Graduate and Seminary Handbook For Print

Graduate and Seminary Handbook For Print

Section 1: Policies and Expectations

Academic Freedom Policy

Eastern Mennonite University’s mission is to equip students to serve and lead in a global context. As a Christian university, EMU serves its denomination, the broader church, and the common good through the acquisition and dissemination of disciplined knowledge and reflective practice. In order to carry out its educational mission, EMU is committed to maintaining a community of learning where all members ‐‐ faculty, staff, and students alike ‐‐ are free to pursue truth in all disciplines and modes of inquiry, and are protected from internal or external influences that would restrict them from the responsible exercise of truth‐seeking.

Academic freedom at EMU is practiced within the context of specialized disciplines and in support of the university’s mission as articulated in its foundational documents. EMU is guided by the definition of academic freedom articulated in the American Association of University Professors’ Policy Documents and Reports, 11th Edition, paraphrased below.

  1. Insofar as they adequately perform their academic duties and serve the mission of EMU, members of the EMU learning community (faculty, staff, and students) are entitled to freedom in their research, course design, and learning endeavors, and in the dissemination of results. Faculty should consult with the appropriate officers of the university before conducting sponsored research or signing external contracts.

  2. EMU faculty, in their areas of expertise, and students, as engaged learners, have freedom in the classroom in discussing the subjects of the course, but should exercise care when introducing into the teaching and learning process matters unrelated to the subject and their expertise.

  3. The members of our learning community are global citizens and representatives of Eastern Mennonite University. When they speak or write as citizens, they will be free from censorship or discipline from EMU. Members of the EMU learning community, however, should be cognizant of the obligations imposed by their special position in the community. They should remember that the public may judge their profession and EMU by what they say, write, or display. The expectation, then, is for members of the learning community to express themselves with accuracy, clarity, and vigor; to practice appropriate restraint; to show respect for others’ opinions; and to make every effort to indicate that they are not speaking for the institution.

Our Christian university serves the church and the common good both by transmitting and by critically challenging received traditions of human knowledge. Because debates regarding traditional wisdom can be perceived as threatening and may often involve trial and error, community members shall exercise academic freedom responsibly in a spirit of civility, humility, respect, and care for the common good. Specifically, EMU expects that academic freedom be exercised within the context of the university’s Life Together CommitmentsNon-Discrimination PolicyBias Response Policy and Procedure, Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct Policy, and other policies related to workplace safety and campus community. When so exercised, academic freedom reflects and extends EMU’s core Christian values of discipleship, community, and service.

Academic Freedom Task Force, March 15, 2016
Provost’s Council, March 16, 2016
Board of Trustees
, June 25, 2016
Revised, Provost's Council, April 30, 2020

Academic Freedom Procedures

Eastern Mennonite University is committed to academic freedom as articulated in its academic freedom policy.  EMU also recognizes that freedom of any sort comes with attendant risks. The free exercise of academic writing, speech, and performance may have consequences for the university in a variety of arenas.  These include, for example: 1) identity and mission; 2) relationships with important constituencies; 3) reputation; 4) finances; and/or 5) health and safety. Importantly, some expressions of potentially controversial ideas and arguments can put at risk the culture of civility and respect that is foundational for the very exercise of academic freedom in a community of learning.

The following procedural guidelines and expectations are intended to guide the exercise of academic freedom within the context of EMU’s mission, particularly when there are concerns about potential negative consequences.  Adherence to these procedures will maintain a supportive environment for free and vigorous academic engagement and will safeguard the context of civility, humility, respect, and care for the common good that is necessary for EMU to achieve its mission.

Underlying principles:

  1. Open communication – Faculty, staff, and students are expected to engage in civil conversation with one another and are encouraged to bring potentially controversial topics to discussions at multiple levels (e.g., one-to-one, mentor-mentee, student group meetings, departmental meetings, faculty meetings) for discernment about attendant risks and appropriate forums for engaging the controversy.  Attempts to identify major stakeholders and to include them in the decision-making should be made as early as possible.

  2. Engaging controversy – Congruent with the footnotes of the AAUP Academic Freedom statement, the intent of the Academic Freedom policy and procedures is “not to discourage what is controversial” (AAUP Policy Documents & Reports, 2015, footnote #4, pg. 14).  The EMU procedures are meant to support the civil, humble, respectful, and careful engagement of controversy, such that EMU’s mission is supported and advanced.

  3. Risk identification – It is not always possible to identify which expressions of potentially controversial ideas and arguments will impose risks.  Faculty, staff, and students are encouraged, however, to bring voice to any identified risks as early as possible and to use open communication strategies to reduce or eliminate risks.

Role definitions and procedures:

  1. Role definition of the Board of Trustees – The role of the board of trustees is to oversee the EMU administrators’ application of policies and protection of the university mission.  They will not, therefore, be directly involved in operational decisions about attendant risks, threats to, or violations of academic freedom.

  2. Role definition of the university president – The president bears ultimate responsibility to protect academic freedom within the university and to articulate it to the university’s various publics.  The president therefore must be informed about potential significant controversies and has ultimate authority, after appropriate consultation, to make decisions in cases where significant risk to the university is at stake.

  3. Role definition of academic officers -- The provost and the academic deans hold the responsibility to develop and implement policies and procedures that support academic freedom.

  4. Role definition for program directors – Since a program director could potentially find him/herself on either side of a controversial matter with regard to faculty, staff, or student activities, the director shall not be put in the position of final decision-making but will participate in open communication and leadership of a decision-making process.

  5. Ad hoc Academic Freedom Review committee –

    1. An ad hoc committee may be called together by the provost at the request of any person involved in identifying risks who has not been able to reach a resolution through application of open communication strategies.

    2. Members: Provost, the appropriate dean, at least 2 faculty members, at least 1 student, at least 1 staff member (such persons will be identified by the provost in consultation with the appropriate dean and program director when a case arises).

    3. Faculty, staff, or students involved in the controversy will be invited to present their perspective to the ad hoc committee.

    4. The ad hoc committee may solicit input from stakeholders, other faculty, staff, and students in their review of the case.

    5. The ad hoc committee has the authority to make decisions on the best venue in which to engage the controversy, the method of display or presentation, and the format for interacting with the public.  In particularly controversial or public cases, the committee will make a recommendation to the president, who will have the ultimate decision-making authority.

    6. To protect the time of all involved, decisions will be made according to a timeline established at the first meeting of the ad hoc committee, reserving the right of the committee to adjust the timeline as the case unfolds.

  6. Violation/misuse of the right to Academic Freedom – If a faculty or staff person believes their right to academic freedom has been violated, he/she should follow the University Grievance Policy and Procedures to process the violation.  If a student believes their right to academic freedom has been violated, he/she should follow the Student Complaint Policy. Misuse or abuse of the right to academic freedom in ways that are damaging to the university will be addressed using regular human resources procedures.  

University Resources:

  1. Conflict and Grievance Policy and Procedure

  2. Student Complaint Policy (http://www.emu.edu/policies/)

  3. Counseling Center  (http://www.emu.edu/studentlife/counseling/)
  4. Faculty Senate Academic Subcommittee

  5. Faculty policies: Hiring, Appointment, Loading, Contract Reviews and Promotions

Last Revised April 30, 2020, Provost's Council

Responsible party

The provost is responsible for this policy.

Policy Review

This policy is to be reviewed every three years.


Employee Handbook, Student Handbooks

Alcohol, Tobacco, and Illegal Drug Policy

In accordance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989 and in support of local, state and federal regulations pertaining to the illegal use of alcohol and other drugs, the possession or use of alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs is prohibited from the EMU campus as well as all university-related functions.

Persons who misuse, obtain for others to use or distribute alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs on campus will be held responsible in accordance with the University Standards of Conduct. Students who misuse alcohol, tobacco or illegal drugs off campus will also be in violation of the university policy and may be held responsible by the appropriate university officials. Misuse is identified as consumption that compromises the safety of oneself or others, underage drinking and/or drinking to excess, intoxication, illegal personal use and/or rowdiness, and damage or destruction of property.

