Recreation and Sport Management, major

Recreation and Sport Management, major

Contact: Joohyun Lee
Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Semester Hours: 42
Core Intensives: Fulfills all Core intensives.

This program prepares students for entry-level positions in a variety of fitness related careers, including commercial, municipal, corporate, or campus recreation, strength and conditioning coach or trainer, sports club management, athletic administration, sports promotion and marketing, and arena/stadium management.

Admission Requirements: To graduate with a program major, students must first earn admission to the program. This typically occurs during the spring semester of the second year, and late-entry transfer students apply for admission after their first semester at EMU. Students must have program admission to apply for an internship and several upper-level courses. Students seek admission to the program by completing an application and an interview with their advisor; they must meet the GPA requirements of 2.00 overall and 2.50 for major courses taken at EMU. Students must maintain these GPA standards to retain admission and to graduate from the program. Many courses in the department have prerequisites; this requirement is met by earning a letter grade of C or higher on the prerequisite course before enrolling in subsequent courses (a grade of C- does not meet this requirement).

Required Courses (42 SH)

  • BUAD 101 Business at EMU (3) 

  • BUAD 221 Principles of Management (3) 

  • CIS 211 Spreadsheet and Data Management (1) 

  • LEAD 300 Leadership Theory and Practice (3) 

  • PE 301 Adapted Physical Education (3) 

  • PE 302 Motor Learning (2)  

  • PEG 118 Lifeguarding (or satisfied by outside certification) (1) OR HE 201 First Aid (or satisfied by outside certification) (1) 

  • PXD 341 Mediation and Facilitation (3) 

  • RSM 101 Introduction to Health, Physical Education and Recreation (3) 

  • RSM 211 Sophomore Practicum-RSM (1) 

  • RSM 305 Risk Management in Recreation and Sport (3) 

  • *RSM 309 Recreation and Sport Program and Event Planning (3) 

  • *RSM 402 Facility Design and Supervision (2) 

  • RSM 405 Recreation and Sport Administration (3) 

  • +RSM 411 Senior Internship (4) 

  • Choose two courses from this list:

    • *PEM 141 Teaching Individual Sports (2) 

    • *PEM 142 Teaching Team Sports (2) 

    • PEM 143 Fitness, Conditioning and Strength Training (2) 

    • *PEM 144 Experiential Education and Recreational Games (2) 

+ RSM Senior Internship may be satisfied with WCSC internship; requires senior standing

* indicates the course is offered in alternate years

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