community-An Introduction to the Bible (3 SH)
- ABP 201 Ethics in the Way of Jesus (3 SH)
- ACTG 221 Financial Accounting (3 SH)
- ACTG 222 Managerial Accounting (3 SH)
- ACTG 321 Intermediate Accounting I (3 SH)
- ACTG 322 Intermediate Accounting II (3 SH)
- ACTG 341 Cost Accounting (3 SH)
- ACTG 421 Federal Income Tax (3 SH)
- ACTG 422 Intermediate Accounting III (3 SH)
- ACTG 432 Advanced Accounting (2 SH)
- ACTG 433 Nonprofit and Government Reporting (2 SH)
- ACTG 445 Seminar in Accounting (2 SH)
- ACTG 451 Auditing (3 SH)
- ACTG 481 Accounting Internship (1-3 SH)
- ACTG 499 Independent Study (1-3 SH)
- ART 141 Drawing (3 SH)
- AVFO 120 Private Pilot Ground (3 SH)
- AVFO 121 Private Pilot Flight (3 SH)
- AVFO 220 Instrument Rating Ground School (3 SH)
- AVFO 221 Instrument Flight Training (3 SH)
- AVFO 320 Commercial Pilot Ground (3 SH)
- AVFO 321 Commercial Flight I (3 SH)
- AVFO 322 Commercial Flight II (3 SH)
- AVFO 323 Commercial Flight III (3 SH)
- AVFO 340 Multiengine/Professional Operations (3 SH)
- AVFO 420 Flight Instructor Ground (3 SH)
- AVFO 421 Flight Instructor Flight (3 SH)
- AVIA 110 Becoming Aviators-Introduction to Aeronautics (3 SH)
- AVIA 120 Aircraft Systems (3 SH)
- AVIA 130 Meteorology (3 SH)
- AVIA 220 Aerodynamics and Performance (3 SH)
- AVIA 320 Aviation Safety (3 SH)
- AVIA 330 Aviation Law and Regulatory Compliance (3 SH)
- AVIA 340 Professional Operations (3 SH)
- AVIA 400 Commercial Aviation Advanced Subjects (3 SH)
- AVIA 401 Air Transport Advanced Subjects (3 SH)
- AVIA 430 Aviation Internship (6 SH)
- BIOCH 152 Human Biochemistry (2 SH)
- BIOCH 318 Biochemistry Molecular Biology Lab (2 SH)
- BIOCH 376 Foundational Biochemistry (3 SH)
- BIOCH 398 Advanced Cell Biology (3 SH)
- BIOCH 438 Molecular Genetics (3 SH)
- BIOCH 479 Biochemistry/Chemistry Research (1-3 SH)
- BIOCH 499 Independent Study (3 SH)
- BIOL 105 Science and Society (2 SH)
- BIOL 112 Human Anatomy and Physiology I (3 SH)
- BIOL 122 Human Anatomy and Physiology II (3 SH)
- BIOL 145 Nutrition Fundamentals (2 SH)
- BIOL 155 Biological Explorations (3 SH)
- BIOL 161 Food and Population (3 SH)
- BIOL 173 Concepts in Biology-Unity and Diversity of Life (4 SH)
- BIOL 174 Concepts in Biology Seminar (1 SH)
- BIOL 205 Introduction to Microbiology (3 SH)
- BIOL 209 Medical Terminology (3 SH)
- BIOL 215 Organismal Biology (4 SH)
- BIOL 219 Life Science Practicum (1 SH)
- BIOL 220 Science Professions Seminar (1 SH)
- BIOL 235 Ecology-Adaptation and Environment (4 SH)
- BIOL 240 Molecular and Cellular Biology (4 SH)
- BIOL 255 Biology Research Seminar (1 SH)
- BIOL 317 Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (4 SH)
- BIOL 327 Advanced Microbiology (3 SH)
- BIOL 337 Immunology (3 SH)
- BIOL 358 Natural History of the Shenandoah Valley (4 SH)
- BIOL 364 Entomology: Vector Biology and Control (3 SH)
- BIOL 368 Blue Ridge Botany (2 SH)
- BIOL 369 Teaching of Biology (1-2 SH)
- BIOL 395 Bioinformatics (2 SH)
- BIOL 429 Biology Internship (1-3 SH)
- BIOL 437 Advanced Human Anatomy (4 SH)
- BIOL 447 Advanced Human Physiology (4 SH)
- BIOL 451 Neuropsychology (3 SH)
- BIOL 478 Advanced Neurobiology (3 SH)
