Academic Policies

Academic Policies

The academic calendar year consists of two 15-week semesters offered August/September through April/May and a May-August summer term. The semester hour (SH) is used to designate credit earned. A full-time load is defined as 12-18 SH per semester. To register for more than 18 SH, a student must obtain written approval from the university registrar. First-year-level courses are numbered 100-199; sophomore, 200-299; junior, 300-399; and senior, 400-499. Courses marked with an asterisk * are normally offered in alternate years. See the schedule of course offerings, available from the university registrar's office, for final information on courses to be offered each semester.

Student Classification
A student's class level is determined by the number of semester hours earned by the beginning of each semester.

Classification is as follows:

23 SH or fewer—First-year
24-55 SH—Sophomore
56-89 SH—Junior
90 SH or more—Senior

Grading System and Quality Points

A Excellent

A = 4.0 quality points
A- = 3.7 quality points

B Very good

B+ = 3.3 quality points
B = 3.0 quality points
B- = 2.7 quality points

C Satisfactory

C+ = 2.3 quality points
C = 2.0 quality points
C- = 1.7 quality points

D Unsatisfactory

D+ = 1.3 quality points
D = 1.0 quality point

F Failure = Zero quality points

"I" Incomplete Allowed at the discretion of the instructor only in case of an emergency or an unforeseen problem. The instructor will determine the date by which the student must complete requirements for the course and will submit the final grade within the following time frames:

  • An "I" grade for a fall semester course must be resolved to a final grade not later than March 31 of the following spring semester.

  • An "I" grade for a spring semester course must be resolved not later than September 30 of the upcoming fall semester.

  • An "I" grade for a summer course must be resolved not later than November 30 of the upcoming fall semester.

An "I" grade not resolved by the dates identified will be changed to an "F" by the university registrar's office.

"P" Pass - Does not calculate into grade point average. Given in certain courses designated Pass/Fail.

"Q" Qualify - Awarded in Honors courses to indicate a high level of achievement. Does not apply toward the student's GPA.

"SP" Satisfactory Progress Indicates satisfactory achievement to date in a course which is intended to extend beyond the current grading period. This is not a final grade.

"W" Withdrew* - Indicates the student withdrew from the course after the drop period. Does not calculate into grade point average.

Pass/Fail Option*Allowed in elective courses for juniors and seniors with university registrar's office approval by the end of the fourth week of the semester. A grade of C- or above submitted by the instructor will result in a "pass" grade on the student's record. Any grade below a C- is reported on the student's record as received from the instructor.

Repeat Courses When a course is repeated, both the initial grade and subsequent grade(s) appear on the transcript. Credit is awarded only once, and the higher grade is computed into the grade point average.

*Deadlines will be prorated for courses that meet for a period shorter than a semester.

Grade Point Average (GPA)
EMU uses the four-point system (A=4). The grade point average (GPA) is computed by dividing the number of quality points earned by the number of semester hours attempted.

Continuing Enrollment
A continuing student is automatically awarded unconditional readmission for a subsequent year when meeting criteria outlined under Continuance of Admission Status in the Admissions section.

Academic Review
At the end of each semester, the academic record of all students enrolled in six or more semester hours is reviewed according to the satisfactory academic progress criteria as outlined in the Policy for Review and Readmission of Undergraduate Students. Students may be granted unconditional readmission, placed on academic warning, or denied readmission. Students who are placed on academic warning or denied readmission will receive written notification of their readmission status from the university registrar within 30 days of the end of the semester.

  • Appeal Process
    Any student who is denied readmission may submit a written letter of appeal to the chair of the Academic Review Committee. The appeal letter should include any additional information not previously available, particularly information of an academic nature. The Academic Review Committee will review the appeal, considering extenuating circumstances and the student’s non-academic record, and report its decision to the student within 30 days of receipt of the letter. Any student who chooses to go beyond the first appeal must direct a second appeal in writing to the appropriate dean within ten days of receiving the committee’s decision on the first appeal. 

“Appropriate dean” is defined as the dean of the school housing the student’s major. When a student is listed as undeclared, pre-major or liberal arts major, the Academic Review Committee chair will assign a second appeal to a dean who doesn’t have other potential appeals forthcoming.

Academic Honors
The Dean's List, compiled at the end of each 15-week semester, includes degree-seeking students who achieve a semester GPA of at least 3.75 with no W, I or F grades for 12 or more semester hours of standard grades (P grades not included).

