Conceptual Framework

Conceptual Framework

What is the Conceptual Framework of the Graduate Teacher Education Unit?

Teaching boldly in a changing world through an ethic of care and critical reflection

The Conceptual Framework articulates a shared vision for Eastern Mennonite University’s Teacher Education Program in its efforts to prepare educators for P-12 classrooms. The Conceptual Framework, in alignment with state, national, and specialized professional association standards, provides direction for Teacher Education’s programs, courses, teaching, candidate performance, scholarship, service, and unit accountability. Included in the Conceptual Framework is an articulation of the Teacher Education Program’s particular perspective, which will characterize EMU’s teacher pre-service and MA graduates.

EMU Mission, Vision, Values

What does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God? — Micah 6:8


EMU prepares students to serve and lead in a global context.

Our community of learning integrates Christian faith, academic rigor, artistic creation and reflective practice informed by the liberal arts, interdisciplinary engagement, and cross-cultural encounter.


EMU will be renowned for academic excellence and faithful discipleship in addressing the most significant challenges in our complex world.

We seek to be a leader among Christian universities, united by a hopeful and enquiring spirit, cultivating meaningful relationships locally and globally, and engaging the rich diversity of human identity, experience, and need.


EMU’s mission and vision are grounded in the enduring biblical values of Christian discipleship, community, service, and peace.

These values are embodied throughout the university in our distinctive commitment to peacebuilding, social justice, cross-cultural engagement, and sustainability. Rooted in the Anabaptist tradition, we follow Jesus’ call to bear witness to truth, serve with compassion, and walk boldly in the way of nonviolence and peace.

Approved by EMU Board of Trustees, June 24, 2017

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