Personnel Web Page

Personnel Web Page

Instructions for updating personnel profiles/directory information

Logging in to your directory information

  1. Find your directory page at emu.edu/faculty-staff and click on your profile.

  2. Find the (Log in to edit) button at the bottom right of the page

  3. Once you get to the personnel system choose the Login button from the top menu

  4. Login with your royal username and password to edit

An important note: The system updates overnight. Nothing you put in will update immediately in the directory. Check the directory at emu.edu/faculty-staff after the overnight update to see your changes.

Editing sections

Section 1

This section cannot be edited by you, as the information is pulled from our database. Here is how you may request changes:

  • For changes to your photo, contact the marketing office at marketing@emu.edu.

    • Off-campus and adjunct instructors may request to use a photo they provide. Photos will be evaluated before uploading. Please send high resolution professional digital photos to Joshua Lyons (joshua.lyons@emu.edu) for evaluation.

  • For staff

    • For changes to your title, contact information or education, contact Human Resources (hr@emu.edu)

  • For faculty

Sections 2 and beyond

Creating a new profile

  • The system updates overnight. Please give your profile 24 hours to appear.

  • Biography, mission statement and upload CV are automatically generated. Simply click the edit button and fill in the edit field. You do not need to fill out any section, but we encourage you to put in as much information as you are willing to provide. The directory is a key resource for prospective students and website users.

  • You may add sections. The following are available to be added:

    • Exhibitions, Performances, and Productions (listed)

    • Publications

    • Scholarly Presentations and Abstracts

    • Other Presentations

    • Exhibitions, Performances, and Productions

    • Student and Faculty Research

    • Church, Community and Professional Service

    • Honors, Awards and Grants

    • Certifications and Licenses

    • Professional Memberships

    • Professional Conferences Attended

    • New Courses Taught

    • Courses Taught

    • EMU Service

    • Coaching Record

  • To add a section, click the drop down menu at the top right of your profile and choose the appropriate section. Click the “add section” button.

  • The publications section requests that you add/edit entries individually. Other sections simply offer a text box to edit.

  • Please list publications using a citation as you would in your CV. Publications will require a year of publication and will be organized with newest first regardless of the type of publication. Month and day should be listed as numbers (06 instead of “June”).

  • You will be able to link to online articles, etc using the link button. If/when a link is no longer valid, you will get a notification to change it. Please change it or delete the link when you get the notification.

  • Lists in other sections should always have the newest information first.

  • Each section will prompt you to save when you are done.

  • You will be able to link to online articles, etc. using the link button. If/when a link is no longer valid, you will get a notification to change it. Please change it or delete the link when you get the notification.

Editing a profile

  • The system updates overnight. Please give your changes 24 hours to update.

  • To edit a section, simply click edit and add information. The publications section requests that you add/edit entries individually. Other sections simply offer a text box option.

  • Double-check information already included. Information was transferred from the previous database and may not have transferred cleanly. Help us clean it up.

  • New feature! When you add publications, you will be required to add the date. Newest publications will show up first. As you are able please update old entries so that the year is added.

  • Another new feature! You will be able to link to online articles, etc using the link button. If/when a link is no longer valid, you will get a notification to change it. Please change it or delete the link when you get the notification.

  • Add a section using the box at the top right of the screen. Choose the section you wish to add and click the “add section” button. Not all sections are currently displayed on the directory. In the next year, we aim to update the directory so all sections you have added will display.


Help! I’m not in the directory

Anyone with a current or future contract date should be in the system. If you are not showing up in the system, contact Human Resources (hr@emu.edu) to learn why. New faculty and staff will not show until on contract.

Note:  If you are an adjunct instructor who teaches occasionally and you are not currently teaching, you will need to check with your administrator to see if they have completed the proper paperwork to indicate a future teaching date.

Help! I don’t get it. How do I update information?

Laura Lehman is available to help you learn the system as you need it. There will also be periodic training sessions. Contact Joshua Lyons (joshua.lyons@emu.edu) to set up an individual training or find out when the next group training will be.

Help! Something I can’t edit is wrong (title, office location, education, photo, phone number, etc.)

  • For staff- For changes to your title, contact information or education, contact Human Resources (hr@emu.edu)

  • For faculty


    • Title or department - should go through their respective dean's office

    • Faculty education - provost's office (provost@emu.edu)

    • Phone, email, office location - HR (hr@emu.edu)

  • For changes to your photo, fill out a photo request form to schedule a retake.  

NOTE: Off-campus and adjunct instructors may request to use a photo they provide. Photos will be evaluated before uploading. Please send high resolution professional digital photos to Joshua Lyons (joshua.lyons@emu.edu) for evaluation.

Help! I just made changes and they aren’t showing up at emu.edu/faculty-staff

The system updates overnight. Please give your changes 24 hours to update. If they still do not update, contact the helpdesk (helpdesk@emu.edu).

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