Baccalaureate degree candidates for graduation from the traditional undergraduate program who have earned a cumulative grade point average of 3.60 or above with no grade below C- at EMU are considered honor graduates. A student who receives a grade below C- in one course may retain eligibility for honors by repeating the course at EMU and earning a grade of C- or higher. The honor and corresponding grade point average are listed as follows:

cum laude: 3.60-3.79
magna cum laude: 3.80-3.89
summa cum laude: 3.90-4.00

To qualify for graduation honors, a student must have completed at least 48 graded (A-F) semester hours at EMU.

Grade Reporting
Grades will be available to students through myEMU(my.emu.edu) following the close of each semester. An up-to-date payment arrangement may be required for any past due account balances prior to the release of grade reports.

Grade Appeal Process
Grade appeals are not subject to the normal grievance procedures. A student who wishes to appeal a grade must follow the timeline and steps listed below.

Timeline: An appeal to any grade assigned between September 1 and December 31 must be initiated by February 15 of the following year. An appeal to any grade assigned between January 1 and May 15 must be initiated by July 1. An appeal to any grade assigned between May 16 and August 31 must be initiated by October 15.

  1. The student should confer with the instructor who gave the grade, stating the reason(s) the student feels a change of grade is warranted. The instructor has the obligation to explain to the student the basis for determining the grade which the student has been awarded.

  2. If the instructor does not feel that a change in grade is warranted, the student may appeal to the program director of the department in which the course is offered.

  3. A final appeal may be made to the respective academic dean if the conference with the program director does not result in a satisfactory resolution of the appeal. The student is responsible to ask the program director to provide for the dean a written summary of their conference regarding the grade in question.

At each level of appeal, there is the responsibility to confer with the instructor who may be required to review the basis used in determining the grade which was awarded to the student.

All grade changes must be authorized by the person who agreed to the change and must use the formal grade change process of the university registrar's office.

To assure the confidentiality of academic records, any request for a transcript must be made in writing and must come from the student. Requests must be made to the university registrar's office (emu.edu/registrar/transcript-ordering) and should allow one week for processing. An up-to-date payment arrangement is required for any past due account balances prior to the release of transcripts.

Credit through CIC consortium (Acadeum)
Students are permitted to take up to four (4) semester credit hours in the fall or spring semester, or full-time status in the summer term with the approval of the student’s academic advisor.   Consortial courses should be reserved for cases where students do not otherwise have available EMU courses needed to graduate on time.  Grades will be counted in the EMU GPA and the credit hours will also be counted in the “attempted” and “earned” categories for Satisfactory Academic Progress calculations.  Students must request Acadeum enrollment actions (add, drop, withdraw) through the EMU Acadeum platform administrator or through their academic program director.  Visit the EMU Student Handbook to see the full policy and procedure.

Credit Taken by EMU Students at Other Institutions
A student must secure written approval from the university registrar’s office before enrolling at another institution, if the credit is to be transferred and applied to degree requirements at EMU.

Transfer Credit Grades
In the traditional undergraduate program, credit will be awarded for appropriate transfer courses in which the student has earned a grade of C or better (or higher grade according to departmental requirements). All accepted transfer courses will be recorded with the same titles and grades as they appear on the transcript from the previous school. Transfer credits will not be included in the EMU cumulative GPA, except for instances in which the student's enrollment at the other institution was sponsored by EMU.

Credit Through Testing
A maximum of 30 credits earned through testing may be applied toward a degree.

This includes credit earned through the programs described below as well as through any other testing program the university chooses to recognize. Individual programs may have more specific criteria. 

Students in the traditional undergraduate program may apply CLEP/ DSST credit toward EMU Core requirements only in the area of language learning. Credit earned through Advanced Placement (AP) testing may be applied toward Core requirements as indicated by the university registrar's office. Students in the LOM programs may use approved testing options to meet EMU Core requirements where appropriate equivalents have been identified.

The registrar's office will transcript credit earned through EMU-administered testing only for students pursuing a degree at EMU.

  • Advanced Placement (AP) Credit  
    High school students taking the AP examinations may receive university credit if they achieve a satisfactory score. Information on scores required and credit awarded may be obtained from the university registrar's office.

  • Credit by Examination
    Upon recommendation of the appropriate instructor, an EMU student may request to earn credit or demonstrate proficiency in a course for which the student has not previously enrolled. A testing fee is required. The student initiates the request at the university registrar's office. Testing for foreign languages occurs through the CLEP/OPI process.

