Tuition Remission Policy

Tuition Remission Policy

The university offers generous tuition benefits to eligible faculty and staff, as well as their spouse and dependent children. Faculty and staff at .75 FTE and greater are eligible for 100% tuition remission effective on the employee’s first day of employment. Under this benefit, faculty and staff and their spouses are eligible to enroll in undergraduate and graduate courses based on class space-availability. For the spouse, the intention should be to work towards the completion of a degree. Dependent children are eligible to enroll in undergraduate courses. 

The employee, spouse, or dependent children are required to go through regular admission and registration procedures. A tuition remission form will be completed and submitted to Human Resources for all courses taken by the student who is enrolled, in order to receive credit towards tuition cost. Tuition remission does not extend to fees, room, and meal charges. Failure to submit your tuition remission form and any required documentation by the first day of the term will result in a late fee being applied to your account. You will be responsible for the payment of the fee. If tuition remission is denied the student will be responsible for the full cost of the course.

For employees, if courses fall during normal work hours, permission from the employee’s supervisor is required and the employee must make arrangements with their supervisor or department head to make up missed work time.

For the purposes of this benefit, the definition of dependent children follows the guidelines of the U.S. Department of Education, which is age 23 and younger. Here is the link to the Federal Student Aid website.

Section 117 & 127 of the IRS allows employers to offer employees tax-free educational assistance for undergraduate courses. Any tuition benefit for graduate level courses will be taxed through payroll. 

This benefit will cease upon the conclusion of the semester in which an employee’s employment concludes. 

*The costs associated with the Aero-tech charges in the aviation program offered at the EMU Lancaster location are not eligible under this benefit.

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