LOMV Library Use Policies

LOMV Library Use Policies


  • Articles from print journals owned by EMU will be scanned and posted to the web. Students will receive an email which gives details on how to access these documents.
  • Interlibrary Loan (ILL) photocopies will be posted to the web or sent via email for students or administration at the Lancaster location.


  • Books are checked out from the Hartzler Library on the main campus and shipped via courier to the Lancaster location.  When the student returns items to the Lancaster office, the return date should be marked on the yellow wrap. Materials may be sent back to Harrisonburg by courier or mail.
  • Hartzler Library books taken to the Lancaster location by a professor as a resource for a class are charged to the professor’s account and the professor is responsible for these items.


Requests for materials should be made using the following methods:

  • For books owned by EMU housed at the main campus, use the “I need materials; Off Campus Student Request” link in Sadie.  Use your EMU ID number for “My ID is”.
  • The library home page provides access to an ILL form for books and journal articles.
  • There is access to an ILL form through most of the databases EMU licenses.

Books secured through ILL for Lancaster personnel will be shipped to Lancaster as soon as possible. EMU faculty, staff and students are expected to honor all due dates and make sure these materials are returned to Harrisonburg by the date they are due. Interlibrary loan books should be mailed back via UPS.


Patrons receive an email reminder notice three days before items are due and an overdue notice on the day after the due date. Both of the emails provide a link into Sadie to renew items if there are no holds or overdue fines.


Holds may be placed on materials that are checked out. After an item has been checked out for two weeks it is subject to recall.  The Hartzler Library reserves the right to recall any materials requested by a professor for use in a class.


The library staff is available to assist students in their research by calling (540) 432-4185 or (800) 205-9996. Students should identify themselves as EMU students and clarify that they attend class at the Lancaster location. There is a Help form available at the library website; click on the “Contact Us” link and choose the “Ask a Librarian” link.


Students have access to numerous resources available through the library website. There are links to research databases which provide access to journal articles. Students can find electronic books and reference sources through Sadie. When using these resources from off-campus and at the Lancaster location, students will need to authenticate using their Royal username and password.

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