NOTE on Self-Reporting/Amnesty for Alcohol and Other Drugs: Individuals who self-report consumption or potential misuse of alcohol and other drugs will not face university disciplinary action. In cases of self-reporting, a member of the student life staff will meet with the student to determine the best educational and/or recovery options available for the student, if needed. In cases of self-reporting, the university will offer its own resources as well as community-based resources to help.  

A number of services are available for persons dealing with addictions to alcohol or other substances. The following are treatment & rehabilitation programs and support services. The EMU Counseling Center (counselingservices@emu.edu) will assist any student in making contact with any of these agencies. Any such referral is confidential.

A number of services are available for persons dealing with addictions to alcohol or other substances. The following are treatment & rehabilitation programs and support services. The EMU Counseling Center (counselingservices@emu.edu) will assist any student in making contact with any of these agencies. Any such referral is confidential.

Addiction Resources in the Community (main campus)

Support Groups:

AA, Al-Anon, Alateen

    Websites for complete list of meetings:

        Al-Anon: www.vaalanon.org

        AA: www.aavirginia.org

Augusta Health (Fishersville)

    (540) 213-2509 or (540) 941-2509

Blue Ridge Area Intergroup (Winchester)

    24 hour hotline AA HOTLINES (540) 667-0322 or (800) 835-6130

Twelfth Step Intergroup (Harrisonburg)

    24-hour answering service in English & Español (540) 434-8870

Valley Intergroup (Staunton, Verona, and Waynesboro)

    Staunton, Verona: (540) 885-6912

    Waynesboro: (540) 949-7777

Substance Abuse Services:

Cambios  (Harrisonburg)

    A Spanish-speaking group for people with alcohol or drug problems in the Harrisonburg area. Contact (540) 434-1941

Harrisonburg-Rockingham Community Services Board

    Office: (540) 434-1941

    Emergency Services: (540) 434-1766

Narcotics Anonymous

    www.shevana.org and (800) 777-1515

Sentara RMH Addiction Services 

    (540) 564-5960

Local Substance Issues Resources


Addiction Resources in the Lancaster Community

Support Groups:

Heart of Lancaster Hospital

1500 Highlands DR

Litiz, PA 17543

Substance Abuse Services:

The Lancaster Freedom Center
436 North Lime Street, Lancaster, PA 17602
email: info@lancasterfreedomcenter.com


Addiction Resources in the District of Columbia

Support Groups:

Department of Behavioral Health
Office Hours are Monday to Friday, 8:15 am to 5:00 pm, except District holidays
64 New York Avenue, NE, 3rd Floor, Washington, DC 20002
Phone: (202) 673-2200
Fax: (202) 673-3433
TTY: (202) 673-7500
Email: dbh@dc.gov

Substance Use Disorder Services:

Department of Behavioral Health


The Department of Behavioral Health (DBH) certifies a network of community based providers in the public behavioral health system to provide substance use disorder services including detoxification, residential and outpatient services based on the level of need.  It also provides a range of prevention and recovery services. DBH regulates and sets policy for substance use disorder prevention, treatment, and recovery services.

Animals on Campus Policy

The following guidelines provide for a mutually supportive environment for leashed animals, service dogs, the people they accompany and the community at large on campus at Eastern Mennonite University.  

All animals on campus must be on a leash and under the constant supervision and control of their owner/guardian at all times.

  1. Except for service animals and Emotional Support Animals, no animals are permitted in University buildings or facilities. See EMU Emotional Support Animal Policy and Procedure and EMU Service Animal Policy.
  2. No animal may be left unattended at any time on campus. No animals may be tied or tethered to any University property, including but not limited to buildings, railings, bike racks, fire hydrants, fences, sign posts, benches, and trees.
  3. Animals are not permitted in flower gardens/beds or fountains.
  4. Animals may not disrupt or interfere with University activities, including but not limited to teaching, research, service, or administrative activities.
  5. Owners/guardians are responsible for clean up after their animals. Owners/guardians are strictly liable for any damage to property or injury to persons caused by their animals.
  6. Owners/guardians must comply with all state and local laws pertaining to animal control while on campus.
  7. These guidelines do not apply to animals used by the University for teaching purposes, research, or other authorized University activities.

Persons observing non-compliance with these guidelines should call the Facilities Management Office (540-432-4391) for follow up. Non-compliance that is contrary to state or local regulations will be reported to the Harrisonburg Police Department Support Services Animal Control Unit.

Bias Response Policy and Procedure


Eastern Mennonite University is a Christian institution that is committed to creating and maintaining an educational environment that fosters respect for others and is free from intolerance directed toward individuals or groups. The following ideals describe the learning community we aspire to be: Love for God and one another, wisdom, equality, sustainability, and accountability (Life Together: Commitments for a Community of Learning, 2017). It is within the mission of Eastern Mennonite University to promote and develop an inclusive campus climate which seeks harmony and cross cultural communication, encourages and embraces differences, recognizes values, and affirms all community members.

Scope and Prohibited Conduct

All university-enrolled students, parents of students, and visitors located on property-owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by Eastern Mennonite University are expected to comply with this policy.

While the university is equally invested in protecting freedom of speech, academic freedom, and the widest, possible dialogue in the classroom and research,  Eastern Mennonite University does not condone acts of discrimination towards individuals or groups based on the following classifications listed below:

race, gender, religion, ability, sexual orientation, perceived gender, gender identity, expression, ethnicity/national origin, age, ancestry, color, marital or family status, pregnancy, pregnancy-related conditions, physical or mental disability, genetic information, HIV/AIDS status, creed, military or veteran status, club affiliation, organizational membership, or perceived political ideas

Bias Incidents

Bias incidents are harmful to the EMU community and/or individuals within the EMU community. A bias incident is an act or behavior motivated by an individual or group bias against the identity of an individual or community. Bias occurs whether the act is intentional or unintentional and may be directed toward an individual or group. A bias incident may take the form of a verbal interaction, cyber-interaction, physical interaction, or interaction with property.  Bias often creates harm and contributes to or creates an unsafe/unwelcoming environment for individuals and communities.

Examples of Bias Incidents

  • Unwelcome comments and conduct with bias connotation(s) or subject matter that are demeaning to an ethnic group or people of a particular skin color or group
  • Offensive and vulgar jokes, name-calling, ridicule or mockery, insults or put-downs, stereotyping based on a person’s skin color, ethnicity, or national origin, physical gestures or enactments, or displaying racist photographs or objects;
  • Suggestions or expressed/implied communications that classifications listed above will affect decisions regarding such matters as employment, work assignment or status, academic standing, grades, receipt of financial aid, or letters of recommendation, or receipt of an EMU benefit or service;
  • Physical assaults or threats and intimidation

Prohibited Conduct

Formal policy and procedures are outlined in the Standards of Conduct in the Undergraduate Student Handbook, Seminary and Graduate Student Handbook, Lancaster Student Handbook, and Title IX Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct policy. These standards are listed and referenced as bias motivated, prohibited conduct and bias informed procedures and outcomes. The university understands that those with a history of trauma are capable of hurting others due to unresolved hurt; however, this preference for trauma informed processes does not excuse behavior such as harassment or expressions of bias or hate aimed at individuals that violate the Standards of Conduct. Consequently, while the university seeks educational approaches and responses as much as possible, the severity of the violation could result in action up to, and including, permanent separation from the university for those individuals found responsible.


Eastern Mennonite University actively strives to educate its members on appropriate discourse and behaviors for living and learning in community. 

The university commits itself to conducting trainings, workshops, presentations and marketing campaigns to promote a respectful and inclusive campus throughout the academic year through programs and initiatives led by Student Life and the Committee on Diversity and Inclusion (CODI).


The bias response team consists of:

  • Dean of Students

  • Title IX Coordinator
  • Director of Multicultural Student Services

  • Bias response trained faculty member

  • Associate Dean of Students 

This team receives, monitors, refers, and, as necessary, coordinates university responses to hate and bias related incidents that impact one, all, or a significant portion of the university community.

