Graduate and Seminary Handbook- Print

Graduate and Seminary Handbook- Print

Policies and Expectations

Student Services: Graduate and Undergraduate

Program Specific: Graduate and Seminary

Program Specific: Seminary Only

Worship and Fellowship

Chapel gathering is held regularly each Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. in Martin Chapel.  These experiences of worship are central to community life and students are expected to attend chapel on the days they are on campus.

Occasionally a fellowship lunch is scheduled after chapel. A dean’s forum is scheduled during a lunch period after chapel, once each semester.

Campus Worship, a Christian worship service to nurture faith and spiritual growth, is held every other Wednesday from 10:10-11 a.m. in Martin Chapel. Convocation takes place at the same time in Lehman Auditorium the opposite week. Seminary students are welcome to attend; a schedule is posted on the seminary worship board.

Computer Resources

Website: http://www.emu.edu/is/
Phone: (540) 432-HELP (4357)

Computers are available to seminary students in the study room (#120) on the first floor of the seminary building. EMU general purpose computer labs are open to students. For more detailed information on EMU computing resources, see the “Computing for Students” section in the Graduate Student Handbook.

Video Conferencing Policies

In light of the fact that Seminary culture increasingly includes video conferencing, we need to have in place policies that will guide how video conferencing is used.  Our goal is to both make it easier for students to take courses and also make the instructor’s experience work as smoothly as possible.

  1. If any student has a legitimate reason why they must be absent from a particular class session and notifies the instructor in advance, video conferencing software may be used in place of in-person attendance.
  2. With agreement from the instructor prior to the start of the course, students who are not local (e.g., Lancaster, Kansas, Roanoke) may connect to the class sessions via video conferencing on an ongoing basis. Students need to keep in mind that connecting via video conferencing for 50% or more of class sessions will mean that the course does not count toward residency for their degree program. 
  3. Students using video conferencing are responsible to have appropriate technology and setting to connect by video and audio to class sessions without foreseeable interruption.
  4. Faculty are encouraged to develop pedagogy that allows for video conferencing in each of their courses, and, as necessary, to set appropriate limits to the number of students per course connecting in this way and/or to the number of sessions students may attend via video conferencing.

Student Identification for Online Courses

While we recognize that it is very difficult to guard against all forms of student fraud while enrolled in an online course, the ultimate goal of EMU is to verify that the that the online student who is registered for a particular course is, in fact, the same student who is performing the work. To meet that goal we will do the following:

1. All online courses are required to have one synchronous video session at the beginning of the course.
2. Hybrid students are required to get a picture ID while on campus.

Counseling Services

Web: http://www.emu.edu/studentlife/counseling/ Phone: (540) 432-4317

In addition to academic advising, the seminary provides counseling in the areas of personal crisis and career planning. The seminary campus pastor is available for counseling on spiritual and personal matters. She/he can assist the student in referral to university counseling services (see “Counseling Services” section in the Graduate Student Handbook) or other professional counseling if the need arises. Counseling on campus is confidential unless a student is a safety risk to self or others.


Seminary Building
The seminary building is located on Smith Avenue on the southwest corner of the EMU campus. Located on the first floor are administrative offices, faculty offices, student mailboxes, a large lecture room, classrooms, the study/reference room, and prayer room (just off the main entrance). On the second floor are classrooms, faculty offices, the kitchen, Gathering Area, Martin Chapel, fellowship area and two prayer rooms.

Study Room
The study room on the first floor of the seminary is available for use by seminary students, and other students as space allows. Please request a copy of the Study Room Guidelines from the seminary office coordinator. A copy is also available in the Seminary Community Council folder in Moodle.

Activities Fee

Included in the tuition charges, the student activities fee of $30 per semester for full-time students and $3 per credit hour for part-time students provides special services for the benefit of seminary students. These include lectures for colloquiums, and Seminary Community Council activities.

Information Flow

All seminary students have mailboxes in the seminary building. Official messages as well as personal mail and messages are placed in the boxes. Incoming mail is delivered to the seminary building once a day around 10:00a.m.  Outgoing mail is taken at the same time.

Bulletin boards are located on first and second floors. Acquaint yourself with their location and content. Students should form the habit of reading the boards to keep abreast of announcements and general information. Most seminary and graduate school information is communicated via e-mail.

Seminary Community Council

Representing students, administration and faculty, the Seminary Community Council (SCC) assists in structuring a community life of Christian sharing and caring. It operates from the understanding that a dynamic community life is vital to the academic process. Since Christian community requires committed individuals to be effective, every student, faculty and staff person is expected to use his or her gifts and influence for the enrichment of community life.

Committees or activities functioning under SCC:

Fellowship Committee

• plans major social functions

•stays alert to student financial needs and plans for assistance where possible

Forum Organizing

• In collaboration with a faculty adviser, the SCC works at addressing seminary issues and concerns through organizing a variety of events, such as town hall meetings, round table discussions and forums, presentations by professors or guest speakers.

Snack and Food Service

Vending machines and coffee are located in the kitchen area on second floor. Coffee and tea (located in the kitchen) are available to seminary students only, since the cost is covered by their activity fees. Microwave ovens are available in the vending area as well as a refrigerator to store lunches temporarily. Lunch and snacks may be eaten in the gathering or fellowship areas. Other campus facilities such as the dining hall, Royal’s Den snack shop and Common Grounds coffee shop are shared with the University and are available to seminary students according to the stated policies.

Who to See

Faculty Advisor

  • for academic program planning, course scheduling, registration changes, graduation requirements
  • for formative advising/mentoring, including degree candidacy and readiness for ministry

Associate Dean of the Seminary

  • in relation to special requests upon referral by the academic advisor
  • when considering a change of curriculum
  • for exploration of an independent study
  • for evaluation of transfer credit

Seminary Registrar

  • for information on degree requirements and course scheduling
  • for processing drop and add requests

Admissions Director and Director of Placement

  • when persons you know are interested in receiving information on seminary programs, courses and admission applications. For placement info contact Courtney Joyner at 540-432-4255 or email courtney.joyner@emu.edu; for Seminary Admissions contact Adam King, 540-432-4144, adam.king@emu.edu.
  • for post-graduation placement in ministry

Office of Academic Access  http://www.emu.edu/academics/access

Call (540) 432-4638 or request services via the online form.

  • for persons with disabilities needing accommodations
  • to learn about community resources and services


  • for any matters related to their respective courses

Director of Mentored Ministry

  • on matters related to Formation in Ministry internships
  • on placement for Mentored Ministry
  • to discuss matters related to Mentored Ministry

Director of Career Services at EMU

  • for general career counseling

Campus Pastor

  • for spiritual support and pastoral counseling
  • for guidance regarding spiritual direction
  • for a referral to professional counseling
  • for counsel on vocational direction

EMU Registrar’s Office

  • on requests for transfer of credit
  • on request for official transcripts

Financial Assistance Office

  • on matters related to grants, loans, scholarships and other aid
  • upon changing from full-time to part-time status or from part-time to less than part-time (if you are receiving any type of financial assistance)

Business Office

  • to make payments on your account (the preferred method is through your student account online)

Student Accounts Office

  • to ask questions regarding your student account (ext.4114)
  • to discuss options for payment

International Student Director

  • on any matters pertaining to immigration status and Immigration and Naturalization Service regulations regarding work or length of stay in the U.S (See International Student Handbook)
  • on changes in course load, program, address, or telephone number

Title IX Coordinator

  • If you have experienced or witnessed sexual assault, harassment, or discrimination based on sex or gender

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