Spanish, minor

Spanish, minor

Semester Hours: 18

Requirements consist of 18 SH of courses in areas of Hispanic culture and society, conversation, critical thinking and composition, Hispanic studies, or Spanish for the professions.

Students who initially place above the intermediate level may not take intermediate level courses. Students who place into SPAN 210 and 220 Intermediate I and II will use those as the first credits toward the minor. Minors should begin with courses listed under Hispanic culture and society (SPAN 301, 302, 303, 310) or Spanish for the professions (SPAN 330, 335, 340, 360) and then take at least one of the prerequisites in critical thinking and composition (SPAN 320, 325) before enrolling in 400-level courses. At minimum, students must complete a one-semester cross-cultural experience, a six week summer cross-cultural term, or a study abroad or other experience in the host culture as approved by the Spanish faculty.

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