Introduction to Teacher Education Handbook

Introduction to Teacher Education Handbook

Welcome to Teacher Education At Eastern Mennonite University

The teacher education program subscribes to a Reflective Teaching Model informed by constructivist and critical reflective theorists. You will approach your studies through active learning as you reflect upon your beliefs, knowledge, thought, and actions.  You will be challenged to examine your assumptions about teaching and learning as you participate in an environment of inquiry and collaboration.           

Teachers touch and help shape the future. They serve as models of life itself. For this reason each teacher needs a positive self-concept, needs to think well of others, and needs to believe in persons' mutual dependence. Faith commitment to Christ makes possible this wholeness in outlook and in relationships.

Teacher education at Eastern Mennonite University offers you the opportunity to change and grow. The education faculty members believe that the person you are becoming is the key to your effectiveness as a prospective teacher. Preparation for teaching is dynamic and life-long. As your teachers, we are seeking to model this pilgrimage of openness and continuous growth both personally and professionally.

We welcome you to walk with us on this journey. As you have questions and concerns, many of which will not be addressed in this handbook, please feel free to stop by the education program office. We anticipate a rewarding journey ahead!


Kathy Evans, PhD.

Director of Undergraduate Teacher Education

What is the Purpose of the Handbook?

This handbook guides you through the teacher education program at EMU. Blank copies of curriculum outlines and 4-year plans are available on myEMU. Records of academic progress are maintained by the registrar’s office and are accessible to students and advisors on myEMU. It is the mutual responsibility of you and your advisor to plan your academic program. 

This handbook provides a conceptual framework for teacher education at EMU and is organized so that teacher candidates can quickly identify the important procedures and policies, which govern EMU's Teacher Education Program.

The teacher education program is located on the second floor of the Campus Center. The telephone number is (540) 432-4142.

The education laboratory classrooms (CC Rooms 201 and 203) are located on the south end of second floor, adjacent to the teacher education program offices. The Computer Lab (CC 234) is also located on the second floor, and is available 24/7 with a  scanner and printer. These rooms are available for education students to work on projects. Additional space is available in the Curriculum Materials Center in the lower level of Hartzler Library.

Students are welcome to stop by the education program office for clarification of any information, especially in the area of licensure requirements. 


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