- BIOL 479 Biology Research (1-3 SH)
- BIOL 485 Faith, Science and Ethics (2 SH)
- BIOL 499 Independent Study (3 SH)
- BIST 212 And the Word Became Book-History of the Bible (3 SH)
- BIST 223 Four Portraits of Jesus-Reading the Gospels (3 SH)
- BIST 323 Life and Letters of Apostle Paul (3 SH)
- BIST 341 Old Testament Studies (3 SH)
- BIST 390 Biblical Perspectives (3 SH)
- BIST 412 Elementary Hebrew (3 SH)
- BIST 423 Elementary Greek (3 SH)
- BIST 499 Independent Study (1-3 SH)
- BISTL 380 Biblical Perspectives (3 SH)
- BISTL 390 Biblical Perspectives (3 SH)
- BUAD 101 Business at EMU (3 SH)
- BUAD 221 Principles of Management (3 SH)
- BUAD 301 Quantitative Decision Making (3 SH)
- BUAD 321 Human Resource Management (3 SH)
- BUAD 331 Organizational Behavior (3 SH)
- BUAD 411 Business Law (3 SH)
- BUAD 431 Seminar in Human Resource Management (3 SH)
- BUAD 441 International Business (3 SH)
- BUAD 461 Strategic Leadership in Organizations (3 SH)
- BUAD 465 Project Management and Grantwriting (3 SH)
- BUAD 470-475 Topics in Business (3 SH)
- BUAD 471 Topics in Business-Nonprofit Management (3 SH)
- BUAD 481 Business Internship (1-3 SH)
- BUAD 499 Independent Study (1-3 SH)
- CCSCL 440 Cross-Cultural Perspectives (3 SH)
- CCSCL 450 Cross-Cultural Perspectives (3 SH)
- CCSPA 312 Advanced Conversational Spanish I (3 SH)
- CCSPA 322 Advanced Conversational Spanish II (3 SH)
- CCSSC 201 Cross-Cultural Social Science (1-3 SH)
- CCSSC 202 Cross-Cultural Learning Integration (0-1 SH)
- CCSSC 211 Cross-Cultural Community Immersion (3 SH)
- CCSSC 387 Race, Space, and Inequality (3 SH)
- CCSSC 388 Creativity, Culture and Change: Latinidad in the Capital Region (3 SH)
- CCSSC 440 Cross-Cultural Perspectives (3 SH)
- CCUSL 310 Global Trends in Health Care (3 SH)
- CE 165 Networking and Data Communication (2 SH)
- CE 175 Architecture and Operating Systems (4 SH)
- CE 330-335 Topics in Computer Engineering (2-4 SH)
- CE 365 Digital Circuits (3 SH)
- CE 375 Software Engineering (2 SH)
- CHEM 105 Chemistry for the Life Sciences (2 SH)
- CHEM 155 Matter and Energy (3 SH)
- CHEM 223 General Chemistry I (4 SH)
- CHEM 224 General Chemistry II (4 SH)
- CHEM 285 Environmental Chemistry (4 SH)
- CHEM 305 Alternative Energy (2 SH)
- CHEM 315 Organic Chemistry I (4 SH)
- CHEM 316 Organic Chemistry II (4 SH)
- CHEM 325 Analytical Chemistry I (2 SH)
- CHEM 345 Analytical Chemistry II (2 SH)
- CHEM 405 Thermodynamics (3 SH)
- CHEM 406 Quantum Mechanics (3 SH)
- CHEM 479 Chemistry/Biochemistry Research (1-3 SH)
- CHEM 499 Independent Study (1-3 SH)
- CHMUS 211 Music for the Congregation (3 SH)
- CHMUS 490 Church Music Internship (1-2 SH)
- CHST 101 Small Group Ministry Practicum I (1 SH)
- CHST 212 Introduction to Youth Ministry (3 SH)
- CHST 223 Spiritual Formation, Sacred Pauses (3 SH)
- CHST 234 Mission in a Changing World (3 SH)
- CHST 260 Teaching, Ministry, and Healthy Sexuality (3 SH)
- CHST 312 Missiology (3 SH)
- CHST 334 Almost Christian-Youth Ministry In Congregations (3 SH)
- CHST 365 Mennonite History and Thought (3 SH)
- CHST 372 Church Leadership for Transformation (3 SH)
