Chap 3 - General Guidelines

Chap 3 - General Guidelines

Health and Safety Training

All emergency responses derive from the same basic principles as follows:

All EMU community members are responsible for their personal safety

All EMU community members should practice situational awareness, provide assistance to impaired individuals, and follow directions from college officials and first responders immediately, without hesitation, and completely.

All EMU community members should understand and practice emergency procedures following the ABC concept - Avoid, Barricade, Counter (aka Run, Hide, Fight).

EMU uses various emergency alerting (notification) tools, all community members should be familiar with these tools and expected responses when they are activated.

  • ALERTUS (desktop and hall beacons) provide on-campus notification and instructions.

  • RAVE (text and email) provide all community with information regarding timely warnings and emergency notifications. Typical messaging will include:

1) Nature of emergency/incident;

2) Location of emergency/incident, and

3) Actions/steps individuals should take/follow to enhance individual and community safety.

  • Audible alarms, buzzers, horns, etc. all community members, especially supervisors and faculty, should be familiar with these devices to aid in effective and clear communications regarding critical/emergency events. Examples include, but are not limited to:

    • Fire alarms

    • ALERTUS beacons located in common spaces, please see above for more detail

    • Door open/ajar buzzers

    • Equipment specific alerting devices, AEDs, fire panels, etc.

Training Responsibilities

Supervisors, both faculty and staff, have the specific responsibility to see that systems for communicating with employees and students about health and safety matters in their jurisdiction are implemented and maintained. Information must be presented in a manner readily understandable to the affected employees and students. Oral communications should be supplemented with written materials or postings.

Employees and students must be trained

  • when an employee or student first begins work;

  • when an employee or student is given a new assignment for which training has not previously been received;

  • whenever new hazards are introduced into the workplace by new substances, processes or equipment;

  • whenever the supervisor is made aware of a new or previously unrecognized hazard.

Content of Training

Training is provided by the university or department for employees and students in labs, shops or other workplaces where special hazards may be encountered. It includes general information applicable to the university, department, building, service shop or office about safety administration, programs, and procedures.

Training is provided by the principal investigators, lab directors, shop supervisors and class instructors for laboratory researchers and assistants, lab class students and shop workers. It consists of information specific to labs, research groups and shops regarding the special hazards of their work and the specific protocols and procedures to be performed by the individual.

Training Resources

EMU has a decentralized safety video library, a collection of brochures and staff to assist supervisors and departments in the training programs. The bloodborne pathogen program library is located at the Health Center, laboratory safety library in the Science Center and shop safety training materials in the Facilities Management Office. EMU also utilizes outside resources for specific online and in-person training.

Keeping Records

Supervisors and training event hosts must document health and safety training conducted in classroom-style, safety meetings, or one-on-one job safety training sessions. Documentation should include sign-up sheets with signatures of attendees and when training occurred (see Attachment IV). Records of training must be kept for at least one year and be readily available for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for inspection. The forms for training record-keeping may be obtained from Human Resources Office.

What To Do in Case of an Accident

Emergency Procedures

The following procedures are provided to assist in prompt attention and treatment of on-the-job accidents or job related illnesses.

  1. Do not panic.

  2. Keep the patient/person-harmed stable until the extent of the injury is determined and do not move except in cases of imminent danger.

  3. For serious injury or illness call the Rescue Squad at 911.

For minor injuries go to the EMU Health Center for first aid treatment/assessment. If the EMU Health Center is not available, please use the panel of physicians list located in the EMU Faculty/Staff Handbook.

Be sure the Human Resources office is informed immediately.

Accident Reporting Procedures

Prompt reporting of accidents and injuries that occur on-the-job and/or on the campus is an important part of the University safety program. EMU’s workers’ compensation and employers’ liability insurance policy covers work-related injuries and occupational diseases. Prompt notification to the insurance company is one of the conditions of that coverage. Likewise, incidents involving non-employees may have liability implications for the University regarding insurance coverages and have prompt notification requirements.

Separate reporting procedures have been established for accidents and incidents involving employee job-related items, and for accidents and incidents involving non-employees.

Employee On-the-Job Injury/Illness Reporting

Both the employee and the supervisor have reporting responsibilities. Facilities management staff should make sure that all on-the-job injuries/illness are reported to the Facilities Management administrative secretary and all other staff should report to Human Resources Office without delay. The insurance company has a prompt notification requirement or coverage may be jeopardized. Full cooperation is solicited.

The “Employee on the Job Injury Reportcan be found on myEMU Employee Info tab under Safety section If myEMU is unavailable, please print and complete the form and take it to the Human Resources Office.

