A. Chemical Safety Training

A. Chemical Safety Training

    1. Employees and students will be provided safety training prior to their initial assignment to the laboratory work area or class room.
    2. The laboratory professor or laboratory instructor is responsible for training their employees/students.  The Chemical Hygiene Officer will assist in training when requested.
    3. The training will include:
  1. The contents of OSHA standard (29CFR1910 1450) and its appendices.
  2. Location and availability of the EMU Chemical Hygiene Plan. 
  3. Location of permissible exposure limits for OSHA regulated substances and ACGIH TLV's where OSHA standards do not exist.
  4. Common signs, symptoms, and health hazards associated with exposures to hazardous chemicals in the laboratory.
  5. The location of reference material on the hazards, safe handling, storage, and disposal of hazardous chemicals found in the laboratory.
  6. Methods and observations that may be used to detect the presence or release of a hazardous chemical.
  7. Protective measures an employee or student can take to prevent or reduce exposure to a hazardous chemical.
  8. Emergency response procedures.
    1. The Chemical Hygiene Officer will maintain training documents. See IX, Records and Program Assessment and retention guidelines.

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