- CHST 435 Martyrs, Merchants, and Mendicants-1500 Years of the Christian Movement (3 SH)
- CHST 451 Church Work Practicum (3 SH)
- CHST 462 Mission Practicum (3 SH)
- CHST 473 Youth Ministry Practicum (3 SH)
- CHST 499 Independent Study (1-3 SH)
- CIS 211 Spreadsheet and Data Management (1 SH)
- CIS 251 Management Information Systems (3 SH)
- CIS 321 Advanced Spreadsheets (1 SH)
- CMUS 114 Appreciating Music Making (3 SH)
- CMUS 116 Appreciating Music Making (2 SH)
- CMUS 120 Music Fundamentals (3 SH)
- CMUS 181 Music Theory I (3 SH)
- CMUS 200 Landscape of Music (0 SH)
- CMUS 201 Topics in Music-World Music (2 SH)
- CMUS 202 Topics in Music-Folk-Rock to Hip-Hop (2 SH)
- CMUS 203 Topics in Music-Listening to Film (2 SH)
- CMUS 204 Topics in Music-Introduction to Music Technology (2 SH)
- CMUS 205 Topics in Music-Musical Theater (2 SH)
- CMUS 250 Music History I (3 SH)
- CMUS 260 Music History II (3 SH)
- CMUS 281 Music Theory II (3 SH)
- CMUS 411 Conducting I (4 SH)
- CMUS 412 The Compleat Musician (4 SH)
- CMUS 440 Seminar (1-3 SH)
- CMUS 490 Internship (1-2 SH)
- CMUS 499 Independent Study (1-3 SH)
- CORE 101 Transitions (1 SH)
- CORE 201 Life Wellness (2 SH)
- CORE 302 University Research (1 SH)
- CORE 401 Senior Seminar (2 SH)
- CS 105 Intro to Computer Science (2 SH)
- CS 145 Introduction to Programming (2 SH)
- CS 155 Programming in Python (2 SH)
- CS 245 Programming in Java (2 SH)
- CS 255 Intermediate Programming (2 SH)
- CS 265 Databases and Information Management (2 SH)
- CS 275 Web Applications (2 SH)
- CS 315 Network Security (2 SH)
- CS 330-335 Topics in Computing (2-4 SH)
- CS 345 Data Structures (2 SH)
- CS 355 Advanced Data Structures (2 SH)
- CS 365 System Administration (2 SH)
- CS 445 Analysis of Algorithms (2 SH)
- CS 455 Programming Languages (2 SH)
- CS 460 Big Data Analysis (4 SH)
- CS 475 Capstone Project (2 SH)
- CS 488 Computer Science Internship (1-3 SH)
- CS 499 Independent Study/Research (1-3 SH)
- ECON 201 Survey of Economics (3 SH)
- ECON 211 Principles of Microeconomics (3 SH)
- ECON 212 Principles of Macroeconomics (3 SH)
- ECON 300 Environmental and Ecological Economics (3 SH)
- ECON 311 Contemporary Economic Issues (3 SH)
- ECON 331 History of Economic Thought (3 SH)
- ECON 341 Intermediate Microeconomics (3 SH)
- ECON 342 Intermediate Macroeconomics (3 SH)
- ECON 401 Development Economics (3 SH)
- ECON 411 International Economics (3 SH)
- ECON 481 Economics Internship (1-3 SH)
- ECON 499 Independent Study (1-3 SH)
- ED 101 Exploring Teaching (2 SH)
- ED 221 Professional Field Experience (Early Childhood) (2 SH)
- ED 235 Curriculum and Organization in Early Education (4 SH)
- ED 245 Learning and Classroom Environments (3 SH)
- ED 252 Learning and Classroom Environments Professional Field Experience (6-12) (1 SH)
- ED 275 Instructional Technology and Assessment (3 SH)
- ED 301 Needs of Diverse Learners (3 SH)
- ED 331 Math in Elementary School (2 SH)
- ED 332 Science in the Elementary School (2 SH)
- ED 333 Social Studies in the Elementary School (2 SH)
- ED 341 Language Arts (2 SH)
- ED 342 Reading/ Diagnostic Reading (3 SH)
- ED 343 Content Area Reading and Writing (2 SH)
