LOMV Admissions

LOMV Admissions


Required Documents. Applicants to the EMU Aviation Program LOMV) must submit the following: 

  • Proof of U.S. citizenship, by presenting either: 
    • A valid unexpired U.S. passport, or, 
    • An original or government-issued U.S. birth certificate plus a government-issued photo ID
  • For Non-U.S. citizen procedures, go to TSA Clearance for Non-Citizens 
  • An official high school transcript, with a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.6 or GED equivalency, or an official college transcript reflecting a minimum of 20 semester hours of course work with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above. 
  • A writing sample.
  • A copy of an FAA Class 2 Medical Certificate. This is not required at the time of application but is required before enrolling in academic classes or flight training courses. 
  • One letter of recommendation. 

Discovery flight. Applicants are required to have experienced a flight in a light airplane, during which they had the opportunity to manipulate the flight controls.

In-person interview. Applicants are required to attend a formal in-person admissions interview with the EMU Director of Aviation and the Aero-Tech Services Chief Instructor. The admissions interview may be conducted via remote means only under extraordinary circumstances. 

Transfer credit options.

  • LOMV applicants may receive credit for the EMU Private Pilot Flight course by presenting their FAA Private Pilot Certificate, with Airplane Single-engine Land Rating, obtained elsewhere. LOMV applicants may receive credit for the EMU Private Pilot Ground course by presenting a copy of their official FAA Private Pilot Knowledge Test results. However, applicants who receive such credits must participate in at least 3 ride-along instructional flights at Aero-tech Services, Inc. 
  • LOMV applicants may transfer a maximum of 30 semester hours, for courses leading to certificates or ratings earned through qualified Part 141 Pilot Schools in aviation programs at other accredited technical, community, or four-year institutions. In order to graduate with authorization to train and test for the Restricted Airline Transport Pilot Certificate (R-ATP) at 1,000 hours of flight time, the transfer of an Instrument Rating-Airplane, or Commercial Pilot Certificate, with Airplane Single-engine Land Rating, must have been from Part 141 Collegiate Aviation Program holding an FAA Letter Of Authorization for a flight hour reduction.
  • A maximum of 30 semester hours for other academic courses may be transferred from accredited technical, community, or four-year institutions. A cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above is required for applicants who have completed a minimum of 20 semester hours of college-level coursework. If that minimum has not been met, applicants may submit a high school diploma with a minimum 2.6 GPA or GED equivalency. 
  • College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) or DSST (formerly Defense Activity for Nontraditional Students or DANTES) testing is also an alternative to obtain credit.


Upon accomplishment of the following, an applicant's admission package will be reviewed by the Recruitment Specialist and the Academic Advising Coordinator. 

  • Receipt of all required documents.
  • Analysis of transfer credit potential.
  • Evaluation of the writing sample.
  • Completion of a discovery flight, which must be accomplished before the conduct of the in-person interview.
  • A positive recommendation from the Aero-Tech Services Chief Instructor and the EMU Director of Aviation, upon conclusion of a formal in-person interview.

If approved by the Recruitment Specialist and the Academic Advising Coordinator, the applicant will receive a letter of admission to the program. 

Applications that do not meet all admissions requirements but involve extenuating circumstances and/or a strong case for admission must be reviewed by the Recruitment Specialist, the Academic Advising Coordinator, and the Director of Aviation. 

If further review is indicated, the application will be forwarded to the Vice President for Enrollment and Strategic Growth. 


Applicants may be admitted conditionally in the following circumstances: 

  • Academic record. An applicant may be granted conditional admission if their transcripts do not meet the normal minimums prescribed in the admission requirements listed above. The applicant will be required to meet with the Recruitment Specialist, Academic Advising Coordinator, and Student Success Coordinator, who will assist the applicant in formulating an educational plan, which will be presented to the Director of Aviation for approval. To remain in the LOMV program, such students must accept any and all academic assistance offered by EMU. The LOMV Academic Advising Coordinator and Student Success Coordinator will monitor the student's progress and will recommend, to the Director of Aviation, the removal of conditional status when the plan has been completed. If such student fails to maintain at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA, they may be administratively withdrawn from the LOMV program. 
  • Writing assistance. An applicant may be admitted conditionally if their writing sample does not meet EMU standards. In this case, the admitted student must accept assistance from a writing tutor designated by EMU. 
  • English language proficiency. EMU is committed to ensuring that our students meet the FAA Aviation English Language Standard (AELS). To be considered English proficient, applicants must meet International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Language Proficiency Operational Level 4. All applicants to the EMU aviation program will be evaluated as to this standard upon applying for their Student Pilot Certificate. If they appear not to meet this standard, per FAA policy they will be referred to the local FAA Flight Standards District Office for further evaluation. If the FAA determines that they do not meet the standard, EMU will provide opportunities for training to bring the applicant’s proficiency up to the AELS. Admission to the LOMV program may be conditional, pending completion of language training and issuance of a Student Pilot Certificate. Students who enter the program already having been issued a Student Pilot Certificate, or higher level of FAA Certificate, will already have been evaluated for AELS. However, even though an applicant meets, or previously has met AELS, EMU may require English language training to assure the student’s success in flight training and academic studies.
  • FAA Medical Certificate. LOMV applicants must obtain an FAA Class 1 or Class 2 Medical Certificate and submit a copy of the certificate to EMU. If an applicant does not possess at least a Class 2 Medical Certificate at the time of application, but all other admission requirements are met, they may be granted admission, conditional upon obtaining such certificate. This must be accomplished before enrolling in LOMV courses or beginning flight training in the LOMV program. 
  • Final high school or college transcript. LOMV applicants may be admitted before the release of their final official high school transcript or an official college transcript reflecting a minimum of 20 semester hours of coursework. Conditional status of their acceptance will be removed upon receipt and favorable review of final official transcripts. 

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