Non-Employee Accident/Injury Report Form

Employees are encouraged to write accident/injury reports for visitors and students (if not a student employee), stating the factors which contributed to the accident/injury. This will be used to minimize future accidents/injuries.

The “Non-Employee Accident/Injury Report Formcan be found on myEMU Employee Info tab under Safety section. If myEMU is unavailable, please print and complete the form, and take it to the Human Resources Office.

Workers’ Compensation Responsibilities for Employees

  1. Make your supervisor aware of your injury/illness immediately.

  2. If you are able, photocopy and complete the “Employee on the Job Injury Report” and take it to the Human Resources Office without delay.

  3. Be sure the health care provider/s is aware that it is a work related injury/illness.

  4. In order to insure that your medical treatment will be paid by the insurance company, please choose from the panel of physicians. (The panel of physicians is located in the Faculty/Staff Handbook).

  5. If you receive bills for medical care and/or prescriptions related to your injury or illness, forward them to the Human Resources Office.

  6. Work excuses from the doctor must be turned in to your supervisor in order for the disability period to be listed as Workers’ Compensation leave.

  7. The insurance company may call you regarding your injury/illness. The information is needed to process your claim. If you have questions regarding EMU Workers’ Compensation policies and procedures, or your compensation claim, call the Human Resources Office.

Workers’ Compensation Responsibilities for Supervisors

  1. Make sure the employee gets appropriate medical treatment.

  2. For first aid treatment or assessment, send the employee to the EMU Health Center. If the EMU Health Center is not available you may send them to a panel physician. (The panel of physicians is located in the Faculty/Staff Handbook.)

  3. Major accident/injury call the Rescue Squad 911

  4. For physical plant employees report the accident/injury to the physical plant administrative secretary to have an “Employee On the Job Injury Report” completed. Other staff should photocopy Attachment I form, complete and take it to the Human Resources Office without delay.

  5. If employee misses work because of the injury or illness, report the date the employee returns to work to the Human Resources Office. The employee must obtain a “work excuse” from the attending physician for the days lost due to the injury/illness. Any unauthorized leave from work will be listed as sick, vacation or personal leave.

  6. Be sure the health care provider is aware that it is a work related injury/illness.

  7. Forward medical bills received by the employee for treatment to the Human Resources Office. The employee should not pay for the medical treatment.

  8. Provide a safe and healthful working environment--attempt to remedy the situation which caused the accident or illness.

Investigation of Accidents

In the event of an accident or injury during work, or a work-related illness, the injured employee’s supervisor shall make a complete investigation of the incident and inspect the area or equipment involved. A report of the investigation and inspection shall be made on the Accident/Injury Investigation form can be found on myEMU Employee Info tab under Safety section. If myEMU is unavailable, please print and complete the form, and take it to the Human Resources Office.

Medical Emergency Procedures

It is important that the residence staff be aware of health matters in the residence hall. To help insure prompt attention to, and notification of, illnesses, etc., the following procedures are to be followed by the residence staff:

  • Read and be familiar with the Emergency First Aid Resource for steps to be taken in case of emergency illnesses or accidents.

  • Immediately report all emergency illnesses, accidents, or hospitalizations to the on-duty Campus Safety Officer (540) 432-4911(4911 from campus phone) and if a student Campus Life on Call (540) 476-4578.

First Aid (Emergency)

These procedures are provided for your information. You should never do anything for which you are not appropriately trained. Contact a qualified health care provider in the Health Center 4317, if at all possible. In case of accident or emergency, keep in mind the following:

  • Do not panic

  • Keep the patient lying down until the extent of his/her injury is determined. Look for serious bleeding, stoppage of breathing, poisoning.

  • When indicated, call 911 without delay.

  • Stop bleeding by applying pressure to the injured area.

  • When a person is injured, keep the patient lying down and do not move except in cases of imminent danger.

  • Treat for shock - keep the patient warm and lying down.

  • Do not give any liquid to an unconscious person.

  • Do not give a stimulant to a bleeding person.

  • Always wear gloves when treating an injured person.

  • If a student be sure to contact the Campus Life on Call (540) 476-4578 and the Health Center as soon as possible.

  • Contact the Rescue Squad (911) when a student needs treated. DO NOT load the injured person into your car and drive them to the hospital.

Fractures /Sprains/ Head Injuries

  • If an injured part is painful, swollen, deformed, or if motion causes pain, suspect a fracture and splint it. Apply a cold compress and contact the Rescue Squad at 911.

  • When treating a sprain encourage the person to ice the affected area, rest and elevate the injured body part.

