Using the Faculty Loading Worksheet

Using the Faculty Loading Worksheet

Quick start 

myEMU > Academics Tab > Faculty Load

1. Select a program. (Click to animate.)

This program field filters the list of courses and sorts current faculty alphabetically with TBA (To Be Announced) at the top. All current faculty are available through search.

3.  Add a section. (Click to animate.)

  • Select a Term

  • Select a Course

  • Add Section (A - K for Harrisonburg,  L - S for Lancaster)

  • Adjust Load hours as need (default = course SH)

  • Assign Compensation Type (default = LD Faculty Load)

  • Enter relevant Notes 

  • Verify and/or change course section program (Which Program is paying wages?)

  • Click the Add Section button to save

2. Select a faculty member. (Click to animate.)

Annual Load Target is determined in collaboration with deans, associate provost, and program directors. Target Loads are entered in J1 by deans and associate provost offices.

4. (Optional) Remove a section. (Click to animate.)

  • Click the Remove Section button to the right of the section you wish to delete a section. 

NOTE:  Do not REMOVE or EDIT a section added by someone else without appropriate communication and/or approval. 

Faculty pane (left)

  • All current faculty are available through search.  

  • Adjunct Faculty are shown in the list with no loading target.

  • Total load is shown for each faculty member. The bar changes color--blue (under target), green (on target) , red (over target)--as they approach and pass the expected target load for that faculty member. 

  • Faculty loading may be 'locked for edit' for a given faculty if someone else is entering load/section for the given faculty. The "lock for edit" limit will clear after 4 hours of inactivity. 

  • If you think a faculty member is missing from the list please contact your deans', provost's  or associate provost's office.

Section pane (center)

  • Default course load value is set to student credit hours for the course. You can adjust this if the load is different.

  • As soon as you Add Section  it is reflected in the faculty and course columns. 

  • Each course is assigned a default program but can be changed by selecting an alternate from the list provided.

Course pane (right)

  • All active courses listed in the J1 Course Catalog are available. 

  • Only courses within the program code will be shown.

  • Each course listing shows the total number of sections loaded. Expand any listing to see load details.

  • If you think a course is missing from the list please contact your dean's office.


Where do I access Faculty or Department prior year Loading History?  

  1. myEMU >Academics Tab > Faculty Load > Load Reports 

    1. Load by Individual

    2. Load by Program

    3. Load by Individual on Home Department

Faculty member or course I need is not in the lists ?  

  1. Contact the deans or associate provost offices

How do I know what section letter to use? 

  1. All VA courses begin with section letters A - K  

  2. All PA (Lancaster site)  courses begin with section letters L - S

  3. Field is required and YR / TERM / COURSE /Section / combination must be unique. 

What if my faculty teaches in another department? What do I need to do? 

  1. Initiate a conversation with other department chairs/program directors to coordinate loading strategies, document plans. 

  2. Home department is responsible for loading home faculty with both home department and other department courses.  

  3. Update the deans or associate provost offices.

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