Chap 8 - Fleet Management

Chap 8 - Fleet Management

University Vehicle Fleet Safety Program


For purposes of this program, “university vehicle” shall include any university owned vehicle, any vehicle rented in the name of the University for University purposes, leased vehicle or courtesy vehicle made available for conducting University business.


  • EMU encourages the use of university owned vehicles for EMU functions, and also recognizes that at times the use of a rental or personal vehicle is appropriate and necessary.

  • University vehicles are to be used only for approved EMU activities

  • The Business Office may authorize usage by other agencies or organizations whose activities are supportive of the mission of Eastern Mennonite University.


  • The primary objective of this program is to provide for the protection and safety of human life.

  • A secondary objective is the protection of university assets which are exposed to daily accidental loss and to manage risk in order to control insurance costs.

  • A third objective is to avoid unfavorable publicity that may result from accidents.


It is important that each driver while using a university vehicle

  • Keep safety above expedience,

  • Comply with all traffic laws and safe driving practices,

  • Ensure that the safety of the public, University employees and passengers are paramount, and

  • Drive defensively to prevent accidents in spite of incorrect actions of others and adverse conditions.

Responsibilities: Safety in University vehicles is a responsibility that is shared among the Business department as custodian of the fleet, drivers, and passengers.

Business Office  Responsibilities

  • See that a record of periodic maintenance is available for each vehicle and that appropriate routine safety and maintenance checks and procedures have been performed.

  • Report changes in fleet composition (additions and deletions) to the University’s insurance agent, to the Business Office, and to the VP for Finance

  • Disseminate rules, regulations and policies concerning proper use of university vehicles, and perform driver orientation on emergency and accident procedures, and gas card usage.

  • Manage the driver approval process to ensure that all drivers meet the standards established for operation of university vehicles.

Components of driver qualification:

  • Must complete a Driver Qualification form and an Authorization to Obtain Motor Vehicle Record form and present a copy of current driver’s license prior to driving and/or upon request of the Business Office

  • Must possess a driver’s license valid in the U.S (a copy of driver’s license should be presented with this form)

  • Must have at least two years of regular (daily) driving experience

  • Must be at least 19 years old or have a CDL to drive a car

  • Must not have any Capital Violations in the last five years

  • Driving while intoxicated or impaired or under the influence of drugs

  • Criminal conviction with a motor vehicle (e.g., felony, hit and run, negligent homicide)

  • Speed in excess of 25 MPH over the speed limit

  • Must not have any Major Violations in the last 3 years

  • Any combination of three or more moving violations, “At Fault Accidents” or “Preventable Accidents”

  • Driving with a suspension, revocation or administrative restriction

  • Leaving the scene of an accident as defined by state laws

    • Reckless driving

    • Must not have any combination of two or more moving violations, “At Fault Accidents” or “Preventable Accidents” in the last 12 months

Additional requirements for van operators:

  • Must be at least 25 years old or have a CDL, and have 5 years driving (almost daily) experience

  • Provide van drivers training including, orientation to the operation of the van and behind the wheel driving test.

  • Limit operators from driving vans until instructor documents successful completion of training program by returning signed forms to the Physical Plant Office

Maintain list of qualified drivers and request updated Driver Qualification Form three months following the expiration date of the driver’s license.

·         Ascertain that all accidents have been reported promptly to law enforcement officials and to insurance carriers.

·         Investigate accidents to the extent necessary, and provide a report to the safety committee.

·         Any vehicles that do not meet State Inspection standards will be taken out of operation until corrections have been made.

Driver’s responsibilities:

  1. Drive Alert! It is important that all university drivers have knowledge of safe practices and are alert at all times behind the wheel.

  • Do not attempt to drive if you need to sleep.

  • Do not drive when taking medications or any substance that may impair driving ability.

  • Do not operate a hand-held cellular phone while operating a vehicle.

    • Do not attempt to consume a meal while operating the vehicle. Small snacks and beverages are permissible.

  • Constantly monitor changing conditions in the highway, traffic, and weather.

  • Standards for operation of EMU vehicles prohibit use of electronic devices (including sending or receiving text messages) while operating an EMU owned vehicle.

  1. Drive Defensively! There are three basic techniques that are vital for the defensive driver:

  • Recognition of the hazard – A hazard may be caused by another vehicle, may be mechanical in nature, or caused by existing road conditions.

  • Understanding the defense – The most basis driving defenses are proper speed, following distance, and driver alertness.

  • Acting in Time – If the hazard is recognized and the proper defensive course of action known, then steps can be taken to prevent emergency situations from arising.

  1. Drive Responsibly! The driver is the first line of defense against vehicular accidents. Drivers should:

  • Obey all laws and safety rules. Fines for moving violations and parking infractions are the responsibility of the driver.

  • Report any mechanical difficulty encountered during operation to Physical Plant Department in accordance with instructions in the vehicle.

  • Assume a safety conscious attitude for all occupants of the vehicle.

  • Ensure that driver and all passengers use seat belts.

  • Observe common courtesy toward all other drivers and pedestrians.

  • Remember that the operator’s driving actions reflect on the University.

  • Make sure that the fuel tank is at least half full upon return.

