Spanish Language and Hispanic Studies, major

Spanish Language and Hispanic Studies, major

Contacts: Maria Esther Showalter and Wendell Shank
Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Semester Hours: 33
Core Intensives: Fulfills 2 WI/CI. May fulfill CE and TI.

A student majoring in Spanish language and Hispanic studies will complete 33 SH of coursework at the 300- and 400-levels, including at minimum one conversation course on a intercultural experience.

The major in Spanish language and Hispanic studies at Eastern Mennonite University focuses on building oral and written fluency in the language and culture. The major, however, goes far beyond mere language learning, as it is designed to offer a broad foundation in Hispanic studies. The courses explore the literatures, histories, linguistic diversity, and cultures of Spain and Hispanic America from their first manifestations to the present. The faculty approach this rich cultural legacy from an interdisciplinary perspective that puts Hispanic American and Spanish texts in dialogue with other fields of knowledge such as anthropology, environmentalism, history, human rights, women's studies, theology, sociolinguistics, and studies on globalization. Majors will have the linguistic and cultural competency required for graduate and professional programs in the U.S. and Spanish-speaking countries.

All Spanish majors are required to spend one semester abroad in a Spanish-speaking country in order to immerse themselves in another culture and improve their oral fluency through family homestays and conversation courses at the intermediate and advanced levels. This requirement can be waived only in very special circumstances for native speakers through a rigorous application process.

Hispanic Culture and Society (6-9 SH)
Choose at least two courses from this list:

  • *SPAN 301 The Art of Storytelling (3) 

  • *SPAN 302 Flavors of Hispanic Culture (3) 

  • *SPAN 303 Dictatorships and Social Movements (3) 

  • *SPAN 310 Advanced Conversation and Readings (3) 

Intercultural Conversation (3-6 SH)
All Spanish majors must complete at minimum one conversation course or its equivalent during the intercultural experience. In special circumstances and only with prior notification and written approval by Spanish faculty, an internship, practicum, or another course may satisfy the requirement.

Choose at least one course from this list:

  • ICSPA 312 Advanced Conversational Spanish I (3) 

  • ICSPA 322 Advanced Conversational Spanish II (3) 

Critical Thinking and Composition (3-6 SH)
Choose at least one course from this list:

  • *SPAN 320 Constructing Identities (3) 

  • *SPAN 325 The Latino Experience (3) 

Hispanic Studies (6-9 SH) 
Choose at least two courses from this list:

  • *SPAN 395 Survey of Hispanic Literature (3) 

  • *SPAN 415 Introduction to Spanish Phonetics and Pronunciation (3) 

  • *SPAN 425 Indigenous People and Conquest (3) 

  • *SPAN 435 Hispanic Linguistic Variation and Advanced Grammars (3) 

Spanish for the Professions (6-9 SH)
Choose at least two courses from this list (Spanish licensure candidates must complete at least one from SPAN 330, SPAN 335, and SPAN 360):

  • *SPAN 330 Immigration Issues (3) 

  • *SPAN 335 Spanish of the United States (3) 

  • *SPAN 340 Introduction to Spanish Translation and Interpretation (3) 

  • *SPAN 360 Spanish for Healthcare Professionals (3) 

  • SPAN 470 Internship (3) 

Students may also fulfill the requirement through an internship in which they make use of their oral and written Spanish. For example, a course taken in the context of an EMU-led intercultural program, summer volunteer work in a Spanish-speaking community, or a summer internship in Spain or Hispanic America could qualify with permission of the program.

* indicates the course is offered in alternate years

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