Campus reporting options

Bias reporting is a resource for anyone who needs to communicate an incident or explore a better understanding around issues of discrimination and learning how to effectively respond. All members of the university community are encouraged to report incidents of bias in any of the following ways:

Campus Reporting Landing Page: https://cm.maxient.com/reporting.php?EasternMennoniteUniv

Other ways to report:

  • Director of Multicultural Student Services: 540-432-4458
  • Associate Dean of Students: 540-432-4128 or jonathan.swartz@emu.edu 
  • Campus Safety and Security: 540-432-4911
  • Campus Life on Duty: 540-476-4578
  • Title IX coordinator: 540-432-4849 or titleixcoordinator@emu.edu
  • Harrisonburg Police Department: 911

In addition to a university response, EMU also encourages reporters to pursue criminal action for incidents that may also be crimes under Virginia criminal statutes. Students harmed by bias related incidents may simultaneously pursue criminal and university disciplinary action.

Harrisonburg Campus Resources:

Approved by Provost's Council, April 30, 2020

Responsible party

The provost is responsible for this policy.

Policy Review

This policy is to be reviewed every three years.


Employee Handbook, Student Handbooks

Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act

Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act - Virginia Campus

The federal Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act, enacted on October 28, 2000, went into effect October 28, 2002. This act requires institutions of higher education to issue a statement advising their campus community where law enforcement agency information provided by their State concerning registered sex offenders may be obtained. It also requires sex offenders already required to register in a State to provide notice to each institution of higher education in that State at which the person is employed, carries a vocation, or is a student. In the Commonwealth of Virginia, convicted sex offenders must register with the Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry maintained by the Department of State Police.

The Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry (SOR) for VIOLENT SEX OFFENDERS is available via Internet pursuant to Section 19.2-390.1, (D), of the Code of Virginia. Registry information provided under this section shall be used for purposes of administration of criminal justice, screening of current or prospective employees, volunteers or otherwise for the protection of the public in general and children in particular. Unlawful use of the information for purposes of intimidating or harassing another is prohibited and willful violation shall be punishable as a Class 1 misdemeanor. The Virginia State Police are responsible for maintaining this registry. Follow the link below to access the Virginia State Police website. http://sex-offender.vsp.state.va.us/cool-ICE

Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act - Lancaster Site

The federal Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act, enacted on October 28, 2000, went into effect October 28, 2002. This act requires institutions of higher education to issue a statement advising their campus community where law enforcement agency information provided by their State concerning registered sex offenders may be obtained.  It also requires sex offenders already required to register in a State to provide notice to each institution of higher education in that State at which the person is employed, carries a vocation, or is a student.

Pennsylvania's General Assembly has determined that public safety will be enhanced by making information about registered sex offenders available to the public through the Internet. Knowledge whether a person is a registered sex offender could be a significant factor in protecting yourself, your family members, or persons in your care from recidivist acts by registered sex offenders. Public access to information about registered sex offenders is intended solely as a means of public protection.

Pursuant to the provisions of Pennsylvania's Megan's Law, 42 Pa.C.S. § 9791 et seq., the State Police has established this web page to provide timely information to the public on registered sex offenders who reside, attend school, are employed/carry on a vocation, within this Commonwealth.

Pennsylvania's Megan's Law, 42 Pa.C.S. § 9799.1, requires the State Police to create and maintain a registry of persons who reside, work/carry on a vocation, or attend school in the Commonwealth and who have either been convicted of, entered a plea of guilty to, or adjudicated delinquent of certain sex offenses in Pennsylvania or another jurisdiction. Additionally, the Pennsylvania State Police is required to make certain information on registered sex offenders available to the public through an Internet website. The Pennsylvania State Police has established this website according to the requirements of 42 Pa.C.S. § 9798.1.  Megan’s Law web site

Commonwealth of Virginia Laws

Underage Possession of Alcohol
VA Code 4.1-305

  • No person to whom an alcoholic beverage may not lawfully be sold shall purchase or possess any alcoholic beverage.
  • Any person found guilty of a violation of this section shall be guilty of a class 1 misdemeanor (up to 12 months in jail and/or up to $2500 in fines); and upon conviction, such person’s license to operate a motor vehicle in the commonwealth may be suspended for a period of not more than one year.

Possession of alcohol by persons under the age of 21 no longer requires that the person be holding the beverage or container in their hand. Recent Virginia Court of Appeals rulings have made it clear that possession included alcohol which had been consumed and is in one’s body. The evidence of this is based upon the officer’s investigation, not on the existence of a cup or other container. If you have consumed any alcoholic beverages illegally and you come into contact with a Law Enforcement Officer, you can be charged with under aged possession.

Purchase Alcohol for Another
VA Code 4.1-306

If any person purchases alcoholic beverages for another person, and at the time of the purchase knows or has reason to believe that the person for whom the alcoholic beverage was purchased was (a) less than 21 years of age, (b) interdicted, or (c) intoxicated, he/she shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor (up to 12 months in jail and/or up to $2500 in fines). 

Possession of Fictitious Identification
VA Code 18.2-204.2.

Manufacture, sale, etc., or possession of fictitious, facsimile or simulated official license or identification; penalty.

  1. Except as provided in subsection D of § 18.2-204.1, it shall be unlawful for any person to manufacture, advertise for sale, sell or possess any fictitious, facsimile or simulated driver's license issued by any state, territory or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or any foreign country or government; United States Armed Forces identification card; United States passport or foreign government visa; Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles special identification card; official identification issued by any other federal, state or foreign government agency; or official university or college student identification card, or in any way reproduce any identification card or facsimile thereof in such a manner that it could be mistaken for a valid license or identification of any type specified in this subsection.
  2. Any person manufacturing, advertising for sale, selling or reproducing such card or facsimile thereof shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.
  3. Any person possessing any such card or facsimile thereof shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor.
  4. The provisions of this section shall not preclude an election to prosecute under § 18.2-172, except to prosecute for forgery or uttering of such license or identification card or facsimile thereof as proof of age.

1980, c. 281; 1989, c. 705; 1992, c. 531; 2006, cc. 445, 484; 2011, c. 401.

DUI Penalties
VA Code 18.2-270

(a) Except as otherwise provided herein, any person violating any provision of 18.2-266 shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. If the person’s blood alcohol level as indicated by the chemical test administered as provided in the article was at least 0.20, but not more than 0.25, he shall be confined in jail for an additional minimum, mandatory period of five days or, if the level was more than 0.25, for an additional minimum, mandatory period of ten days. The additional minimum, mandatory period of confinement shall not be suspended by the court.

* For sections (b and c), please refer to the Code of Virginia 18.2-270 (legis.state.va.us)

(d) In addition to the penalty otherwise authorized by this section or 16.1-278.9, any person convicted of a violation of 18.2-266 committed while transporting a person seventeen years of age or younger shall be (i) fined an additional minimum of $500 and not more than $1000 and (ii) sentenced to perform forty hours of community service in a program benefiting children or, for a subsequent offense, eighty hours of community service in such a program. 

DUI (Under 21)
VA Code 18.2-270.

Penalty for driving while intoxicated; subsequent offense; prior conviction.

