Master of Divinity and Master of Arts in Counseling Dual Degree

Master of Divinity and Master of Arts in Counseling Dual Degree

A dual degree student will graduate with two masters degrees in less time than it would take to complete those degrees individually.

The dual degree Master of Divinity and Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling combines the theological, biblical and pastoral training of a Master of Divinity with the psychologically and spiritually grounded professional counseling training of the Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling degree.

Degree Requirements

Students will complete 60 hours of course work for the Master of Divinity degree. Students will not take any of the 23 track-specific electives or track-specific mentored ministry in the seminary. Advisors will help students decide how the Master of Divinity core requirements will be reduced.

For the Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, students will complete 60 credit hours toward the degree. Three of these hours are designated as a counseling elective, which could occur in the seminary context.

The dual degree advisor will work with each student on a case-by-case basis to determine which course substitutions are suitable in light of schedule constraints and individual needs.

A unique strength of Eastern Mennonite Seminary is our formation program. We believe that focusing on one’s own formation during the seminary journey is the way for ministering persons to be healthy and whole in their vocations in ministry and counseling. For this degree, four formation courses are required. FS 503 and FS 504, Formation in Spiritual Practices and Formation in Narrative Identity (3 credits each), invite students to pay attention to the rhythms of their life, discern God's presence and explore a sustainable rule of life while centering a narrative reflection process of self-understanding and theological meaning making. FS 601 and FS 602 Formation in Ministry I & II (3 credits each) offers students the opportunity to put their learning into practice in internship sites related to their vocational leanings with a mentor to help with on-site theological reflection. For more information, please visit the formation page.46


Admissions Requirements

To be admitted to the dual-degree program students must be accepted to both the Master of Divinity program and the Graduate Counseling program. Students may fill out one application for both programs. Applicants are strongly encouraged to communicate how they will integrate the two degrees in their essay. They must also choose an academic reference, a pastoral reference and a professional reference.

  • 60 credit hours of coursework for the Master of Divinity degree. Advisors will help students decide how the Master of Divinity core requirements will be reduced.

  • 60 credit hours toward the Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling degree. One of these courses is designated as a counseling elective, which could occur in the seminary context.


Students will generally spend two or three full years in the Graduate Counseling program. The sequencing of the seminary studies will be decided on an individual basis.

Seminary core requirements include

  • FS 503 Formation in Spiritual Practices 

  • FS 504 Formation in Narrative Identity

  • BIBL 511 Hebrew Bible: Text in Context

  • BIBL 512 New Testament: Text in Context

  • CTH 501/512 Christian Traditions I and II

  • FS 601/602 Formation in Ministry I and II

  • CTT 634 Living Theology

  • CM 644 Decolonizing Intercultural Studies

  • CTE 702 Christian Ethics

  • 12 hours of Biblical languages or the alternate language track

Master of arts in counseling core requirements include:

  • COUN 507 Professional Identity, Function & Ethics (3 SH)

  • COUN 508 Counseling Techniques (3 SH)

  • COUN 509 Supervision and Consultation (3 SH)

  • COUN 517 Human Growth and Development (3 SH)

  • COUN 518 Integrated Counseling Process (3 SH)

  • COUN 527 Psychopathology (3 SH)

  • COUN 530 Advanced Psychopathology (2 SH)

  • COUN 536 Counseling Research and Program Evaluation  (3 SH)

  • COUN 547 Counseling Theories (3 SH)

  • COUN 557 Assessment and Evaluation Procedures (3 SH)

  • COUN 567 Group Counseling (3 SH)

  • COUN 587 Crisis Counseling (2 SH)

  • COUN 607 Multicultural Counseling (3 SH)

  • COUN 610 Advanced Multicultural Counseling (2 SH)

  • COUN 617 Counseling Children & Adolescents (2 SH)

  • COUN 627 Marriage and Family Counseling (3 SH)

  • COUN 637 Career Development (3 SH)

  • COUN 697 Addictions Counseling (3 SH)
    Internship and practicum experiences are also required.