A. Procurement of Chemicals

A. Procurement of Chemicals

The following guidelines are to be followed when procuring chemicals for laboratory experiments or research projects:

  1. Laboratory professors/instructors order chemicals as needed.
  2. To the extent practicable, the amount is to be limited to the experiment(s) that will be performed over a one year period.
  3. Acquisitioners are to ensure that current Safety Data Sheets for the chemicals being ordered are available.
  4. The procurer of new chemicals listed in Appendix D, OSHA Regulated Substance or substances controlled by the Drug Enforcement Agency must notify the Chemical Hygiene Officer prior to ordering.  See Appendix J for a discussion of Controlled Substances.
  5. Procurer of pathogenic biological specimens or organisms must notify the Chemical Hygiene Officer prior to placing the order. See Appendix L, Biological Hazards – Pathogens.