Student Success Services

Student Success Services

8.1  Student Account Assistance

Students should have their EMU ID number available for each transaction. 

EMU accepts cash, personal checks, cashier’s checks, credit cards, and money orders for payments on student accounts.  

Students may view their statements and make payments online at my.emu.edu  The student must login and use their royals username and password.  There is a 2.75% service fee for paying with a debit/credit card. 

Choose the Accounts tab > Lancaster Students > View My Account Online.

8.2  Counseling Services

EMU counseling services on the main campus in Harrisonburg provide a comprehensive program of personal growth, including individual and group therapy, assessment and referral, support groups, and educational programs.  Professional counselors are available to assist students experiencing a variety of emotional and social needs. In the Lancaster areas, students are referred to the Samaritan Center for counseling services. 

All interactions between students and counselors are confidential and are not subject to disclosure without a student’s specific permission.

Harrisonburg: During the traditional academic year, students living near the Harrisonburg, VA may contact EMU counseling services at (540) 432-4317 (University Commons, Suite B).

Lancaster: All year the Lancaster office at (866) 368-5262 are open. No counselors are available on site. Students are referred to the Samaritan Counseling Center, 1803 Oregon Pike, Lancaster, PA 17601, (717) 560-9969.

8.3 Academic Support Services

Harrisonburg: Students on the main campus with learning disabilities or other academic needs (tutoring) can receive assistance through the Academic Support Center located on the third floor of the Hartzler Library, or (540) 432-4254.  

Lancaster: Students at the Lancaster location needing academic help should contact the RN-BS Director or the coordinator of registration and  student success for assistance.  Please refer to the student handbook for further details.

8.3.1  Writing Assistance

Writing assistance is available to provide support to RN-BS students through the College of Graduate and Professional Studies.  A tutor is available through zoom for students living off campus. There is no additional charge for this service. Faculty may recommend or require that students avail themselves of this additional support service in order to proceed and succeed in the program. Students should contact the academic advisor or RN-BS Director for assistance in connecting with a tutor.  A tutor is also available who specializes in English as a second language. 

8.4  Computer Resources

Students enrolled in the RN-BS have access to EMU’s computer resources.  Login IDs and passwords are distributed prior to the first class. Students are expected to abide by the conditions presented in the Technology Code of Responsibility for Students.   Students will periodically be prompted during the network login process to affirm that by using the EMU network they are agreeing to this code of conduct.

Additional information regarding computer use may be obtained on the HelpZONE.  Information Systems hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.  RN-BS staff do not have access to login IDs or passwords.

8.6  Facilities

8.6.1  Classroom and Administrative Offices

Harrisonburg: The Nursing Department, classrooms and other administrative offices are located in the Campus Center, 1200 Park Road, Harrisonburg, VA  

Lancaster: The RN-BS in Nursing administrative offices and classrooms are located at 1846 Charter Lane, Lancaster, PA.  

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