Music, major

Music, major

Contact: David Berry
Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Semester Hours: 49-56
Core Intensives: Fulfills 2 WI/CI. May fulfill CE or TI.

Admission Requirement: Students must audition for the department in order to be formally admitted as a music major, except for the Interdisciplinary Studies track, where no audition is required.

Required Courses (34 SH)
The following courses are required of all majors and must be passed with a grade of C or better for enrollment in next sequential course, if applicable:

  • †CMUS 120 Fundamentals of Music (3) 

  • CMUS 130 Aural Skills (1)

  • CMUS 181 Music Theory I (3) 

  • #CMUS 200 Landscape of Music (0) 

  • CMUS 250 Music History I (3)

  • CMUS 260 Music History II (3) 

  • CMUS 281 Music Theory II (3) 

  • *CMUS 411 Conducting I (4) 

  • #MUPS Private Lessons (7) 

  • #MUES Ensembles (7)

# required each semester of enrollment on the EMU campus
† may test out of this requirement

Music majors are strongly encouraged to take CMUS 250 Music History I and CMUS 260 Music History II in sequential order.

Music and Peacebuilding Track (17-19 SH)
Required courses for the Music and Peacebuilding track include the required courses listed above plus the following (must be passed with a grade of C or better):

  • MUPS 492 Capstone for Music and Peacebuilding (1) 

  • PXD 151 Exploring Conflict and Peace (3) OR SOC 101 Intro to Sociology (3) 

  • PXD 225 Theories of Social Change (3) OR PXD 365 Social and Political Economy (3) 

  • *PXD 261 Community and Conflict Analysis Techniques (3) 

  • PXD 341 Mediation and Facilitation (3) OR *PXD 451 Program Evaluation (3) 

  • PXD 345 Peacebuilding Theory and Action (3) 

  • PXD 431 PXD Practicum (1-3) 

Interdisciplinary Studies Track (15-18 SH)
Required courses for the Interdisciplinary Studies track include the required courses listed above plus the following (must be passed with a grade of C or better):

  • CMUS 201 Topics in Music-World Music (2) 

  • Choose 4 SH of music elective courses

  • Choose three upper-level courses from another EMU program, chosen in consultation with advisor (6-9)

  • MUPS 491 Senior Project (3) 

Performance Track (17 SH)
Required courses for the Performance track include the required courses listed above plus the following (must be passed with a grade of C or better):

  • *CMUS 412 The Compleat Musician (4) 

  • MUPS Private studies (Private studies in the major area will be registered for 2 SH each semester after admission to the performance concentration.)

  • *MUED 412, 413, OR 415 Pedagogy in the performance area (2) 

  • MUES 333 Chamber Ensemble (two semesters) (1 + 1)

  • MUPS 390 Junior Recital (1) 

  • MUPS 490 Senior Recital-Project (3) 

  • Class Piano is required until piano proficiency exam requirements are met.

* indicates the course is offered in alternate years

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