A. Records Retention

A. Records Retention

    1. Training records for the staff will be maintained by the Chemical Hygiene Officer for four (4) years.
    2. Professor/laboratory instructors shall document training provided for their students and retain them with the student records.
    3. Records of staff or students involved in accidental exposures of hazardous chemicals are to be forwarded to EMU Health Services and retained with their medical records.
    4. The Chemistry Department Chair will be notified when students are involved in the use of special substances (see Appendix D).
    5. Accident reports will be prepared by the affected student or laboratory professor/instructor and forwarded to the Chemical Hygiene Officer who will send them to the Human Resources Department (and EMU Health Services if follow-up is required there).
    6. Environmental and medical surveillance records will be maintained by the EMU Health Services.

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