  • Do not attempt to move a person with a suspected back or neck injury

  • The person may have a head injury if they are experiencing any of the following:

  • Loss of consciousness or drowsiness

  • Persistent headache or vomiting

  • Clumsiness or inability to move any body part

  • Loss of blood or watery fluid from ears or nose

  • Convulsions

  • Abnormal speech or behavior


  • Lay the patient on their back with head to the side and legs raised.

  • Do not give anything by mouth

  • Loosen tight clothing. Sponge face with cold water.

  • Call 911, if the patient does not wake up right away.

Convulsions (Epileptic)

  • Do not restrain patient. Do not give stimulants. Remove objects from the area which could injure the patient.

  • Provide privacy for the person experiencing the seizure.

Burns and Scalds

Care should be exercised in the kind of treatment administered for blisters, burns, and wounds, because of the possibility of infection. There is less danger of infection if blisters remain intact.

Minor Burns Without Blisters

Place burned extremity into cold water or cover burned part with a towel soaked in cold water until the pain stops (at least 15 minutes). Do not use ice.

Burns with Blisters

Same as above. Do not break blisters. Keep area clean and dry with sterile dressing. ANY burn on the face, hands, feet, or genitals and any large burn should be evaluated by a health care professional.

Large or Deep burns

Call 911 or an ambulance. Remove clothing. Do not apply any medication. Keep patient warm with a clean sheet and then a blanket until help arrives.

Skin Wounds

  • Bruises - Apply cold compresses for 20 minutes. Do not put ice directly on the skin use a clean cloth or towel.

  • Cuts

  • Minor - Wash with soap and water and cover with dressing.

  • Major - If the cut is large and/or deep, call for help and maintain pressure until help arrives. All cuts that are deep should be evaluated within 4-6 hours to determine if stitches are needed. Avoid washing with soap and water as germs may be washed into the wound.



  • If several persons are ill on your floor, encourage all residents to wash hands more frequently to avoid spreading of the illness.

  • Check in with the ill person the following day and ask them to check in with the campus nurse.

EMU Health Services

The health center is located on second floor of the Commons – Suite B.

Office Hours are 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Walk-in Hours Mon.- Fri. 1-3 p.m.

For an appointment call Ext. 4317.

Emergency Options:


EmergiCare, 755 Cantrell Ave., Harrisonburg, VA - 432-9996

Rockingham Memorial Hospital Emergency Room, Harrisonburg, VA - 433-4393

Rockingham Memorial Hospital Poison Control Center, Harrisonburg, VA – 433-9706

Directions to Sentara RMH Health Campus:

From Park Road, turn left onto Mt. Clinton Pike, turn right onto Virginia Ave (Route 42), go about two (2) miles, take a left onto Maryland Avenue, go about three (3) miles and turn left onto Stone Spring Road, Sentara RMH Health Campus is on the right.

Office Safety Guidelines


Under the direction of the EMU management team, all staff are responsible for appropriate safety precautions while in university offices.

General Precautions


  • do not lift or move computers or any other heavy piece of equipment without help

  • request physical plant staff assistance when moving file cabinets, desks and similar large and/or heavy items of furniture


  • keep all drawers and chairs pushed in under the desks and tables

  • keep aisles, exits and stairs free of obstructions

  • keep stored items orderly—if in a sprinkled building nothing should be permitted within 18 inches of a ceiling in order to insure proper operation of the fire sprinkler heads

Slips and Falls

  • all electrical power cords should be taped out of the way and not allowed to cross walkways and aisles

  • do not stand on chairs with wheels or folding chairs at any time

  • keep aisles and walkways clear of debris—paper, paper clips, pencils, pens, etc.

  • immediately clean up liquid spills in walkways and aisles

  • report worn stair treads, broken floor tiles or broken handrails to physical plant department

  • in bad weather, wear footwear with traction soles when running errands to other buildings

  • when using a ladder, make sure it’s tall enough—do not use the top two steps on ladders over 5 feet tall


  • when opening letters/packages use regular letter openers or retractable blade box cutters (retract blade when not in use)—DO NOT use knives, razor blades or scissors

  • do not use a paper cutter unless a finger guard is firmly in place—be sure to place the blade down when not in use

Office Equipment


  • keep long hair and loose clothing away from moving parts

  • turn off power or unplug the electrical connection when changing a cartridge or toner

Filing Cabinets

  • place heavier materials in the lower drawers

  • open only one drawer at a time to avoid destabilizing the cabinet

Other electrical equipment

All devices used to produce heat, coffee makers, hot plates, space heaters, etc. must be plugged directly into a wall outlet. DO NOT use power strips or extension cords - relocate equipment.

Additional Electrical Outlets/Extension Cords

If additional outlets or extension cords are necessary, contact Facilities Management for needs assessment and authorized recommendations.


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