Literacy Concentration

Literacy Concentration

 GTE PROGRAM OUTCOME 1.  SCHOLARSHIP: to acquire advanced knowledge through core curriculum and to organize and integrate that knowledge into professional practice.

Literacy Concentration Outcomes:

  • acquire knowledge of the cognitive, linguistic, socio-economic, and environmental factors that influence literacy development 
  • examine and reflect on the interactive, constructive nature of literacy
  • acknowledge relationships among speaking, listening, reading, writing, and thinking
  • examine the interactive nature and multiple causes of reading and writing difficulties
  • articulate the impact that language and cultural differences have on literacy development

 GTE PROGRAM OUTCOME 2. INQUIRY: to generate questions and to use critical thinking to self-assess, to view problems from multiple perspectives, to make informed decisions, and to engage in action research for educational change and student learning enhancement.

Literacy Concentration Outcomes:

  • summarize seminal reading studies and articulate how these studies impact literacy instruction
  • identify the developmental stages of reading, writing, and spelling across preK-12 environments
  • pose questions that lead to investigation of complex socio-cultural factors that affect literacies

 GTE PROGRAM OUTCOME 3. PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE: to acquire advanced pedagogical and specialty area knowledge in order to create cultures of change and manage environments conducive to learning, setting high expectations and implementing appropriate instructional and assessment practices.

Literacy Concentration Outcomes:

  • create integrated literacy instruction that incorporates research-based practices of reading,  writing, oral language, spelling, and critical thinking
  • use  a variety of books, technology-based information, and non-print materials that represent multiple levels, broad interests, and cultural and linguistic backgrounds
  • identify students’ strengths and weaknesses in relationship to phonemic awareness, word identification, phonics, vocabulary and background knowledge, fluency, comprehension strategies, and motivation
  • use assessment information to plan, evaluate, and revise effective literacy instruction that meets the needs of diverse populations
  • reflect on current practice and adjust instruction based upon knowledge of research, practice, students, and assessment
  • view professional development as a career-long effort and responsibility

 GTE PROGRAM OUTCOME 4. COMMUNICATION: to develop communication strategies (verbal, nonverbal, and technological) that support collaboration and resourcefulness to advocate for self as teacher, colleagues, parents and students.

Literacy Concentration Outcomes:

  • communicate assessment information to various audiences for both accountability and instructional purposes
  • work with colleagues to observe, collaborate, evaluate and provide feedback on each other’s practice

 GTE PROGRAM OUTCOME 5. CARING: to develop a nurturing spirit that advocates for students, encourages social and ethical responsibility, and promotes restorative peacebuilding in diverse settings.

Literacy Concentration Outcomes:

  • provide learning environments that support culturally and linguistically diverse students in areas of language development, reading and writing acquisition
  • recognize that literacy can be an act of empowerment, embedded in a cultural discourse, and as such empowers children and families from diverse backgrounds to become advocates for themselves
  • identify the political-social environment of literacy programs in order to negotiate literacy goals among stakeholders in school and communities

GTE PROGRAM OUTCOME 6. LEADERSHIP: to act as a social change agent by working collaboratively to bring about fair and just systematic change within educational contexts.

Literacy Concentration Outcomes:

  • model reading and writing for real purposes in daily interactions with students and education professionals
  • design and develop programs and structures for paraprofessionals and teachers that create opportunities for students to succeed in literacy
  • assists educational professionals in the design and  delivery of research-based reading instruction (i.e. instructional practice, curriculum materials,  and assessment tools)
  • understand and strive to influence local state or national policy decisions

Approved by COTE February 5, 2013

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