- ED 351 General Curriculum and Methods for Middle and Secondary Teaching (1 SH)
- ED 361 Secondary Methods Professional Field Experience (1 SH)
- ED 385 Content Area Methods for Middle and Secondary Teaching (2 SH)
- ED 395 Reading and Writing in the Content Area (3 SH)
- ED 401 Examining Foundations of Education (2 SH)
- ED 411 Reflective Teaching Seminar and Portfolio (1 SH)
- ED 421 Student Teaching I-PreK-3 (7 SH)
- ED 422 Student Teaching II-PreK-3 (7 SH)
- ED 423 Student Teaching II-4-6 (7 SH)
- ED 451 Middle School Student Teaching (7 SH)
- ED 452 High School Student Teaching (7 SH)
- ED 461 Elementary School Student Teaching (PreK-6) (7 SH)
- ED 462 Middle/High School Student Teaching (6-12) (7 SH)
- ED 499 Independent Study (1-3 SH)
- EDS 371 Assessment, Evaluation and Planning in Special Education (3 SH)
- EDS 375 IEP Development and Implementation (3 SH)
- EDS 381 Special Education Professional Field Experience (2 SH)
- EDS 401 Supporting Positive Classroom Behavior (2 SH)
- EDS 499 Independent Study (1-3 SH)
- ENGL 201 Global Literatures I-Beginnings (2 SH)
- ENGL 202 Global Literatures II-1300-1650 (2 SH)
- ENGL 203 Global Literatures III-1650-1800 (2 SH)
- ENGL 204 Global Literatures IV-1800-Present (2 SH)
- ENGL 210 Reading Fiction (2 SH)
- ENGL 250 Reading Poetry (2 SH)
- ENGL 290-295 Topics in Literature (2-3 SH)
- ENGL 290 Topics in English-Recovery and Resilience (2 SH)
- ENGL 312 Ecology and Science Fiction (3 SH)
- ENGL 315 Global Conflicts, Global Novels (3 SH)
- ENGL 344 Ways of War and Peace (3 SH)
- ENGL 346 Rooms of Their Own (3 SH)
- ENGL 348 American Manhood (3 SH)
- ENGL 350 Children's Literature (3 SH)
- ENGL 355 Young Adult Literature (3 SH)
- ENGL 390-395 Topics in Literature (2-3 SH)
- ENGL 390 Topics in Literature-Asian American Poetry (3 SH)
- ENGL 391 Topics in Literature-Bibliotherapy (2 SH)
- ENGL 392 Topics in Literature-The Traumatized U.S. South (3 SH)
- ENGL 393 Topics in Literature-Ursula K. Le Guin (2 SH)
- ENGL 470 English Internship (1-3 SH)
- ENGL 499 Independent Study (1-3 SH)
- ENGR 110 Introduction to Engineering and Design (4 SH)
- ENGR 156 Math for Engineering Lab (2 SH)
- ENGR 245 Experimental Methods (2 SH)
- ENGR 265 Analog Circuits (4 SH)
- ENGR 270 Engineering Statics (3 SH)
- ENGR 280 Engineering Dynamics (3 SH)
- ENGR 291 Engineering Design II (2 SH)
- ENGR 325 Engineering Ethics (2 SH)
- ENGR 330-335 Topics in Engineering (2-4 SH)
- ENGR 340 Engineering Thermodynamics (3 SH)
- ENGR 350 Fluid Mechanics (4 SH)
- ENGR 370 Strength of Materials (4 SH)
- ENGR 380 Systems (4 SH)
- ENGR 390 Engineering Design III (2 SH)
- ENGR 480 Control Systems (3 SH)
- ENGR 490 Senior Design (2 SH)
- ENGR 491 Capstone Project (2 SH)
- ENGR 499 Independent Study/Research (1-3 SH)
- ENVS 135 Earth Science (2 SH)
- ENVS 145 Environmental Science (2 SH)
- ENVS 181 Environmental Science (3 SH)
- ENVS 205 Environmental Application of GIS (3 SH)
- ENVS 235 Sustainable Food Systems (2 SH)
- ENVS 325 Environmental Ethics (2 SH)
- ENVS 335 Soil Science (2 SH)
- ENVS 365 Environmental Risk and Policy (2 SH)
- ENVS 372 Toxicology for Public Health (2 SH)
- ENVS 379 Techniques in Environmental Monitoring (1 SH)