  1. Except as otherwise provided herein, any person violating any provision of § 18.2-266 shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor with a mandatory minimum fine of $250. If the person's blood alcohol level as indicated by the chemical test administered as provided in this article or by any other scientifically reliable chemical test performed on whole blood under circumstances reliably establishing the identity of the person who is the source of the blood and the accuracy of the results (i) was at least 0.15, but not more than 0.20, he shall be confined in jail for an additional mandatory minimum period of five days or, (ii) if the level was more than 0.20, for an additional mandatory minimum period of 10 days.
  2. 1. Any person convicted of a second offense committed within less than five years after a prior offense under § 18.2-266 shall upon conviction of the second offense be punished by a mandatory minimum fine of $500 and by confinement in jail for not less than one month nor more than one year. Twenty days of such confinement shall be a mandatory minimum sentence.
  3. Any person convicted of a second offense committed within a period of five to 10 years of a prior offense under § 18.2-266 shall upon conviction of the second offense be punished by a mandatory minimum fine of $500 and by confinement in jail for not less than one month. Ten days of such confinement shall be a mandatory minimum sentence.
  4. Upon conviction of a second offense within 10 years of a prior offense, if the person's blood alcohol level as indicated by the chemical test administered as provided in this article or by any other scientifically reliable chemical test performed on whole blood under circumstances reliably establishing the identity of the person who is the source of the blood and the accuracy of the results (i) was at least 0.15, but not more than 0.20, he shall be confined in jail for an additional mandatory minimum period of 10 days or, (ii) if the level was more than 0.20, for an additional mandatory minimum period of 20 days. In addition, such person shall be fined a mandatory minimum fine of $500.
  5. 1. Any person convicted of three offenses of § 18.2-266 committed within a 10-year period shall upon conviction of the third offense be guilty of a Class 6 felony. The sentence of any person convicted of three offenses of § 18.2-266 committed within a 10-year period shall include a mandatory minimum sentence of 90 days, unless the three offenses were committed within a five-year period, in which case the sentence shall include a mandatory minimum sentence of confinement for six months. In addition, such person shall be fined a mandatory minimum fine of $1,000.
  6. A person who has been convicted of § 18.2-36.1, 18.2-36.2, 18.2-51.4, 18.2-51.5, or a felony violation of § 18.2-266 shall upon conviction of a subsequent violation of § 18.2-266 be guilty of a Class 6 felony. The punishment of any person convicted of such a subsequent violation of § 18.2-266 shall include a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of one year and a mandatory minimum fine of $1,000.
  7. The punishment of any person convicted of a fourth or subsequent offense of § 18.2-266 committed within a 10-year period shall, upon conviction, include a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of one year. In addition, such person shall be fined a mandatory minimum fine of $1,000.
  8. The vehicle solely owned and operated by the accused during the commission of a felony violation of § 18.2-266 shall be subject to seizure and forfeiture. After an arrest for a felony violation of § 18.2-266, the Commonwealth may file an information in accordance with § 19.2-386.34.
  9. In addition to the penalty otherwise authorized by this section or § 16.1-278.9, any person convicted of a violation of § 18.2-266 committed while transporting a person 17 years of age or younger shall be (i) fined an additional minimum of $500 and not more than $1,000 and (ii) sentenced to a mandatory minimum period of confinement of five days.
  10. For the purpose of determining the number of offenses committed by, and the punishment appropriate for, a person under this section, an adult conviction of any person, or finding of guilty in the case of a juvenile, under the following shall be considered a conviction of § 18.2-266: (i) the provisions of § 18.2-36.1 or the substantially similar laws of any other state or of the United States, (ii) the provisions of §§ 18.2-51.4, 18.2-266, former § 18.1-54 (formerly § 18-75), the ordinance of any county, city or town in this Commonwealth or the laws of any other state or of the United States substantially similar to the provisions of § 18.2-51.4, or § 18.2-266, or (iii) the provisions of subsection A of § 46.2-341.24 or the substantially similar laws of any other state or of the United States.
  11. Mandatory minimum punishments imposed pursuant to this section shall be cumulative, and mandatory minimum terms of confinement shall be served consecutively. However, in no case shall punishment imposed hereunder exceed the applicable statutory maximum Class 1 misdemeanor term of confinement or fine upon conviction of a first or second offense, or Class 6 felony term of confinement or fine upon conviction of a third or subsequent offense.

Code 1950, § 18.1-58; 1960, c. 358; 1962, c. 302; 1975, cc. 14, 15; 1982, c. 301; 1983, c. 504; 1989, c. 705; 1991, cc. 370, 710; 1992, c. 891; 1993, c. 972; 1997, c. 691; 1999, cc. 743, 945, 949, 987; 2000, cc. 784, 956, 958, 980, 982; 2002, c. 759; 2003, cc. 573, 591; 2004, cc. 461, 937, 946, 950, 957, 958, 962; 2006, cc. 82, 314; 2009, c. 229; 2012, cc. 283, 756; 2013, cc. 415, 655; 2014, c. 707.

DUI (Under 21):
VA Code 18.2-266.1. Persons under age 21 driving after illegally consuming alcohol; penalty.

  1. It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of 21 to operate any motor vehicle after illegally consuming alcohol. Any such person with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.02 percent or more by weight by volume or 0.02 grams or more per 210 liters of breath but less than 0.08 by weight by volume or less than 0.08 grams per 210 liters of breath as indicated by a chemical test administered as provided in this article shall be in violation of this section.
  2. A violation of this section is a Class 1 misdemeanor. Punishment shall include (i) forfeiture of such person's license to operate a motor vehicle for a period of one year from the date of conviction and (ii) a mandatory minimum fine of $500 or performance of a mandatory minimum of 50 hours of community service. This suspension period shall be in addition to the suspension period provided under § 46.2-391.2. The penalties and license forfeiture provisions set forth in §§ 16.1-278.9, 18.2-270 and 18.2-271 shall not apply to a violation of this section. Any person convicted of a violation of this section shall be eligible to attend an Alcohol Safety Action Program under the provisions of § 18.2-271.1 and may, in the discretion of the court, be issued a restricted license during the term of license suspension.
  3. Notwithstanding §§ 16.1-278.8 and 16.1-278.9, upon adjudicating a juvenile delinquent based upon a violation of this section, the juvenile and domestic relations district court shall order disposition as provided in subsection B.

1994, cc. 359, 363; 1995, c. 31; 2003, c. 605; 2008, c. 729; 2009, c. 660; 2011, cc. 134, 683.

Conflict and Grievance Policy and Procedure

Conflict is a part of life in any healthy community. Conflict may arise whenever individuals work closely with each other. This may result from philosophical disagreements, personality differences, habitual behaviors, miscommunication, misunderstanding, or willful intent to promote one’s own agendas with insufficient regard to others' well-being. When handled poorly, conflicts can create exclusion, harm, and violence; when handled well, they can produce growth, safety, and healthy community life.

For purposes of this document, grievances are specific and potentially more serious kinds of dispute. They may arise from inadequate or missing institutional policies, the misapplication of policies, or the failure to apply policies, which may result in discriminatory or harmful outcomes.

Eastern Mennonite University is committed to maximizing the positive energy of conflict while minimizing its negative consequences. To this end, we strive to create a community of conflict-competent persons living and working in systems that promote repair of harms and restoration of relationships as a preferred response to conflict.

At EMU, the first approach to any conflict or grievance should be non-adversarial, undertaken with careful attention to fostering understanding and promoting problem-solving. We hope that most conflicts or grievances can be resolved through an informal process of conflict resolution. Nonetheless, individuals have the right to request a formal process at any time. 

The following informal and formal procedures apply to all students, faculty, and staff of Eastern Mennonite University and applicants for faculty, staff, or student status. These procedures are subject to amendment and/or pre-emption by the applicable law to the extent required to achieve compliance with existing or future regulations, statutes, or court decisions, and nothing herein is intended to deny or limit any person’s right to any remedy under any state or federal law now or hereafter in effect. Furthermore, nothing contained in this document should be construed as legal advice. To the extent that another policy in the EMU handbook provides a specific process or procedure to be used in response to a conflict, the specific process or procedure found in the other policy will control. Persons are advised to seek legal counsel should they have specific legal questions or concerns.

 Grievance procedures can be handled in the following ways, which are described in greater detail below:





For Complaints Against Students, Contact

Harrisonburg Campus
Shannon Dycus
Vice President for Student Affairs, Equity and Belonging
(540) 432-4135

Lancaster Site
Tynisha Willingham



(540) 432-4105

For Complaints Against Faculty, Contact

Tynisha Willingham



(540) 432-4105

For Complaints Against Staff, Contact

Stephanie Mason

Director of Human Resources


(540) 432-4148



Informal Resolution for Interpersonal Conflicts or Grievable Issues

The following informal procedures for interpersonal conflict or grievable issues[1] in the workplace with coworkers and students are intended to initiate a conversation between the involved parties. For grievable issues, the aggrieved person, the person who caused the alleged offense, or an involved third party may propose moving from informal to formal procedures at any time. While we encourage movement toward the restoration of the relationship or situation, we recognize that there are situations in which that is not possible, at least not in the first instance.  For example, when there is a grievable issue and a real or perceived difference in power, the aggrieved person may move from using Step 1 directly to Step 4 in the informal procedure outlined here or may bypass the informal procedure altogether and proceed to the appropriate step of the formal process as may be required by law.  At all times, we strive to protect those who may have been harmed by a grievable action while maintaining the due process rights of those accused of a particular offense.


