Biblical Languages

Biblical Languages

MDiv students are given the option of choosing between a Primary Track and an Alternate Track. Each student should carefully consider the two options with their academic advisor to determine which track best serves their vocational interests.

Primary Track – Greek and Hebrew

A total of 12 credit hours constitutes the biblical language requirement and consists of the following four courses:


  • BIBL 531 Elementary Greek (3 SH)

  • BIBL 541 Greek Readings (3 SH)


  • BIBL 532 Elementary Hebrew (3 SH)

  • BIBL 542 Hebrew Readings (3 SH)

Alternate Track

The Alternate Track will replace the 12 credit hours of biblical language required in the Primary Track with four courses for 12 credit hours: BIBL 532 Elementary Hebrew or BIBL  531 Elementary Greek, BIBL 621 Interpreting the Biblical Text and two biblical book studies including a Hebrew Bible book study and a New Testament book study. All biblical book studies will incorporate an exegetical emphasis on the language aspects of the study, encouraging students in the use of language tools and resources.