Pre-Music Therapy Concentration

Pre-Music Therapy Concentration

Semester Hours: 17 

Psychology, music, and music education majors may consider a concentration in pre-music therapy, which will prepare them for music therapy graduate programs or music therapy equivalency programs. This interdisciplinary concentration will prepare you for careers in music therapy for diverse populations including those with physical or mental disabilities, disorders and impairments.

  • PSYC 202 Developmental Psychology - 3 
  • CMUS 120 Fundamentals of Music - 3 
  • CMUS Topics: Intro to Music Therapy - 2 
  • MUED 121 Voice Proficiency Class or MUED 131 Class Piano I - 1  
  • MUED 341 Elementary School Music - 2 
  • PSYC 331 Abnormal Psychology - 3 
  • ED 301 Needs of Diverse Learners - 3 

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