Master of Arts in Theological Studies

Master of Arts in Theological Studies

Degree: Master of Arts
Semester Hours: 36

The 36-credit Master of Arts in Theological Studies (MATS) is an academically-focused degree with an extended research paper in a specialized field of study: theology and culture, biblical studies, or peacebuilding. This flexible, focused short theological master’s degree prepares students for various kinds of non-professional or para-pastoral ministry in particular settings who want to explore the intersection of theology and another field of study, students who wish to purse further graduate study below the PhD level, and students who want to study theology for personal enrichment. This does not adequately prepare graduates for pastoral ministry.

Master of Arts in Theological Studies Core Curriculum Design

Core Courses (15)

FS 503 Formation in Spiritual Practices (3)
CTH 501 Christian Traditions I or CTH 512 Christian Traditions II (3)
BIBL 511 Hebrew Bible: Text in Context or BIBL 512 New Testament: Text in Context (3)
CTT 634 Living Theology  (3)
FS 698 Formation in Vocation and Leadership I (2) and FS 699 Formation in Vocation and Leadership II (1)

21 credits of electives in concentration area:

Theology and Culture concentration:

Any CM (Contexts of Ministry) and CTT (Theology) courses

Biblical Studies concentration (must include at least 6 credits in biblical languages and one biblical exegesis course):

Any BIBL courses

BIBL 511 Hebrew Bible: Text in Context (3) or BIBL 512 New Testament: Text in Context (3) (whichever course was not taken to meet core requirement)

Peacebuilding concentration:

9-12 credits of Center for Justice and Peacebuilding coursework

  • PAX 533 Analysis: Understanding Conflict (3), required

  • Skills course, strongly recommended

  • Any PAX 500+ level courses

9-12 credits of Seminary offerings:

  • BIBL 560 Biblical Foundations for Justice and Peacemaking (3)

  • CTT 640 Topics: Liberation Theologies (3)

  • CM 635 Faith-Based Social Transformation (3)

  • Any CTE (Ethics) courses

  • SMCL 564 Theological Reflection on Trauma (1), taken after PAX 540 Strategies for Trauma Awareness and Resilience I


Total of 36 SH
Core courses: 15
Elective – guided by concentration: 21

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