- ENVS 385 Conservation Biology (4 SH)
- ENVS 429 Environmental Sustainability Internship (3 SH)
- ENVS 430 Enviromental Sustainability Capstone (2 SH)
- ENVS 465 Topics in Advanced Ecology (2 SH)
- ENVS 499 Independent Study (1-3 SH)
- FIN 289 Personal Finance and Investing (1 SH)
- FIN 440 Financial Management (3 SH)
- FIN 481 Finance Internship (1-3 SH)
- GEOG 231 Cultural Geography (3 SH)
- GS 101 Introduction to Global Studies (2 SH)
- HCML 101 International Class/Disease Coding I (3 SH)
- HCML 111 International Class/Disease Coding II (3 SH)
- HCML 120 Processes in Healthcare Information (3 SH)
- HCML 121 Procedural Terminology Coding (3 SH)
- HCML 130 Overview of the Human Body (4 SH)
- HCML 131 Health Insurance and Reimbursement (3 SH)
- HCML 140 Systems and Education in Healthcare-Healthcare Management I (3 SH)
- HCML 141 Experiential Learning I (1 SH)
- HCML 220 Healthcare Policy (3 SH)
- HCML 240 Disparities in Healthcare (3 SH)
- HCML 241 Experiential Learning II (1 SH)
- HCML 260 Healthcare Practicum I (3 SH)
- HCML 320 Ethics and Legal Issues in Healthcare (3 SH)
- HCML 340 Community Healthcare Management (3 SH)
- HCML 341 Experiential Learning III (1 SH)
- HCML 360 Healthcare Practicum II (3 SH)
- HE 201 First Aid (1 SH)
- HE 202 Health and Safety (2 SH)
- HE 260 Teaching, Ministry, and Healthy Sexuality (3 SH)
- HE 301 Athletic Training (2 SH)
- HIST 101 U.S. History I-Race and Reason (to 1860) (2 SH)
- HIST 102 U.S. History II-Mechanization and Modernization (1860-1918) (2 SH)
- HIST 103 U.S. History III-Power and Paradox (1918-present) (2 SH)
- HIST 121 Global Past I-Civilization (to 1400) (2 SH)
- HIST 122 Global Past II-Modernization (post-1400) (2 SH)
- HIST 123-126 Global Past III-Comparative Themes (2 SH)
- HIST 132 U.S. History II-1865 to Present (3 SH)
- HIST 182 Global Past II-1500 to the Present (3 SH)
- HIST 222 African American History (3 SH)
- HIST 231 Medieval Europe (3 SH)
- HIST 251 History of Africa (3 SH)
- HIST 312 19th Century America, A Novel History (3 SH)
- HIST 321 Modernizing America, 1870-1940 (3 SH)
- HIST 340-345 Topics in History and Gender (3 SH)
- HIST 352 History of Women-Global Perspectives (3 SH)
- HIST 362 Renaissance and Reformation Europe (3 SH)
- HIST 365 Mennonite History and Thought (3 SH)
- HIST 391 Birth of Modernity in Europe (3 SH)
- HIST 411 The History of Recent America (4 SH)
- HIST 432 History of the Middle East (3 SH)
- HIST 435 Martyrs, Merchants and Mendicants-1500 Years of the Christian Movement (3 SH)
- HIST 441 History Internship (1-3 SH)
- HIST 461 Modern Europe (3 SH)
- HIST 499 Independent Study (1-3 SH)
- HONRS 111 Ruling Ideas Seminar (3 SH)
- HONRS 401 Worldview Seminar (2 SH)
- HONRS 431 Honors Teaching and Leadership (0-2 SH)
- HONRS 451 Honors Capstone (1 SH)
- HONRS 455 Honors Capstone (3 SH)
- HONRS 499 Independent Study (1-3 SH)
- HUM 200 Foundations of Humanities (2 SH)
- HUM 213 Bach Festival (3 SH)
- HUM 330-335 Topics in Humanities (3 SH)
- HUM 420-425 Tutorial (3-4 SH)
- HUM 490 Humanities Seminar (4 SH)
- LANG 110 Elementary Arabic I (3 SH)
- LANG 140 Elementary Mandarin I (3 SH)
- LANG 170 Elementary German I (3 SH)
