Bible, Religion, and Theology associate's degree

Bible, Religion, and Theology associate's degree

Contact: David Evans
Degree: Associate of Arts
Semester Hours: 60 (30 from EMU Core, 30 in biblical and church studies)

This program allows the student to combine requirements from the EMU Core with a 30 SH concentration in biblical and church studies. Students complete elective credits as needed to reach the total of 60 SH required for the AA degree.

Required Courses (30 SH)

  • REL 202 Reading the Bible (3) 

  • *REL 301 Gender in the Bible OR *REL 302 Jesus, God, and Film OR *REL 303 Politics in the Bible OR *REL 304 Money in the Bible (3)

  • REL 410 Hebrew Bible: Text in Context OR REL 411 New Testament: Text in Context (3)

  • PHIL 201 Introduction to Philosophy OR *PHIL 412 Philosophy of Religion OR REL 201 Introduction to Religious Studies OR REL 205 Introduction to Theology (3) 

  • *REL 231 Jewish and Islamic Traditions OR *REL 232 Hinduisms and Buddhisms OR *REL 233 East Asian Traditions: Confucianism, Daoism, Shinto OR *REL 234 Indigenous Traditions (3)

  • *REL 323 Jesus, Justice, and Violence OR REL 341 African American Religions OR *REL 342 Sex, Love, God: Religion and Sexuality OR *REL 343 Witches, Cripples and Other Monsters: Religion and Disability OR *REL 412 Liberation Theologies (3)

  • PHIL, REL electives (12) 

* indicates the course is offered in alternate years

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