Step 1:  Before initiating contact with the person who has caused the alleged offense, the aggrieved person should be clear about the offense taken, become familiar with the conflict and grievance process, obtain guidance in effective communication strategies, and learn more about other tools for working with conflict.  The human resource office is available to assist an aggrieved individual to approach the person who caused the offense or to advise whether a formal grievance procedure may be more appropriate as the initial step.

Step 2: If the person who has caused the offense recognizes it, she/he should take the first step to contact the aggrieved person.  If the aggrieved person is initiating contact, she/he should contact the alleged offender in a professional manner as soon as possible to set up a face-to-face meeting. If email is used for the first contact, it should merely include an invitation to discuss the specific incident. It should not be a list of grievances or narration of the specifics; the specific issues should be discussed to allow both persons to share their perspectives.

Step 3: In the meeting, each person is encouraged to describe in his/her words, using “I-language”[2], what happened and how he/she would like to work towards solving the conflict or issue. Conversations should continue until all questions on both sides are addressed.  If either person is unsatisfied with the result, he/she should proceed to step 4. 

Step 4: Either person may request a mutually acceptable third party to help facilitate the conversation.  For example, a third party may be an informal facilitator, immediate supervisor, or trained mediator within the university to help each side be heard fairly by the other.  If desired, parties may invite an additional support person into these informal conversations.  These confidential conversations should continue until a mutually acceptable solution is reached. 

Step 5: In the case of a grievable issue, if no mutually acceptable solution is found, parties may initiate the formal grievance procedures.



Formal grievance procedures are intended for situations in which there is the possibility of 1) a lack of appropriate institutional policy; or 2) an error in institutional policies, in prescribed procedures for carrying out the policies, in the administration of those procedures, or in varying combinations of these, such that a discriminatory or harmful outcome may have resulted.  They apply to all students, faculty, and staff of Eastern Mennonite University and applicants for faculty, staff, or student status.  The procedure provides a system to determine appropriate redress for the grievant while protecting the alleged offender's due process rights.

Discrimination (the denial of equal access to goods, services, or benefits on the basis of 1) race, sex, ethnicity, age, or disability; or 2) the violation or misapplication of institutional policies) violates federal and state laws. The university has designed its grievance procedure as an internal method for seeking redress of complaints that may arise within the community.  Use of this procedure should facilitate a prompt and direct address to allegations of discrimination.

While the judicial and other external enforcement systems generally prefer that the aggrieved party exhaust internal grievance procedures where possible, aggrieved or alleged offender parties have the right to and may choose to use external processes to resolve their grievances. Parties may contact the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or the United States Department of Education Office for Civil Rights (OCR). The aggrieved party should note that the statute of limitations for discrimination charges is typically 180 days from the date of the discriminatory event or, for the OCR, 60 days after the conclusion of internal procedures. However, that period may be extended by Virginia and Federal law in alleged employment discrimination cases. 

Eastern Mennonite University is committed to maintaining a community free from harmful discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, national or ethnic origin, age, or disability.  University policies on affirmative action and nondiscrimination reflect that commitment and describe our responsibilities under the law. These policies reject discrimination on the noted categories and also include prohibitions against sexual harassment or harassment on any other basis. Any member of the university community who believes that he or she has experienced discrimination (including sexual harassment) on the basis of any of the above-mentioned categories is encouraged to make an inquiry or lodge a complaint using the grievance procedures outlined here.

Situations of alleged or perceived discrimination or grievable issues can often be resolved through the informal procedures described above, involving the parties to the complaint and others such as the immediate supervisor, department chair, member of the Student Life staff, or Human Resources. However, in alleged discrimination or harassment cases, the parties are not required to use the informal procedures set out above.


The formal grievance procedure is intended to provide resolution for situations where the informal resolution procedures have not brought about resolution or are not appropriate. When a university employee becomes aware of a situation of alleged discrimination (and that situation is not resolved promptly on an informal basis), university employees familiar with the situation should encourage the aggrieved party to contact one of the complaint coordinators and to bring a complaint via the Level I or Level II procedure outlined below.  When both parties are students, cases of alleged discrimination are normally resolved through the student judicial process. However, members of the student body may elect to utilize the procedures outlined in both Levels I and II below.

Designated Complaint Coordinators for filing of complaints are as follows: 

  • Complaints against students – Dean of Students

  • Complaints against faculty – Provost

  • Complaints against staff – Vice President for Finance

In any situation involving the university president as either the aggrieved party or the alleged offender, the duties in this procedure normally carried out by the president will be carried out by the EMU Board of Trustees' chair.

Important Protections

Protection of the Aggrieved PartyRetaliation against the aggrieved party for filing a charge of discrimination in good faith is a violation of the university’s discrimination policy and applicable law. Any act of retaliation directed against the aggrieved party, respondent, witnesses, or participants in the process will be treated as a separate and distinct event and will be subject to the grievance procedure.

Protection of the Alleged OffenderThe lodging of a complaint is not in itself evidence of guilty behavior. A complaint shall not be considered during reappointment, promotion, merit, or other evaluation or review unless and until the grievance process is completed. A document concerning the matter is placed in the alleged offender's personnel file.  However, at the discretion of the appropriate complaint coordinator, a final decision on such reappointment, promotion, merit, or other evaluation or review may be deferred pending the grievance process's outcome.

ConfidentialityAll participants in the grievance process, including the aggrieved party and the alleged offender, witnesses, advisors, negotiators, members of the panels, and officers, shall respect the confidentiality of the proceedings. Participants are authorized to discuss information developed through the proceedings only with those persons who have a genuine need to know to assist the parties through the process. This requirement is intended to protect the confidentiality of information developed through the grievance process (e.g., through mediation sessions, reports, interviews, etc.) and permit the parties to speak freely to resolve their issues. Moreover, to encourage the free exchange of information and reach a resolution, any offers to compromise any grievance shall not be admissible in any subsequent legal proceedings unless all parties to the grievance agree.  

TimelinesTime limits outlined in this procedure are designed for expeditious resolution. Failure to strictly adhere to time limitations shall not be grounds for objection or appeal of findings by any parties involved in this process unless the parties can demonstrate prejudice to their abilities to present their case. Timelines cited in this document are intended to serve as outside limits for actions to occur.  Time limitations may be waived by mutual agreement or when good cause is shown for them to be extended.

Time limitations may also be altered if, in the judgment of the complaint coordinator, additional time is needed to reasonably accommodate the schedules of the parties involved (including the principal parties, witnesses, committee members, etc.) due to schedule or availability issues such as sickness, vacation, personal leave, etc.  In the event that the time limitations are extended, the complaint coordinator will notify both the aggrieved party and the alleged offender of the length and the reasons for the extension.  (Note that complaint coordinators do not have the ability to extend any deadlines for legal proceedings that may exist under applicable law.)

Bringing a Complaint

An aggrieved party may bring a complaint to the appropriate complaint coordinator utilizing the formal grievance form, including a written report of the alleged incident(s).  EMU grievance procedures are designed to be as responsive as possible to grievances that might arise within the university community and be sensitive to both parties' needs.  The procedures provide both for mediation and/or for a hearing with a committee. Mediation is EMU’s preferred approach in most cases where the grievance process is necessary.  However, the use of the mediation process is purely voluntary and can be terminated at any time by either of the parties.


The Level I procedures are designed to achieve a mutually agreeable solution and are entirely voluntary on the part of the aggrieved party and the alleged offender.

Step 1: Initiating the Process

Level I procedures must be initiated within 90 days of the alleged incident or the last act of the particular situation, giving rise to the grievance.  The aggrieved party can initiate the process by contacting the appropriate complaint coordinator.  Again, either party may bypass or end the Level I procedure at any time and move directly to the Level II procedure.

Step 2: Mediation Sessions

The appropriate complaint coordinator works with the aggrieved party and alleged offender to identify a mutually acceptable mediator.  Mediation sessions are held as quickly as possible. Every effort should be made to conduct the mediation session and reach a resolution within one month of the request for mediation.

Step 3: Reaching an Outcome

The mediation sessions end when a resolution has been reached or when the aggrieved party or the alleged offender has terminated the process. Some examples of possible resolutions include discussion of the parties' feelings and perceptions, agreement to terminate specific behavior(s), letter to the file, and/or withdrawal of the complaint. Upon successfully resolving the grievance, the mediator should provide a summary of the resolution agreement to the complaint coordinator and have the parties sign the same or any other document memorializing the agreement. (See above for appropriate complaint coordinator.)


