General Program Policies

General Program Policies

The information in this RN-BSN Policy Handbook applies to the current academic year.  The university reserves the right to change programs of study, academic requirements, the announced university calendar and other matters described herein without prior notice, in accordance with established procedures.  This Policy Handbook is descriptive and is not to be construed as a legal contract.

This Policy Handbook is reviewed in detail each August by the program director, faculty support person, coordinators, admissions advisors, academic advisor and program assistant.  These policies refer specifically to the RN-BSN Program. Additional details for the traditional undergraduate programs can be found in the student handbook and the undergraduate catalog.

EMU Student Handbook 

EMU Undergraduate Catalog

4.1  Organizational Structure of the RN-BSN 

Chair of the nursing department: Melody Cash

Three Program Directors: 

  • Traditional Undergraduate Program - Laura Yoder
    • Faculty and Staff
  • RN-BSN Director - Lea Ann VanBuskirk
    • Faculty and Staff
  • MSN Director: Donald Tyson
    • Faculty and Staff
  • DNP Co-director:  Melody Cash with Ruth Stoltzfus from Goshen College
    • Faculty and Staff

4.2  Tuition and Fees

Total costs are subject to change from one academic year to another, from one location to the other and from one academic major to the other.  

4.3  Portfolio credit

Students may gain credit for professional learning experiences other than academic credit. Portfolio credit includes any credit for professional schools and training (PST) and credit for military training beyond basic training. An application process for credit is submitted to the academic advisor which is reviewed by the Assessment Committee. Students pay for hours accepted for credit by the Assessment Committee rather than for their petitioned hours. 

The fee for credit earned through the professional schools and training (PST) process is $100.00 per semester hour, effective July 1, 2017. 

4.4  Tuition Payment Policies

Each student must complete the following prior to beginning the RN-BSN program: 

  1. Meet with the Coordinator of Student Financial Services to discuss your financial payment plan either in-person or by phone. 

  2. Pay the $100 cohort deposit to secure a place in the cohort.

  3. Submit any necessary financial aid or tuition reimbursement paperwork.

In order to begin the next semester, each student’s account must be update-to-date according to their payment plan. 

Failure to follow through on the approved payment plan may result in the student’s enrollment being interrupted and other consequences as deemed appropriate by the director.

Any account not paid in full will be assessed interest at the rate of 1.5 percent per month on the unpaid balance.  A diploma and transcript will not be furnished to a student until the account is paid in full. Failure to meet financial obligations may result in the referral of the delinquent account to an outside agency for collection of the total amount due plus all applicable collection costs.

4.4.1  Financial Aid

Most RN-BSN students are eligible for a Federal Direct Student Loan (FDSL), if the undergraduate FDSL aggregate maximum hasn’t been borrowed and student is not in default on prior federal student loan. Students may also be eligible for a Federal Pell Grant; eligibility determined by the Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). 

To begin the application process for federal financial aid, two forms must be completed: 1) Free Application for FAFSA, and 2) Degree Completion Financial Aid Information Sheet (FAIS).  All anticipated outside sources of aid must be included (ex: employer assistance.)

Students should use the Financial Aid Checklist to ensure each step of the process is completed.  Timely completion of federal aid forms/steps is important!  

Information and forms to apply for the second academic year will be distributed prior to the end of the first academic year. Questions regarding financial aid can be answered by the EMU Financial Assistance Office at 540-432-4137 or emailing finaid@emu.edu.  RN-BSN Grant Money

RN-BSN maintains a very limited fund from which need-based tuition assistance and matching grants for church or community educational grants are available to students.  Matching grants do not apply to scholarship or grant funds provided by the student’s employer. Qualified RN-BSN students must submit an application for tuition assistance each academic year.  Students should contact the RN-BSN office for more information and application forms prior to filling out the application to inquire if there are funds available.

Community College students who register with EMU within one year of graduating with an AD will receive a $500.00/semester grant.  They must maintain a 3.0 grade level throughout the program and continue in the program to completion without interruption.

4.4.2  Employer Assistance

To be eligible for employer assistance, students must complete the Employer Assistance Information form.  This form is for any student whose employer will pay the university or the student.

If the employer requires submission of a grade to pay for tuition, students are responsible for submitting grades to the employer within one week of receiving it.  If the employer will make payments to the student rather than the university, the student should show this as employer assistance on the Payment Plan Worksheet and FAIS.  Students must pay Eastern Mennonite University when they receive payment from their employers. A student who fails to apply their employer assistance payment to their EMU account as designated on the employer assistance information form will be required to make immediate payment in full or be administratively withdrawn from the program.  Students are ultimately responsible for their own accounts. All exceptions must be cleared through the program office before the first class session.

4.4.3  Personal Funds

  • Students may pay for the program with personal funds, but must pay for each course in full prior to the first class date.
  • EMU RN-BSN Monthly Payment Plan

The student may enroll in semester-long payment plans through CASHNet. The monthly payment amount will be adjusted in accordance to the student’s other funding sources. There is an enrollment fee each semester.

Additional information and details may be obtained on myEMU > Accounts tab > Lancaster Accounts, emailing studentsaccounts.lancaster@emu.edu or call 717-690-8600.

4.5  Refunds - Refund & Withdraw Policy

4.5.1  Federal Regulations

Federal regulations require that refunds be proportional to the percentage of classes attended.  EMU will calculate refunds to the student’s benefit.  A student will be charged again for a course that is retaken.

4.5.2  Official Withdraw Date

The official withdrawal date is the day following the last class attended or whenever the student completes the withdrawal form.

4.5.3  Withdrawal or Dropping a Course During a Semester

Upon withdrawing from the program or dropping a course, students will be responsible to pay for the percentage of the course they attended. 

4.5.4  Refund of Over-payment on Student Account

If a student’s account is overpaid in any semester and a credit balance currently exists on the account, the student may keep those funds on his/her student account to be applied toward other expected expenses, or may request a refund of the credit balance.

If the student’s account was partially or fully paid by a third party, i.e. employer assistance, the refund to the student will not exceed the amount that the student paid.  Any credit balance over the amount that the student paid will be refunded to the third party.

If students desire to have the credit balance refunded, they should make a request in writing to the business office.

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