Requirements for Baccalaureate Degrees

Requirements for Baccalaureate Degrees

A minimum of 120 semester hours (SH) and a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 overall, as well as within the major, are required. (Some majors require a higher grade point average.) Each student takes the required general education courses, courses required to complete a major, and electives. A minor is optional.

A student who completes two majors which lead to two different degrees may specify which degree they will receive. Both majors will be recognized as having been completed under the single degree. 

Alternatively, a student may receive two baccalaureate degrees from Eastern Mennonite University by completing a total of at least 150 semester hours including the requirements for two majors which lead to different degrees.

Residence Requirements
At least 25% of the credits required for the degree (usually 30 SH) must be completed through EMU. This will include the final 30 SH leading to graduation unless a written exception is approved. At least nine semester hours in the major and six hours in any minor must be taken in residence.

EMU Core Curriculum Requirements
See the EMU Core for details of EMU Core curriculum requirements.

EMU Engage Credit Requirement
Students engage with EMU values and integrative learning as they participate in co-curricular events. Students earn 1 EMU Engage credit each semester that they collect 10 EMU Engage points through attending designated campus events. A total of six credits is required for graduation. 

Significant semester-long experiences that keep students off campus on Wednesday mornings may fulfill an EMU Engage credit. 

  • Student teaching 

  • Social work practicum 

  • Intercultural 

  • WCSC semester 

  • Medical Lab Science Practicum 

Transfer students will receive Engage credits based on prior academic credits as follows:

  • 30 SH = 2 EMU Engage credit 

  • 45 SH = 3 EMU Engage credits 

  • 60 SH = 4 EMU Engage credits 

  • 75 SH = 5 EMU Engage credits 

  • 90 SH = fulfilled 

See the EMU Engage website or contact the office of Student Life for further details, schedule, and FAQ.

Major and Minor Requirements
Each student shall complete course requirements for one major. Completion of a minor is optional. Students are required to complete major, minor, and general education requirements as they appear in the EMU catalog in effect when they first enrolled as a degree-seeking student. Upon request, students may be permitted to complete updated major or minor requirements if the curriculum changes occur during their time of enrollment.

Any former student who returns to EMU after an absence of two or more consecutive semesters, not including the summer term, regardless of the timing of the original enrollment, may be subject to the current requirements at the time of readmission. 

Student Assessment
The university reserves the right to require students to participate in institutional testing programs as part of ongoing assessment of student outcomes.