Step 1: Initiating the Process

The alleged offender may bring the matter to a grievance committee through a formal grievance form filed with the appropriate complaint coordinator. The complaint coordinators for the particular grievance are available to assist with completing the formal grievance form. Complaint coordinators will submit the written complaint to the Director of Human Resources. The complaint should indicate the desire for formal action or a hearing with a grievance committee. The Level II process must be initiated within 90 days of the grievable incident or within 90 days of the conclusion or termination of a Level I mediation process, whichever is later.

Step 2: The Grievance Committee

Human Resources will promptly inform the provost of the receipt of the complaint. They may consult directly with the respective vice-president(s) of the division of the University to which the parties belong.  If a hearing is requested with the grievance committee, Human Resources or the provost will contact the president immediately.  Unless the President is alleged to have been involved in the grievable incident, the president will convene a grievance committee comprised of three persons.  If the President is alleged to have been involved in the grievable incident, the Chair of the Board of Trustees will convene the grievance committee.  The committee is selected from a pool consisting of all university employees who have been employed full-time for more than 12 months.  The aggrieved party will select one person from this pool, the president (or Chair of the Board of Trustees if the President is alleged to have been involved in the grievable incident) will select a second person, and the two appointees together select a third committee member.  The committee will appoint one of its members to serve as the chair.  As appropriate, either the provost or Director of Human Resources will brief the committee on matters of discrimination prohibited by the university policy, matters of grievance, questions on the grievance process, and evidentiary standards.  The committee will have 21 days from the time the complaint was filed to complete the hearing.

Step 3: Hearing Procedures

The committee will determine the most appropriate manner to proceed with the case. Options include examining written evidence, interviews with the aggrieved party and the alleged offender, or further investigation if needed. When the hearing is scheduled, the following guidelines serve to protect the rights of the parties and to assure the fairness of the process:

(a) The alleged offender will receive a copy of the aggrieved party's formal grievance form at least ten days in advance of the committee's first meeting.

(b) Each of the parties will receive notice of the time and place of the hearing to prepare at least ten days in advance of such hearing.

(c) Each of the parties has the right to be present when the case is heard.

(d) Each of the parties has the right to present evidence and call a reasonable number of witnesses as determined by the grievance committee. Witnesses may be present only when testifying or being questioned.

(e) Each of the parties has the right to question all witnesses.

(f) In cases of alleged sexual harassment, the only sexual history admissible as evidence is that between the parties.

(g) Each party has the right to an advisor of his or her choice from the university's student body, faculty, or staff. This person may help with the case's preparation, may be present when the case is heard, and may confer with the advisee during the hearing. The advisor, however, may not address the grievance committee or question witnesses.

(h)  The hearing is closed to all persons other than the parties, advisors, witnesses while testifying, and any person designated by the Committee as assisting the Committee or as necessary to the conduct of the hearing.  All parties to the hearing are expected to comport themselves with appropriate decorum consistent with a judicial proceeding.  The Committee is charged with the conduct of the proceeding and has the right to limit or terminate questioning that it deems irrelevant, harassing, or duplicative.   After appropriate warnings, the Committee may also exclude witnesses for misconduct and may exclude the parties and/or their advisors in extreme cases of misconduct. 

Step 4: Decisions

The committee shall determine whether the act or acts alleged in the complaint occurred and whether such an act or acts violate the university’s policies.

Standard of Proof.  A violation of the university policies shall be found by the committee only when there is a preponderance of the evidence that a violation occurred.  The preponderance of the evidence means that it is more likely than not that the alleged violation occurred. 

DeliberationIn all deliberations, the grievance committee shall attempt to reach a unanimous decision. If a unanimous decision cannot be reached, a vote shall be taken. All decisions of the committee shall be made by a majority. When the committee is not unanimous in its findings or penalties, the report shall record majority and minority opinions. The report shall be signed by all members of the committee. In the report, there will be no recording by name of the negative or affirmative votes of any individual members of the committee.

Report of DecisionNo later than one week after the hearing concludes, the committee shall submit to the provost a written report of its finding(s) as described above and a summary of the reasons for its judgment and its decision. If the provost does not concur with the grievance committee regarding the finding(s), the provost shall immediately convene a committee meeting to resolve the matter.  (The provost’s discretion in objecting to the report is limited to matters of policy – for example, whether the facts as determined constitute a violation of policy, whether the policy was construed properly by the committee, etc.)  No later than two weeks after the original hearing's conclusion, the committee shall report its finding(s), a summary of the reasons for its judgment, and its decision in a written statement to the aggrieved party and the alleged offender. The report shall also be sent to Human Resources for implementation as necessary.

Where possible, the decision shall be designed to remedy the harm done to the aggrieved party and the greater university community where appropriate and protect other university members as necessary. Grievances often involve unique elements, and the remedy fashioned will depend on the findings and the nature of the case.

The following are examples of possible outcomes for faculty and staff:

  • University decision is upheld if one has been rendered;

  • Permanent prohibition to participate in grading, honors, recommendations, reappointment and promotion decisions, or other evaluations concerning the aggrieved party;

  • Oral warning or probation;

  • Letter of warning or reprimand and copy of the grievance record placed in the personnel file of the alleged offender;

  • Denial of access to University resources, such as funds for research and travel, merit pay or other salary increases for a specified period, and/or;

  • Suspension without pay or dismissal from the University.

Consequences for students will be consistent with those authorized for the student disciplinary system, up to and including dismissal.

Step 5: Implementation of the Decision

Ordinarily, the Director of Human Resources will consult with appropriate university officials, as needed, in implementing the decision of the grievance committee.

Appeal Procedures

Either party to the complaint may appeal the decision of the grievance committee to the president. The president will review the record of the grievance process with any fact-finding and conclusions that have occurred. The president, at their discretion, may hear statements from witnesses who have not yet been heard and may re-interview witnesses previously heard. In all cases where an appeal has been received, written notice of the president’s decision shall be sent to both parties and to the grievance committee that heard the case and the provost and Director of Human Resources. The notice shall include a statement of the reason for the appeal and the findings of the president. 

The appeal must be filed with the president within 10 calendar days of the report of the committee decision.  The president will have 30 days to conclude work on the appeal and render a decision. 

If either party to the complaint continues to be unsatisfied with the decision, he/she may appeal it to the EMU Board of Trustees within 10 calendar days of the president’s decision. In consultation with other board members, the chair of the board of trustees will have 30 days to review written records of the appeal, background, and the decisions of the committee and the president. He or she will have the same discretion as the president to interview or re-interview witnesses as deemed necessary and appropriate.  After completion of the review, the chair will render a decision. The decision of the chair of the board of trustees will be final.


A copy of the report shall be placed in the appropriate files (Student Life or Human Resources) at the grievance process's conclusion.

Abuse of Process

Any person determined to have invoked the grievance procedures in bad faith, or to have knowingly presented false or misleading testimony, will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from the university.

Approved by Board of Trustees, June 21, 2014

Updated October 2019


[1] Grievable Issue Defined: “Grievable issues are those in which there is a violation of institutional policies, a possible error in institutional policies or in the prescribed procedures for carrying out the policies, an error in the implementation of procedures, or varying combinations of these, such that a discriminatory or harmful outcome may have resulted.”

[2] “I-language” means speaking from your own perspective without accusing someone else: e.g., “I felt attacked in the meeting when you said…” rather than “You attacked me in the meeting.”

Electronic Vehicle Policy

Individual Use Motorized Electric Vehicles (e.g. electric scooters, electric bicycles)

Due to potential safety risks for pedestrians and riders of individual use motorized electric vehicles (including but not limited to: electric scooters, electric bicycles) students, faculty and staff members should be aware of the following:

  • Individual use motorized electric vehicles including electric scooters and electric bicycles may not be ridden on campus or city sidewalks, but are allowed to be ridden in bike lanes or close to the right curb on roadways. Riders must obey all traffic rules including street signs, traffic lights, speed limits and stop signs, and use caution when approaching and overtaking pedestrians. Riders are advised to wear helmets and to never use a cell phone while operating an electric motorized vehicle. Do not operate an electric motorized vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.

