LOMV Withdrawal & Readmission

LOMV Withdrawal & Readmission


To withdraw enrollment from the program, the student will send an email to the Director of Aviation confirming his/her decision to withdraw. Withdrawal from the program may jeopardize financial aid for the rest of the academic year because of federal and state government regulations.  Students should consult with the financial assistance office about their particular situation before 

This paragraph pertains only to academic courses taught at EMU; it does not pertain to flight training courses administered by Aero-Tech Services. Students will earn academic credit for courses completed up to the point of their withdrawal.  Grades will be based upon the work completed for each course attended.  If a student withdraws before attending half of the class sessions in a course, no grade will be given.  If a student withdraws from a course after attending more than half the class sessions but not the final session of that class, a grade of W will be assigned.  If the final session is attended, a final grade must be assigned.  


An student may be administratively withdrawn from the LOMV program if he or she:

  • misses three consecutive sessions in face-to-face and/or online classes and is unresponsive to communication from the Undergraduate Program Assistant,
  • fails to meet academic standards,
  • or fails to meet financial obligations to EMU.

An LOMV student also may be administratively withdrawn from the LOMV program for one or more of the following reasons:

  • Failure to participate as evidenced by excessive student cancellation of flight training sessions
  • Inability to achieve at least 70% on a ground school practice exam in preparation for an FAA Knowledge Test
  • Instructor’s determination that  student cannot be endorsed for an FAA Knowledge Test before the end of the semester in which a ground school is conducted
  • 2 failures of the same FAA Knowledge Test
  • Obtaining a failing grade in a ground school course
  • 2 failures of the same flight training progress check
  • 2 failures of any FAA Oral/Practical Test (whether the same test or different tests)
  • Inability to progress in flight training, as evidenced by a consensus of instructors and/or lesson repetition required across multiple tasks with different instructors


To re-enter the program, a student must re-apply by filling in the readmission application form and submitting a letter explaining how circumstances have changed since the student withdrew.  The application for re-entry will be reviewed by the Admissions Committee. The Academic Advisor will assist the student in discerning which cohort to join and where in the sequence of courses is best to join the cohort.


The student is charged at the rate current at the point of readmission. In addition, the student will be charged for any course retaken for credit.

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