Spiritual Life

Spiritual Life

Website: https://emu.edu/studentlife/spiritual-life
Phone: (540) 432-4115

The Office of Faith and Spiritual Life fosters relationships of hospitality, healing, and hope; encourages spiritual formation, active faith, and interfaith literacy; welcomes questions and doubts; and explores values and vocation, with EMU Mission, Vision, and Values and the Student Life Division purpose as foundations.

The University Chaplain is available to the entire campus community and is eager to hear your stories, ideas, and vision for faith and spiritual formation on campus. Engagement through email, phone and website interaction with any EMU student, whether on campus, off-campus, in Lancaster, or online, is welcomed. Feel free to check out the Office of Faith and Spiritual Life on this website.

Fellowship and Spiritual Companioning for Graduate Students

Graduate students wanting to meet one-to-one or in small groups for spiritual companioning (spiritual direction) are welcome to request a meeting with a spiritual companion/director. This is an opportunity to explore God awareness and spiritual connections alongside graduate studies. Apply with this request form.

Worship Opportunities for Graduate Students

The schedule for Seminary Chapels is Tuesday at 11-11:45 a.m. in Martin Chapel with details posted in the Events or Calendars tab of the MyEMU web page found at https://my.emu.edu/ICS/Calendar/.

Campus Worship, a Christian worship service, is held every other Wednesday from 10:10-11 a.m. in Martin Chapel. Convocation takes place at the same time in Lehman Auditorium on alternating weeks.

Graduate students are welcome to join the Celebration Praise Worship sessions most Sunday nights from 9-10 p.m. in Martin Chapel. Hymn Sings are held there as well as posted on the MyEMU events calendar.

Podcasts from Convocation, Campus Worship, and Seminary Chapel Gathering services are posted at this link:  https://emu.edu/now/podcast/.

Faith and Spiritual Life Staff

The University Chaplain and Faith and Spiritual Life staff are a spiritual resource available to students, faculty and staff for conversation, counseling, support and prayer.  The chaplain offers spiritual mentoring, relational pastoral care, and coordinates programs for spiritual formation and spiritual growth including campus worship services, faith formation groups, retreats and special events. The Office of Faith and Spiritual Life is located in the University Commons, 2nd floor, Student Life Suite (UC 224).. Find the Seminary Campus Pastor’s office at Seminary Building 137.

University Chaplain and Director - Office of Faith and spiritual Life

     -Brian Martin Burkholder, 540-432-4115, brian.burkholder@emu.edu

Seminary Campus Pastor

     -Kevin Clark, 540-432-4217, clarkka@emu.edu

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