  • Electric motorized vehicles are not allowed inside any university building. Personally owned electric motorized vehicles must be stored at designated parking and charging locations.

  • Electric scooters and electric bicycles must be parked in designated bicycle parking areas, and should not be left on sidewalks, streets, grass, mulch, or in other areas.

  • Leaving electric scooters and electric bicycles or other vehicles beside the entrances/exits of a building or on sidewalks/service drives impacts the fire code, life/safety access and maintenance access.

  • EMU students are prohibited from using residence halls, their assigned room or any equipment or facilities found in residence halls or rooms for the purposes of conducting a personal business. Specifically, residents are prohibited from using the university power grid to charge electric vehicles, electric scooters or electric bicycles for profit.

  • This policy does not prohibit the possession and charging of personally owned electric vehicles, electric scooters and electric bicycles on campus as long as they are kept at designated electric parking and charging spots.

  • Violations of this policy will be handled according to the following protocol:

    • Electric vehicles for personal use found in buildings on campus will be confiscated by residence life staff in the case of residence halls or campus safety officers in situations where these vehicles are found in other buildings or on campus grounds.

      • Electric vehicles for personal use will be stored in designated charging/storage areas

      • Individuals found to have violated this policy may be assessed a fee

      • When a violation of this policy occurs, a security and safety incident report form will be completed for the purpose of maintaining an accurate record of policy violations

    • Electronic vehicles which are the personal property of an individual from whom they are confiscated can be retrieved from the campus safety and security office for a fee of $100 within 30 days of confiscation. After 30 days has passed any confiscated property will be disposed of as EMU sees fit.

Approved by President’s Cabinet,

December 12, 2018


Due to safety risks of self-balancing electric wheeled boards (hoverboards), the use, possession, charging and/or storage of these devices is prohibited on the university campuses, in university facilities, in university housing or university property.

Approved by President’s Cabinet,

February 1, 2016

EMU Statement on Faith Diversity

Eastern Mennonite University is a campus community made up of students from more than 50 denominations and faith backgrounds. EMU is committed to a constructive and respectful faith discourse which values perspectives from various faiths and traditions. 

With God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit as guide, campus ministries offers hospitality, encourages faith formation, challenges for growth, mentors for leadership, and nurtures healing and hope among all members of the EMU campus community.

The campus pastors are available to the entire campus community as a spiritual resource for conversation, counseling, support and prayer for students of all faith backgrounds. The pastors offer pastoral care, invite and nurture leadership, and coordinate programs for spiritual formation and growth including university chapel services, faith formation groups, Bible study, speakers and spiritual retreats.

Faculty on campus represent a range of theological understandings and regularly engage with students around issue of faith formation and integration with their academic disciplines and student’s future careers.

Faith diversity is an important part of EMU’s campus, as is dialogue and respect. In recognition of this diversity, EMU is committed to creating a space where students of all backgrounds feel both challenged and respected.   

Faculty Office Hours

All full-time faculty are requested to plan 8-10 hours per week to be available for conferences with students (part-time faculty plan a proportionate number of hours). Faculty are asked to post their office hours outside their office for students to reference. Students should call or email ahead to secure an appointment time. Graduate students should consult individual graduate programs for more detailed information regarding their faculty members' availability.

Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. These rights include:

  1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the university receives a request for access.
    Students should submit to the university registrar a written request that identifies the records(s) they wish to inspect. The registrar will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the university registrar’s office, the registrar shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed. 

  2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA.
    A student who wishes to ask the university to amend a record should write the university official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record the student wants changed, and specify why it should be changed. If the university decides not to amend the record as requested, the university will notify the student in writing of the decision and the student’s right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.

  3. The right to provide written consent before the university discloses personally identifiable information from the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.
    The university discloses education records without a student’s prior written consent under the FERPA exception for disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is defined as a person employed by the university in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the university has contracted as its agent to provide a service instead of using university employees or officials (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks.

    A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibilities for the university.

  4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the university to comply with the requirements of FERPA.
    The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is:
    Family Policy Compliance Office

    U.S. Department of Education
    400 Maryland Avenue, SW
    Washington DC 20202-5920

Directory Information

Eastern Mennonite University’s current definition of directory information is listed below in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 as amended.

Directory information may be unconditionally released to the public without the consent of the student, unless he/she has specifically asked that prior consent be obtained before releasing such information. Directory information includes:

    • a student’s name
    • enrollment status (full-time or part-time)
    • date of birth
    • programs of study
    • participation in officially recognized activities and sports
    • weight and height of members of athletic teams
    • dates of attendance
    • degrees, awards, and honors (including Dean’s List and graduation honors) received
    • the most recent previous educational institution attended by the student
    • student level (first-year, sophomore, etc.)
    • degree sought and anticipated graduation date
    • photograph

Students will be notified each year by the university registrar’s office as to what is considered directory information.

Inclement Weather Policy

Harrisonburg, VA Main Campus

Because the majority of EMU students live on or very near campus, classes are canceled only for extreme weather conditions. In the event of class cancellation because of weather, announcements will be made over local radio and television stations, posted on EMU’s website and via the EMU alert system. Students should use good judgment about whether they can safely drive to campus when there are bad weather conditions in their area and classes are not canceled. Students who miss classes because of weather are expected to contact their instructors as early as possible. Faculty are expected to be flexible about making up absences.  All class assignments should be made up within a week of the missed classes unless otherwise arranged with the instructor.

Lancaster, PA Extension Site

In the event of class cancellation because of weather, announcements are distributed across a number of media outlets including: EMU Alert message system, EMU email to current students, faculty and staff, WGAL, WJTL, LNP. Lancaster site makes closing or delay decisions for morning and afternoon classes by 6:00 a.m., for evening classes by 2:00 p.m.  For all inclement weather schedule changes, be in direct communication with your instructor.   

Students should use good judgment about whether they can safely drive to campus when there are bad weather conditions in their area and classes are not canceled. Students who miss classes because of weather are expected to contact their instructors as early as possible. All class assignments should be made up within a week of the missed classes unless otherwise arranged with the instructor.

Inclusive Community-Creating Policy


Language use is a social practice that can include or exclude people. At EMU, we recognize that all human beings are persons of infinite worth created equally in the image of God. Accordingly, we recognize that the language we use to speak about each other is no negligible matter but one of crucial importance. The words by which we name and address each other are used to recognize each other mutually and to empower each other to live out our potential.


Eastern Mennonite University expects all its faculty, staff, and students to adopt inclusive communication for everyone, e.g. race or ethnicity, gender, disabilities, age, and sexual orientation.  We will use respectful language in all our official university documents i, including those put forth by way of Internet communication, and throughout all academic coursework, inclusive of classroom presentations and conversations, course syllabi, and both written and oral student assessment materials.


  • This policy does not attempt to cover all social practices that can create openness and hospitality or alienation and closing off of community.  The focus of the policy is on language use within the EMU community of teaching, classroom discussions, research design and worship.
  • This policy does not apply to personal conversations, although we encourage attentiveness to inclusive language use there as well.
  • This policy does attempt to demonstrate current best academic practices; we recognize that acceptable academic language, living and continuously changing, includes some practices (e. g., the use of professional titles) that are locally contested. For examples, see the Best Practices for Inclusive Language in the Faculty Procedures for specific ways to practice this policy.
  • Language should emphasize the agency of those who are being discussed.  Even prior to writing, academic research needs to include reliable and valid data and the voices and perspectives of the groups or individuals under consideration. Best academic practices are defined as ones that include diverse individuals and groups, enabling us to see people as full humans without drawing attention to irrelevant or stereotypical differences.

See the Inclusive Communication Best Practices for a guide within the EMU community. 

Responsible Party

The provost is responsible for this policy.

Policy Review

This policy is reviewed every three years.

Policy Distribution

Employee Handbook

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Approved by Provost’s Council, April 26, 2017
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Approved by President’s Cabinet, May 10, 2017
Revised and approved by Provost's Council, March 14, 2023
Approved by President's Cabinet, April 19, 2023 

Information Systems Policies

All Eastern Mennonite University students who are granted accounts to any EMU technology system(s) must read and periodically agree to the Technology Code of Responsibility for Students:

By using the EMU network, you are agreeing to the following code of responsibility.

