Chemistry, minor

Chemistry, minor

Contact: Laurie Miller Yoder
Semester Hours: 21-24

Students who would like a broad background in chemistry without the complete major may choose the minor in chemistry. 

Chemistry courses for biology and environmental science majors (20-24 SH)

  • CHEM 223 General Chemistry I (4) 

  • CHEM 224 General Chemistry II (4)

  • CHEM 315 Organic Chemistry I (4) 

  • CHEM 316 Organic Chemistry II (4) OR *CHEM 285 Environmental Chemistry (4) 

  • Choose one course from this list:

    • CHEM 316 Organic Chemistry II (4)

    • *CHEM 320 Analytical Chemistry I (3) 

    • *CHEM 340 Analytical Chemistry II (3) 

    • *CHEM 405 Thermodynamics (3) 

    • *CHEM 406 Quantum Mechanics (3) 

  • Choose one course from this list:

    • BIOCH 318 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Lab (2) 

    • BIOCH 376 Foundational Biochemistry (3) 

    • *CHEM 285 Environmental Chemistry (4) 

* indicates the course is offered in alternate years

For all other majors, the minor consists of 20 SH in chemistry or biochemistry at the CHEM 223 level or higher.