Mobile Devices

Mobile Devices

EMU Owned vs. Personally Owned

Employees that are assigned mobile technology must understand the following about EMU owned mobile devices:

  • The device is owned by EMU for their use while they are an employee at EMU.

  • EMU can confiscate technology at any moment (when requested by administration or for network security).

  • Personal data can be stored on it, but it is the employee's responsibility to back it up.

  • Personal data may be lost at any moment due to hardware failure. EMU will not use resources to recover personal data.

  • If the device is lost or stolen, Information Systems should be notified immediately to determine the extent of data breach. Information Systems may erase the contents of the device remotely.

  • The employee should take reasonable precautions to prevent theft or accidental damage to the device.

  • The employee is the primary user of the device. It is not appropriate to allow family members prolonged access to the device.

  • EMU devices are managed devices and may behave differently than your personal devices.

  • EMU management software will take inventory of software/applications installed on the device.

  • EMU equipment is labeled and tracked in a central database.

  • Information Systems will provide support for the device and facilitate repairs and warranty claims.

Employees that use personally owned mobile devices should understand the following:

  • EMU software or applications cannot be installed on personally owned devices.

  • EMU confidential data cannot be stored on mobile devices (tablets, laptops, flash drives, external hard drives) or in cloud applications like Dropbox.

  • WebVPN is the recommended solution for connecting personally owned devices to EMU VPN resources. (Exceptions can be directed to the Director of Information Systems.)

EMU Owned iPads

If your department would like to purchase an iPad here is the information Information Systems needs to make the purchase:

  • What account number will be used for the purchase?

  • Which model?

  • How much storage?

  • Wifi only (EMU does not pay for data plans. Questions can be directed to the VP of Finance.)

  • What accessories do you want purchased? (cover, keyboard...)

  • AppleCare will not be purchased unless you explicitly ask for it to be purchased. Your department accepts financial responsibility  for any costs associated to accidental damage.

No Valid App License

The Advanced Panelboxes for Confluence app license is not present or has expired. Please have the app's subscription reviewed or contact our support.

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