  • Check to see that all personal belongings and trash are removed from the vehicle.

  1. Additional Driver Responsibility – Vans

  • Allow no more than 11 passengers maximum (including driver) in 15 passenger vans where speeds greater than 55 mph are involved.

  • Allow no roof loading.

  • Ensure that driver and all passengers use seatbelts.








Must have driver’s license that is valid in the U.S.

Must be at least 19 years old




How many years have you been driving? ______ How many miles per year? _______

Location: Rural _____, Urban _____, Interstate _____, Mountains _____

Did you haul passengers? _____ If yes, how many passengers did you haul? _____

What road conditions have you driven? Dry _____, Wet _____, Snow _____

What type of vehicles have you driven? Small cars _____, Large cars _____, Mini-vans _____,

Large vans _____, Buses _____, Trucks: Large _____, Small _____, Other equipment _____

Other explanations:

Driving Record & health questions

Have you had auto insurance refused, cancelled, or expired? Yes No

Have you had a suspended or revoked operator’s license in the past five years? Yes No

Have you ever been arrested and detained? Yes No

Do you take any medications that may cause drowsiness? Yes No

Do you have any physical impairment? Yes No

Do you have ____heart disease ____ epilepsy ____ diabetes? Yes No

If so, list the medication(s) prescribed:

How long has the problem been controlled medically?

Have you, while driving a motor vehicle, been involved in an accident during the past

10 years? Yes No

List all accidents regardless of who was at fault and the dates they occurred.

Have you received any speeding or other traffic violation tickets in the past three years? Yes No

If yes, please list the date(s) and violation(s)

I represent the above to be true and valid statements. I will notify Physical Plant Office if there is a change in my driving record or health condition that affects my qualification to drive. I will also authorize EMU to obtain my DMV driving record by signing an “Authorization to Obtain Motor Vehicle Record” form.


A MANAGEMENT TOOL” to be used to determine if the operator has a satisfactory driving record:

Capital Violations:

If the driver has one or more of the following violations within the last 5 years you are not qualified to drive EMU’s vehicles:

  1. Driving while intoxicated or impaired or under the influence of drugs.

  2. Criminal conviction with a motor vehicle (e.g., felony, hit and run, negligent homicide).

  3. Speed in excess of 25 MPH over the speed limit.

Major Violations:

These are serious violations incurred at a high frequency that indicate a disregard for public safety. If you have had any of these violations in the last 3 years you are not qualified to drive EMU’s vehicles:

  1. Any combination of three or more moving violations, “At Fault Accidents” or “Preventable Accidents”.

  2. Driving with a suspension, revocation or administrative restriction.

  3. Leaving the scene of an accident as defined by state laws.

  4. Reckless driving.

If you have had any combination of two or more moving violations, “At Fault Accidents” or “Preventable Accidents” in the last 12 months you are not qualified to drive.

  1. Important Information for drivers of EMU Vehicles:

    1. There is emergency information in the sun visor pouch in each vehicle.

    2. There is an accident report form in the glove compartment in the vehicle that should be completed in the event of an accident.

    3. You will find the Vehicle Insurance Card in the glove compartment.

    4. You will find the vehicle registration card in the glove compartment.

    5. Before moving the vehicle make sure all passengers have seatbelts securely in place.

  1. Standards for operation of EMU vehicles:

    1. Must be at least 19 years old

    2. Must complete Driver Qualification form

    3. Must have at least two years of regular (daily) driving experience

    4. Must possess a driver’s license valid in the U.S. (a copy of driver’s license should be presented with this form)

    5. Must sign additional form allowing driver record check

    6. Must not have violations exceeding standards listed above

Additional requirements for van operators:

  1. Complete van driving training; drive van thru test course, and instructor logs successful completion of training program

  2. Must be at least 25 years old or have a CDL, and have 5 years driving (almost daily) experience

I have read and understand the above Guidelines:

SIGNATURE: ________________________________________________ DATE: ____________

I request van drivers training and orientation with EMU’s Fleet Instructor (Call Ext. 4389)

SIGNATURE OF VAN TRAINEE: ________________________________ DATE: ____________

(Name)__________________________________________ has received training and orientation on (date)____________ and [IS or IS NOT] (Circle one) approved to operate EMU vans.





VA Code 46.2-208 classifies driver abstracts as privileged records and limits the release of an abstract of a driver’s record to only an employer, potential employer, or unauthorized agent who has been authorized in writing by such driver to obtain the driver’s record.


That the undersigned gives his or her consent to the release of their driving record (“MVR”) for review by

Eastern Mennonite University

Name of Employer or Potential Employer or Agent:

That the undersigned authorizes his or her driving record to be periodically obtained and reviewed for the purpose of initial and continued employment and authorization to operate University vehicles.

That the undersigned gives his or her consent to the release of their driving record (“MVR”) for review by:

Campbell Insurance

Name of Agency

That the undersigned understands that his or her driving record may also be provided to insurance carriers for the purpose of determining the insurability of certain hazards.

Name of employee/potential employee


Authorized Driver:____________________________________________

(Print full name as it appears on your license)

License Number & State: __________________________________________________

Date of Birth: __________________________________________________

Signature of employee/potential employee


Authorized Driver:__________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________

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