Chap 2 - Safety Administration and Responsibilities

Chap 2 - Safety Administration and Responsibilities

The Eastern Mennonite University Safety Committee serves in an advisory capacity to the Vice President for Finance. The Safety Committee is responsible for overseeing policies, procedures, and monitoring compliance. The Committee serves

  • as a line of communication for the university stakeholders and community member regarding items of safety and security,

  • for reviewing safety and security concerns brought to its attention, 

  • for recommending proposals to reduce or eliminate such problems, 

  • to promote safety consciousness, and 

  • to increase proficiency in safe practices throughout the university.  

As directed by the VP for Finance, the Campus Safety Manager will coordinate the development and recommend policies and procedures compliant with safety and security best practices, industry, and governmental laws and regulations.


The Committee will include representatives from the significant university community constituencies. The members of the Committee selected because of related job responsibilities are as follows:

  • Vice President for Finance, Chair

  • Campus Safety Manager

  • Director of Residence Life

  • Chemical Hygiene Officer

  • Director of Facilities Management

  • Director of Human Resources

  • Director of Counseling Center

  • Athletic Trainer

Additional members may be added to the Committee, as appropriate, potentially representing the following constituencies:

  • Student representatives (appointed by the SGA)

  • Student activities, intramurals


The Committee is responsible for 

  • to enhance safety and security within the campus buildings and grounds,

  • monitoring compliance with written policies and procedures,

  • assessment and monitoring of the system of accident/incident reporting that includes a mechanism for investigating and evaluating all occurrences reported, for documenting the review of all such examinations and all plans for safety and security training,

  • promotion of safety and security awareness, 

  • establishment of methods to measure the results of the safety program and periodic analysis to determine its effectiveness, and

  • establish procedures for handling safety recommendations.


The Committee will schedule regular meetings quarterly and schedule additional meetings as necessary. The agenda for the regular meetings will include the following:

  • review the status of previous health and safety recommendations

  • review of accident/incident reports and other scheduled reports 

  • assessment of training completed and planned 

  • other matters brought by committee members for consideration


The Committee will develop and review a listing and schedule of reports documenting compliance with the University Safety Program aspects. The listing may include crime statistics, fire alarms/drills reports, fire department, building inspection reports, facilities management system maintenance reports, laboratory reports, workers’ compensation, accident reports, etc.



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