Master of Divinity and Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership Dual Degree

Master of Divinity and Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership Dual Degree

Program Requirements:

For a Dual Degree MDiv/MAOL, a total of 83 SH is required

MDiv: a total of 54 SH required (45 SH of the MDiv core curriculum, 9 SH required electives). From the MDiv core, the alternative track is the default set of courses to complete the 12 SH Biblical Language/Studies requirement. In conversation with their advisor, students could substitute the Primary Language track for this requirement.

MAOL: 15 SH from core, the 12 SH of required electives, and 3 SH electives (chosen in consultation with academic advisor) for a total of 35 SH.

Joint program details:

  • There are 12 SH of dual electives that apply towards each program’s degree requirements

  • The mentorship and capstone program requirements for the MAOL are satisfied by FS 601/602 and FS 701/702. The director of the MAOL program or designated faculty will serve as an additional advisor on the capstone project.

MDIV Courses

Formation Courses (15 SH)

  • FS 503  Formation in Spiritual Practices    (3 SH)  

  • FS 504  Formation in Narrative Identity   (3 SH) 

  • FS 601  Formation in Ministry I   (3 SH)  

  • FS 602  Formation in Ministry II   (3 SH)  

  • FS 698  Formation in Vocation and Leadership I  (2 SH)         

  • FS 699  Formation in Vocation and Leadership II (1 SH)       

Other Required Courses (18 SH)

  • BIBL 511 Hebrew Bible: Text in Context  (3 SH) 

  • BIBL 512  New Testament: Text in Context  (3 SH)  

  • CTH 501  Christian Traditions I   (3 SH) 

  • CTH 512  Christian Traditions II   (3 SH) 

  • CTT 634  Living Theology  (3 SH)

  • CM 644 Decolonizing Intercultural Studies (3 SH)

Biblical Language/Studies (12 SH)

Take one of these:                                    

  • BIBL 532  Elementary Hebrew  (3 SH)  or  

  • BIBL 531  Elementary Greek   (3 SH)  

And all of these

  • BIBL 621 Interpreting the Biblical Text (3 SH)

  • BIBL course Hebrew Bible Book Study (3 SH)

  • BIBL course New Testament Book Study (3 SH)

*Students could substitute the Biblical languages track

MAOL Courses

OLS Core Courses (15 SH)

  • OLS 510 Leadership & Management for Common Good (3 SH) 

  • OLS 520 Introduction to Leadership Studies (3 SH)  

  • OLS 530 Organizational Behavior (3 SH) 

  • OLS 540 Managerial Finance & Accounting I  (3 SH)

  • OLS 560 Leadership Seminar (3 SH)        

Required Electives for Dual MDiv & MAOL (12 SH)   

MOL 620 Transformative Leadership in a Dynamic Context (3 SH)

CTE 702  Christian Ethics  (3 SH)   

CM 635 Faith-Based Social Transformation (3 SH)

One additional course with either PAX, CM or BIBL heading (3 SH)

Electives  (12 SH)

Choose courses that work toward your capstone.

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