Forming the Ministering Person (FS)

Forming the Ministering Person (FS)

Course descriptions and scheduling are subject to change by administrative decision. See course offerings booklet for current offerings. Some courses will be offered on a two- or three-year rotation.

Formation Studies (FS)

FS 503 Formation in Spiritual Practices (3 SH)

This course facilitates engagement with a variety of individual and communal spiritual practices. Through small group spiritual direction, students will pay attention to the rhythms of their life, discern God’s presence and explore a sustainable rule of life for their present season. Personality inventories will offer insight into current functioning and growth areas, as students explore vocation in light of their personality and strengths. By practicing different theological writing styles, students will develop their authentic voice and employ communicative skills appropriate for academic and ministry contexts.

FS 504 Formation in Narrative Identity (3 SH)

This course centers a narrative reflection process of self-understanding and theological meaning making. Through personal story telling in confidential small groups guided by a spiritual director, students will pay prayerful attention to their and others’ formational journeys through life’s seasons. Themes arising in personal narratives will be explored in relation to biblical and theological themes. Insights from human development and systems theories, along with the creation of a genogram, will draw attention to sociocultural expectations and familial patterns that impact students’ behavior and inform their identity, values and faith.

FS 601 Formation in Ministry I (Field Education) (3 SH)

FS 602 Formation in Ministry II (Field Education) (3 SH)

This course serves as the classroom seminar component of the seminary’s field education program. As such, the class requires involvement in a ministry setting under mentored supervision. The weekly seminar utilizes both didactic instruction based on assigned readings and small group processing of emerging issues in the student’s ministry practice. The action/reflection method of learning serves as the bridge between the student’s ministry activity and the classroom seminars. Advanced arrangements for a ministry practicum should be made prior to the beginning of the semester in consultation with the Director of Mentored Ministry.

FS 698 Formation in Vocation and Leadership I (2 SH)

FS 699 Formation in Vocation and Leadership II (1 SH)

This course serves as a two-semester long capstone experience for all Master of Divinity students. In the course students will: 1) continue and deepen the formational work begun in the earlier formation courses (Formation in Spiritual Practices, Formation in Narrative Identity and Formation in Ministry); 2) participate in direct assessment experiences related to the four guiding principles of the curriculum (wise interpretation, mature practice, discerning communication, and transformational leadership), 3) identify and embrace a missional understanding of leadership, and 4) focus on the transitional dynamics associated with finishing a seminary course of study and engaging a new context for life and ministry.

Independent Studies

791 Independent Studies (1-3 SH)

Independent studies may be taken in any department subject to the approval of the instructor and the associate dean. More information here.

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