- LARTS 101 College Success Strategies I-Beginning the Course (2 SH)
- LARTS 110 College Success Strategies II-Back on Course (2 SH)
- LARTS 181 Global Connections (1 SH)
- LARTS 201 Major and Vocational Exploration (1 SH)
- LARTS 203 Professional and Vocational Exploration (3 SH)
- LARTS 256 Commuter Cycling (1 SH)
- LARTS 281 Student Life and Student Leadership (1 SH)
- LARTS 390 Peer Tutoring Practicum I (1-3 SH)
- LARTS 391 Peer Tutoring Practicum II (1-3 SH)
- LARTS 410 Liberal Arts Internship (1-3 SH)
- LARTS 499 Independent Study (1-3 SH)
- LEAD 281 Leadership Practicum (1 SH)
- LEAD 300 Leadership Theory and Practice (3 SH)
- LEAD 481 Leadership Internship (1-3 SH)
- LEAD 499 Independent Study (1-3 SH)
- LING 250 Introduction to Linguistics (0-3 SH)
- LING 260 Grammars of English (3 SH)
- LING 360 Language Learning, Literacy, and Culture (3 SH)
- LING 470 Internship (1-3 SH)
- LIT 230 Global Literatures III-1800-present (3 SH)
- LOML 320 Leadership Development (3 SH)
- LOML 350 Organizational Behavior (3 SH)
- LOML 360 Groups and Individuals in Organization (3 SH)
- LOML 380 Team Dynamics (3 SH)
- LOML 405 Organizational Research (3 SH)
- LOML 410 Human Resources Management (3 SH)
- LOML 420 Leadership Theory (3 SH)
- LOML 430 Leadership Practice (3 SH)
- LOML 440 Global Trends in Economic Justice (3 SH)
- LOML 460 Application of Research (2 SH)
- MATH 114 College Algebra (2 SH)
- MATH 120 Math for Social Decision Making (2 SH)
- MATH 134 Finite Math-Logic and Problem Solving (2 SH)
- MATH 136 Finite Math-Number Theory and Probability (2 SH)
- MATH 144 Precalculus (2 SH)
- MATH 150 Elements of Calculus (3 SH)
- MATH 154 Math for Engineering (2 SH)
- MATH 170 Discrete Mathematics (4 SH)
- MATH 185 Calculus I (4 SH)
- MATH 195 Calculus II (4 SH)
- MATH 284 Multivariate Calculus (2 SH)
- MATH 286 Vector Calculus (2 SH)
- MATH 310 Differential Equations (3 SH)
- MATH 330-335 Topics in Mathematics (2 SH)
- MATH 333 Topics in Math-Math Modeling (2 SH)
- MATH 350 Linear Algebra (3 SH)
- MATH 364 Geometry (2 SH)
- MATH 450 Introduction to Analysis (3 SH)
- MATH 460 Abstract Algebra (3 SH)
- MATH 470 Mathematical Probability (3 SH)
- MATH 499 Independent Study (1-3 SH)
- MKTG 201 Principles of Marketing (3 SH)
- MKTG 311 Marketing Research (3 SH)
- MKTG 321 Consumer Behavior (3 SH)
- MKTG 330 Sales/E-Commerce (3 SH)
- MKTG 410 Strategic Marketing Management (3 SH)
- MKTG 481 Marketing Internship (1-3 SH)
- MUED 121 Voice Proficiency Class (1 SH)
- MUED 131 Class Piano I (1 SH)
- MUED 132 Class Piano II (1 SH)
- MUED 212 The Child and Adolescent Voice (2 SH)
- MUED 223 Instrumental Methods-Brasses (2 SH)
- MUED 224 Instrumental Methods-Percussion (1 SH)
- MUED 225 Instrumental Methods-Strings (2 SH)
- MUED 226 Instrumental Methods-Woodwinds (2 SH)
- MUED 341 Elementary School Music (2-3 SH)
- MUED 342 Secondary School Music (3 SH)
- MUED 353 Instructional Module (1-2 SH)
- MUED 412 Vocal Pedagogy (2 SH)
- MUED 413 Piano Pedagogy (2 SH)
- MUED 415 String Pedagogy (2 SH)
- MUES 310 The University Choir (0-1 SH)
- MUES 321 Chamber Singers (0-1 SH)
- MUES 331 Chamber Orchestra (0-1 SH)
