BC.05 Student Success and Campus Vitality Committee Charter

BC.05 Student Success and Campus Vitality Committee Charter


The Student Success and Campus Vitality Committee is appointed by the Board to assist in  monitoring student success and campus vitality to advance EMU’s mission and values and foster a thriving, diverse community of learning. The Committee seeks to enhance the intellectual, social-emotional, physical, and spiritual development of all EMU students, faculty, and staff, and actively promotes safe and inclusive campus for learning, growth, and achievement. The Committee serves as the Board’s principal forum for matters and policies related to the University’s student services, campus life, faith formation, faculty and staff engagement, campus safety, and community/civic engagement to support student achievement and campus vitality. The Committee has oversight of student services and campus life programs for undergraduate, graduate and seminary, and non-degree programs including Housing & Residential Life, Health & Wellness, Campus Ministries, and Career Services.

Committee Membership

The Board will appoint at least four trustees to serve on the committee and will select one of these members to serve as committee chair. Each committee member must be independent of management of the institution and free of any relationship that would impair such independence. Members may not receive consulting, advising, or other fees from the institution or any affiliated foundation or entity related to the institution. Committee may at its discretion recommend to the board that they contract with an attorney or other external expert resources.

The dean of students serves as staff and primary liaison to the committee. The administrative assistant to the dean of students serves as recording secretary for the committee.


The Student Success and Campus Vitality Committee will meet as often as it determines. Minutes will be drafted by the recording secretary, and reviewed and approved by the Committee and the Board of Trustees.

Primary Governance Role

The Student Success and Campus Vitality Committee shall:

  • Ensure that the best interests of students are at the center of EMU Board considerations, policies, and decisions.
  • Ensure that the student services and campus life budget reflects the University's mission, values, and strategic priorities.
  • Ensure that student services personnel and policies comply with state and federal requirements, align with EMU's institutional priorities, and are applied systematically and equitably across the University.
  • Ensure University campus safety policies and crisis emergency plans comply with state and federal regulations and reporting requirements.
  • Ensure that the institution assesses and reports the effectiveness of its co-curricular student success, campus life, and community/civic engagement programs on a regular basis.

Committee Responsibilities

The Student Success and Campus Vitality Committee shall:

  1. Regularly review pertinent data and trends to monitor student success, campus life programs, faculty and staff engagement, faith formation, and community/civic engagement.
  2. Promote institutional efforts to create a diverse and inclusive learning community and climate focused on student engagement and success, both inside and outside the classroom.
  3. Serve as diligent and knowledgeable board members regarding student success and campus life programs and policies. Educate board colleagues on changing student characteristics and the services in place to support student achievement and their educational goals.
  4. Review student success and campus/community life policies and, as appropriate, propose new or revised policies to the full board for approval.
  5. Recommend action on proposals for new and innovative student success, campus life, diversity and equity, and community/civic engagement programs.
  6. Review significant findings and recommendations received from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges and other specialized accreditation agencies, ensuring that any recommendations and requirements are addressed appropriately within designated timeframes.
  7. Review student success and campus vitality key performance indicators and annual reports, including student retention and completion, campus climate, faith formation, faculty and staff engagement, campus safety, and diversity and equity.
  8. Bring to the attention of the full board any matters regarding the university's student and campus life programs which require guidance or direction from the board.
  9. Consider and advise on any matter referred to the committee by the board, University president, the provost, or dean of student life.
  10. Perform other governance oversight as assigned by the board.

Communication with the Board

One of the Committee’s principal responsibilities is to keep the Board fully informed on matters related to student success, faith formation, campus climate and safety, diversity and equity, and community/civic engagement.  Committee members have an obligation to become knowledgeable about general higher education student development, faith formation, and diversity and equity to ensure that policy discussions conducted at the Board level are informed and transparent. 

Review of Charter

This charter shall be reviewed periodically by the Student Success and Campus Vitality Committee, and any proposed changes shall be submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval. 

Adopted and approved, November 2019

Board and Institutional Policies for Committee Oversight

The Student Success and Campus Vitality Committee has responsibility to periodically review and recommend any proposed changes to the Board of Trustees for approval.

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