Curriculum and Instruction Concentration

Curriculum and Instruction Concentration

GTE PROGRAM OUTCOME 1.  SCHOLARSHIP: to acquire advanced knowledge through core curriculum and to organize and integrate that knowledge into professional practice.

Curriculum and Instruction Concentration Outcomes:

  • examine and evaluate curriculum theory based on current research
  • analyze current research-based models and practices for creating learning environments responsive to students of diverse backgrounds
  • translate teaming theory and research into practice

 GTE PROGRAM OUTCOME 2. INQUIRY: to generate questions and to use critical thinking to self-assess, to view problems from multiple perspectives, to make informed decisions, and to engage in action research for educational change and student learning enhancement.

Curriculum and Instruction Concentration Outcome:

  • design and implement an action research project on a curriculum and instruction topic

GTE PROGRAM OUTCOME 3. PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE: to acquire advanced pedagogical and specialty area knowledge in order to create cultures of change and manage environments conducive to learning, setting high expectations and implementing appropriate instructional and assessment practices.

Curriculum and Instruction Concentration Outcomes:

  • articulate and design curriculum aligned with standards that addresses the needs of individual students
  • adapt curriculum from a variety of perspectives including special education, alternative education, and multicultural education
  • demonstrate knowledge of research-based instructional strategies that provide for differentiation and reflect cultural sensitivity
  • design developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that apply technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of learners
  • design and implement multiple strategies to assess learning of all students
  • analyze collaborative instructional models which optimize learning for all students

 GTE PROGRAM OUTCOME 4. COMMUNICATION: to develop communication strategies (verbal, nonverbal, and technological) that support collaboration and resourcefulness to advocate for self as teacher, colleagues, parents and students.

Curriculum and Instruction Concentration Outcome:

  • use electronic technologies to access, manage and exchange information for sound problem-solving and decision-making

 GTE PROGRAM OUTCOME 5. CARING: to develop a nurturing spirit that advocates for students, encourages social and ethical responsibility, and promotes restorative peacebuilding in diverse settings.

Curriculum and Instruction Concentration Outcome:

  • value research and ethical bases for decision-making

 GTE PROGRAM OUTCOME 6. LEADERSHIP: to act as a social change agent by working collaboratively to bring about fair and just systematic change within educational contexts.

Curriculum and Instruction Concentration Outcome:

  • advocate for systematic improvement through collaborative practices

Approved by COTE February 5, 2013

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