- MUES 332 Wind Ensemble (0-1 SH)
- MUES 333 Chamber Ensemble (0-1 SH)
- MUES 341 EMU Jazz (0-1 SH)
- MUES 351 EMU Pep Band (0-1 SH)
- MUPS 121 Class Voice (1 SH)
- MUPS 202 Improvisation (1 SH)
- MUPS 203 Songwriting (1 SH)
- MUPS 290 Sophomore Recital (0 SH)
- MUPS 390 Junior Recital (1 SH)
- MUPS 490 Senior Recital-Project (1-3 SH)
- MUPS 491 Senior Project (3 SH)
- MUPS 492 Capstone for Music and Peacebuilding (1 SH)
- MUPS 499 Independent Study (1 SH)
- MUPS ### Private Lessons (1-2 SH)
- NRSL 320 Transitions in Professional Nursing Practice (3 SH)
- NRSL 325 Art and Science of Effective Communication (3 SH)
- NRSL 341 Professional Nurse (4 SH)
- NRSL 345 Health Assessment (3 SH)
- NRSL 350 Health Care Policy (4 SH)
- NRSL 410 Community Health (4 SH)
- NRSL 420 Principles of Nursing Management and Leadership (3 SH)
- NRSL 450 Evidence Based Practice with Capstone (6 SH)
- NRSL 461 Family Health (4 SH)
- NURS 301 Holistic Health Inquiry (3 SH)
- NURS 302 Pathophysiology and Pharmacology for Nursing (4 SH)
- NURS 303 Foundations of Professional Nursing (4 SH)
- NURS 304 Fundamentals Practicum (3 SH)
- NURS 310 Conceptual Framework of Nursing (2 SH)
- NURS 311 Conceptual Framework Bridge Course (3 SH)
- NURS 320 Adult Health Practicum I (3 SH)
- NURS 322 Nursing Care of the Adult I (3 SH)
- NURS 323 Psychosocial Nursing (3 SH)
- NURS 325 Nursing Care of Children (3 SH)
- NURS 326 Nursing and the Beginning Family (3 SH)
- NURS 391 Faith Community Nursing (3 SH)
- NURS 420 Adult Health Practicum II (3 SH)
- NURS 422 Nursing Care of the Adult II (3 SH)
- NURS 426 Nursing and Family in Community (3 SH)
- NURS 427 Professional Issues in Nursing (1 SH)
- NURS 429 Leadership Practicum (3 SH)
- NURS 432 Community Health (3 SH)
- NURS 433 Evidence Based Practice for Nursing (2 SH)
- NURS 436 Population Health Colloquium (2 SH)
- NURS 438 Critical Care Nursing (3 SH)
- NURS 439 Transition to Practice (3 SH)
- NURS 440 Transition to Practice (3 SH)
- NURS 480 Adult Health Practicum III (2 SH)
- PE 101 Introduction to Health, Physical Education and Recreation (3 SH)
- PE 201 Principles of Coaching (2 SH)
- PE 203 Coaching Practicum (1 SH)
- PE 210 Sophomore Practicum-KES (1 SH)
- PE 301 Adapted Physical Education (3 SH)
- PE 302 Motor Learning (2 SH)
- PE 401 Elementary Physical Education (3 SH)
- PE 402 Middle and Secondary Physical Education (3 SH)
- PE 403 Assessment of Physical Activity (1 SH)
- PE 414 Biomechanics of Sport (2 SH)
- PE 415 Exercise Physiology of Sport (3 SH)
- PE 416 Fitness Administration and Assessment (2 SH)
- PEG 110 Aerobic Cross-Training (1 SH)
- PEG 111 Backcountry Travel (1 SH)
- PEG 112 Bowling (1 SH)
- PEG 113 Canoeing (1 SH)
- PEG 114 Cycling (1 SH)
- PEG 115 Fitness, Conditioning, and Weight Training (1 SH)
- PEG 116 Golf (1 SH)
- PEG 117 Jogging/Walking (1 SH)
- PEG 118 Lifeguarding (1 SH)
- PEG 119 Cave Exploration (1 SH)
- PHIL 201 Introduction to Philosophy (3 SH)
- PXD 335 Understanding Violent Conflict (3 SH)
- PXD 345 Peacebuilding Theory and Action (3 SH)
- PXD 435 Global Challenges, Local Struggles and Transnational Solidarities (3 SH)
- PXD 499 Independent Study (1-4 SH)