Data Analytics, minor
Contact: Daniel Showalter
Semester Hours: 19
Required Courses (14 SH)
CS 155 Programming in Python (2)
CS 265 Database (2)
CS 460 Big Data Analysis (4)
STAT 150 Data Visualization (2)
STAT 220 Inferential Statistics (2)
STAT 230 Regression and ANOVA (2)
Electives (5 SH)
Choose from the following:
*BIOL 395 Bioinformatics (2)
BUAD 301 Quantitative Decision Making (3)
CIS 321 Advanced Spreadsheet (1)
CS 145 Introduction to Programming (2)
*ENGR 245 Experimental Methods (3)
*ENVS 205 Environmental Applications of GIS (3)
FIN 440 Financial Management (3)
*MATH 350 Linear Algebra (3)
MKTG 311 Marketing Research (3)
STAT 120 Descriptive Statistics (2)
VACA 142 Graphic Design I (2)
VACA 242 Graphic Design II (2)
* indicates the course is offered in alternate years
Note: Students completing the minor must earn at least 3 SH from the Electives list that are beyond those required for their major.