  • CLEP/DSST Examinations
    The university grants credit for general and subject examinations in the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) and DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST). Information on the CLEP/ DSST programs may be obtained by contacting the career services office.

  • Foreign Language Testing Option
    Students may satisfy the language learning requirement of the EMU Core curriculum or earn foreign language credit by achieving the requisite score on the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI). Credit will not be awarded for testing in English language. Contact the career services office for details.

Community Experience
Persons who enter a term of voluntary service under mission and service agencies may have their community experience marked as satisfied. Students are not considered to be enrolled at EMU while earning community experience credit. For information on community experience credit, contact the Core Director.

Independent Study
Qualified students may undertake independent study as a means of increasing self-reliance and of being able to pursue a topic of special interest. It does not normally substitute for required courses and does not duplicate regular course offerings of the university.

Sophomore status or higher is required to register for independent study. No more than two independent study courses may be taken in one year. Registration will use a 299 or 499 course number.

Before registering for independent study, the student submits a detailed proposal of the project in writing to the supervising faculty member. It must receive the approval of the faculty member, the department chair, and the university registrar.

Academic Advising
Each student is assigned an academic advisor. Academic advisors assist students in planning a program of study reflecting their interests, abilities, and educational life goals. While the advisor assists the student in monitoring his or her academic progress toward graduation, it is ultimately the student's responsibility to meet all academic requirements for their academic program. Furthermore, students are expected to familiarize themselves with the academic policies provided in the undergraduate catalog and the student handbook.

Course registration information is available through myEMU(my.emu.edu) and is provided to current students prior to each registration period. Students are responsible to consult an advisor prior to their initial registration for an upcoming semester. Students should also consult an advisor prior to making any schedule changes.

Students changing from full-time to part-time status who are receiving financial aid are required to notify the financial assistance office.

Students enrolled with an F-1 visa must maintain full-time enrollment and should see the international student advisor with any related questions.

Semester-long courses* may be added through the fifth day of classes, and courses may be dropped with no grade through the end of the fourth week. Courses dropped after the drop period will be recorded with a W (Withdrew) grade. No course may be dropped after the ninth week of the semester.

If a student does not receive a passing grade in a course which has not been dropped, an F grade will be assigned.

*Add, drop, and withdrawal deadlines will be prorated for courses that meet for a period shorter than a semester. Specific dates are provided by the registrar's office.

Registration for Graduate Courses
In selected cases a junior or senior student may be permitted to enroll in a graduate course to satisfy an undergraduate degree requirement or to apply toward a graduate program following completion of the bachelor's degree. Policy and procedure details are available from the registrar's office.

Part-Time Enrollment
Part-time status is defined as a course load of 11 SH or fewer per semester. Admission to the university is required in order to enroll for six or more semester hours. Students may register for fewer than six hours by completing the necessary registration form available from the university registrar's office.

Matriculated as well as non-matriculated students may audit lecture classes, provided they register and pay fees. Classes with a laboratory component (e.g. art, computer, physical activity, music performance, and lab science courses) may be audited only with written approval of the instructor. Regular attendance, preparation, and examination are not required, and the student receives no credit. The audited course appears on the student's transcript with an "AU" grade. If a student chooses to test out of a course previously audited, full tuition will be charged. Audit-to-credit changes must be made by the last day to add classes. Credit-to-audit changes must be made by the last day to drop a class without record.

Senior Citizen Participation
The university welcomes senior citizens 62 years of age or older to attend classes by permission of instructor without registration. Individuals who would like to participate in a lab or other activity components, or who would like access to course materials through the learning management system must register and pay fees to audit the class.

Leaving the University Between Semesters
Students who do not plan to return to the university after the end of a semester should notify the institution of their intention by contacting the Student Life office and plan to complete the Leaving EMU form. A student who is not enrolled at EMU for one semester or more must complete an application for readmission prior to re-enrollment.

Withdrawing from the University During a Semester
Undergraduate students who intend to withdraw from Eastern Mennonite University during the semester shall schedule a meeting with the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students who determines the official withdrawal date. It shall be no later than the date the student meets with the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students but may be earlier. The official withdrawal date is based on class attendance dates and other extenuating circumstances. A student who withdraws during the semester must complete an application for readmission prior to re-enrollment.

Medically-Excused Status
Medically-excused (including what was previously known as Medical Leave) status is available for undergraduate students who, due to a documented concern that is affecting their personal health, are unable to complete all or some of their coursework during a semester. Medically-excused status is usually only requested during the final 40% of the semester, after the traditional withdrawal period is over. 

A student requesting medically-excused status should meet with or contact the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students and complete the medically excused application form. The application requires documentation from a health care provider or verification from an appropriate university official (Health or Counseling Services, CARE Team Title IX coordinator, etc.). Students requesting medically-excused status may need to apply for readmission through the Admissions Office, which will contact the Dean of Students for approval of fitness to return to campus through the process described below. The Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students may consult other university officials during this readmission process. The re-admit application is free and does not require a student to re-send any admissions documentation, unless they attend another institution during time away from EMU.

A request for medically-excused status for the current semester should be made prior to the last week of class in the fall or spring semester or prior to the last day of class in summer term. Requests made after the last week of classes may only be made if extraordinary circumstances prevented the student from requesting medical leave/excused status at an earlier time. 

Students may request a retroactive medically-excused status if they experienced extraordinary medical or personal problems during a semester. Within two years of having completed such a semester, a student may petition the Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students to receive a retroactive medically-excused W in some or all classes taken during the term. The petition must include clear and documented evidence. The Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students will consult with the CARE team to determine if the retroactive withdrawal will be granted. If it is granted, all grade changes requested during the term in question will be changed to a W. 

Administrative Withdrawal
If a student has not attended a course(s) on a regular basis (i.e. has multiple absences over a period of at least two weeks) and has not responded to efforts by the instructor or other EMU personnel to address the absences, the university registrar may administratively withdraw the student from the course(s.) The Primary Designated School Official (PDSO) will be consulted regarding the potential withdrawal of an international student.

Any decision to withdraw a student will be referenced with the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students and the respective academic dean and made in consultation with the instructor of the course(s) involved. The withdrawal date will reflect the final date the student attended the course(s) according to instructor records. For all types of withdrawals or leaves, refunds (if applicable) will be finalized by the business office according to written protocols in consultation with the financial aid office after the withdrawal form has been completed and submitted to the business office. Students are generally required to check out of the residence hall within 48 hours of completing the withdrawal process or may be required to leave sooner in the case of an administrative withdrawal. At the time of withdrawal, their ID card will be deactivated, and they will no longer have card access to residence or dining halls.

Leaving or Withdrawing while Subject to Disciplinary Processes
A student who leaves or withdraws from the university in the midst of a disciplinary process remains subject to disciplinary procedures and outcomes. Outcomes may be determined whether the student is present for a disciplinary hearing or is absent.

Leave of Absence
An undergraduate student in good standing with Eastern Mennonite University, may request a temporary leave of absence from the institution. Leaves of absence are granted to full-time students who need to interrupt their studies by meeting with the Vice President of Student Affairs/Dean of Students. Using the Leave of Absence form, the student may request to leave for one full semester with the mutual understanding that they will return to EMU the following semester.

Academic Forgiveness Policy
Students who are readmitted to EMU after an absence from enrollment at any college or university for at least four successive semesters may request to have the Academic Forgiveness Policy applied. To qualify, the student must earn a 2.0 GPA for the first 12 SH following re-enrollment and submit a written request to the Academic Review Committee. The following regulations govern this option:

  • The request must be made within 60 days after completing the first 12 SH of credit following readmission.

  • The option will be granted only once to a student.

  • Eligible students will receive degree credit for only those courses in which grades of C or better were earned prior to readmission.

  • Quality points earned for all courses completed prior to readmission will not be included in calculating the new cumulative GPA.

  • All grades will remain on the transcript.

Class Attendance
Students are expected to attend all classes regularly, although attendance policies in specific courses are left to the discretion of the respective professor. Students with an excused absence (varsity athletic contest, class field trip, etc.) will not be penalized for missing class and will be given an opportunity to make up any work that was missed during class time. Students should always notify the professor ahead of time when missing class for an excused absence. Alternative assignments can be provided for activities that are difficult to replicate, such as labs or daily quizzes. Students are responsible for all work missed during absences.

Students who need to miss class for multiple days due to personal health-related (or other personal or family-related) reasons should notify their professors as soon as possible. Professors will work individually with students on accommodations that will best serve the student in their respective classes. Students are also encouraged to contact the Academic Advisor for additional academic support if necessary. 

Academic Accountability 

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