My use of the EMU network constitutes agreement to the following statements:

I will abide by all EMU Information Technology (IT) Policies at Information Technology Policies.

I will not engage in prohibited activities, including, but not limited to:

  1. Using technology resources to threaten or harass others, even as a joke.
  2. Knowingly distributing malware, phishing emails or other malicious communication.
  3. Attempting to gain access to computers or network accessible resources for which I am not authorized.
  4. Hosting for-profit activities using EMU resources (e.g. selling items for personal profit or promoting a personal business--with the exception of advertisements in the eClassifieds system on www.emu.edu).
  5. Using the EMU network or other technology resources for criminal or malicious activities.
  6. My account (Royal username and password) identifies me to EMU systems. I will safeguard my account by:
    1. Not allowing others to use my EMU account; nor will I use someone else's account.
    2. Securing my computer against unauthorized access, including using a password-secured screensaver.
    3. Not leaving my computer unattended without securing it by either logging out from it or using a password-protected screen saver.
    4. Using strong passwords and not writing them in places where others can easily see them.
    5. Treating login pages and requests for my password with skepticism. IS will never ask for your password.

I agree that it is illegal to download or share materials in violation of copyright law; that I will respect all copyright laws and that the following referenced documents define the enforcement processes relating to copyright violation allegations for the EMU campus community.

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) provides strict rules governing the use of copyright protected materials. [www.copyright.gov/legislation/dmca.pdf]

The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 requires that EMU to disclose certain information to students. These are shown on the helpZone page (www.emu.edu/is).

Intellectual Property


The purpose of this policy is to clarify issues related to the ownership, use, and sale of intellectual property created by university personnel.

Eastern Mennonite University wishes to foster an intellectual environment that encourages creativity, innovation, and excellence while managing its resources for the benefit of all constituents. In this policy the university seeks to foster these goals and honor traditions in the academic setting while recognizing federal laws.


Intellectual property refers to any copyrightable or patentable work.

Copyrightable work includes original works of authorship fixed in a tangible format including syllabi and other course materials, books and other literary works, articles, dramatic works, musical compositions, sound recordings, choreographic works, visual artworks, photographs, motion pictures, multimedia products, software, internet sites or other material that qualifies for protection under United States copyright law.

Patentable work is any new and useful discovery, process, machine, device, manufactured product, composition of matter, or other invention that qualifies for protection under United States patent law.

Scholarly and artistic works are works reflecting research and/or creativity that within a university are considered as evidence of professional advancement or accomplishment.  Examples include publications, dramatic works, musical compositions, sound recordings, choreographic works, visual artworks, photographs, motion pictures, multimedia products, and the products of science.

Works for hire refer to works prepared by an employee within the scope of employment. (Note that the law recognizes that the copyright for works for hire rests with the institution.  Materials created by faculty for their courses, however, have been considered an exception since the administration provides very little control and direction for their development.)

University resources refers to university funds, facilities, equipment and personnel.

Substantial use of university resources refers to extensive use of resources beyond what is ordinarily made available to employees.  For example, for faculty “substantial use” would be reduction in teaching load or funding that goes beyond the customary release time, grants and sabbaticals awarded within current policy.  A specific example would be a year of release time to write a history of a prominent leader or agency of the Mennonite Church. Other examples include extraordinary use of special equipment, facilities, supplies or time of university employees.

Policy Statement

EMU policy seeks to encourage faculty creativity while conserving the resources of the university. Thus, in spite of the “work for hire” principle, intellectual property of a scholarly or artistic nature shall be the sole and exclusive property of the creator unless a specific contract with alternative provisions has been negotiated prior to the creation of the property. The latter is desirable when the production of intellectual property involves “substantial use” of university resources. In this case the provost on behalf of the administration is responsible to initiate the negotiation.

In cases where employees (with or without the participation of students) create intellectual property (such as a video or internet site) for an agency outside the institution and make “substantial use” of university resources, prior negotiation to determine ownership shall be carried out by the provost on behalf of the university. (In general the agency will control the distribution of property, while copyright ownership will remain with the creators.)

In the case where EMU commissions a piece of work with a person within or outside of the university, ownership is determined by a written contract prepared prior to the start of the project.

Policy with respect to pedagogical materials seeks to balance the needs of all faculty and the administration. Materials created for pedagogical purposes, such as syllabi and tests, are considered to be owned by the person who authored them. However, the institution and its personnel are permitted to use or modify such materials for internal educational and administrative purposes, including reporting to accreditation agencies. Excluded from the understandings in this paragraph are works published by an established publishing house and sold to students through a vendor. In addition, in selected cases (for instance, ones that involve substantial use of university resources) the university may negotiate a different understanding than recorded here; such an understanding must be negotiated prior to the creation of the property and should be initiated by the administration.

Works for hire that would not customarily be considered of an artistic or scholarly nature, nor created for pedagogical purposes, shall be considered jointly owned by the creator and the university.

Intellectual property created by a university employee outside of work time, outside the scope of the employee’s job responsibilities, and without the use of university resources is the sole property of the creator even though the work is similar to the employee’s job duties.

Policy with respect to students attempts to balance student and institutional needs. Intellectual property created by students is considered the property of the student. The university, however, reserves the right to use such material, with appropriate discretion and attribution, in promotion of the university.  Intellectual property created by students and employees jointly is considered to be jointly owned by the creators. (The employee shall have decision-making powers in regard to permissions and sales of jointly created property.)

Funds received from the sale of intellectual property shall be allocated by proportion of ownership and expended as determined solely and independently by the owner(s).

Questions or disputes regarding the interpretation of this policy shall be mediated by a mutually agreed upon third party.

Responsible Party
Responsibility for this policy lies with the provost.

Policy Review
This policy is to be reviewed every five years.

This policy is distributed via the Faculty/Staff Handbook.

Approved by University Forum, December 14, 2001
Approved by President’s Cabinet, December 17, 2001
Approved by Board of Trustees, March 23, 2002
Reaffirmed by President’s Cabinet, January 12, 2005 and January 10, 2007 with slight revision in 2007
Revised and approved by Faculty Assembly, April 14, 2008, Approved by President’s Cabinet, May 7, 2008

LGBTQIA+ Student Support Policy


  1. Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) strives to create and sustain an inclusive, supportive, safe, and nondiscriminatory community for all students and employees. This policy applies to all university departments and organizations.

  2. EMU does not exclude, separate, deny benefits to, or otherwise treat differently on the basis of sex any person in its educational programs or activities unless otherwise permitted to do so under Title IX or its implementing regulations for the safety and well-being of a student.

  3. EMU’s nondiscrimination policy reads: “Eastern Mennonite University does not discriminate on the basis of sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, color, age, disability, and national/ethnic origin in administration of its employment and educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.”

  4. Further, EMU expects community members to treat a person’s gender identity as the person’s sex for purposes of the non-discrimination policy. This means that community members may not treat a transgender person differently from the way they treat other persons of the same gender identity, regardless of the sex of the person assigned at birth.


Specifically, with regards to individuals who are transgender:

  1. If a student or employee desires to be treated consistent with a gender identity that differs from previous representations or records, EMU , upon receiving written notification from the student or employee, will make reasonable efforts to treat the individual consistent with the individual’s stated gender identity.

  2. EMU’s non-discrimination policy does not require a medical or mental health diagnosis to allow the student or employee to be treated consistent with their gender identity.

  3. Following notification by a student or employee, EMU will convene an administrative support team to work with the individual to address the individual’s needs, including name and pronoun use at the university. Trusting and respectful relationships can be built by ensuring that students’ or employees’ correct name and gender pronoun are used when interacting. This can set the tone for a more respectful and trusting relationship.


Specifically, with regards to individuals who are transgender:

  1. A student or employee may request that their correct name and gender identity be used in internal records such as the Registrar’s office, Admissions, Student Life, or Human Resources. In accordance with the non-discrimination policy, a court-ordered name or gender change is not required for a student or employee to request that their internal university records be modified.

  2. Information provided to outside agencies (e.g., Social Security Office, Internal Revenue Service, SCHEV, IPEDS, NCAA) will be consistent with the requirements of the agency and may or may not include a student or employee’s legal name and gender identity or preferred name and gender identity.


Specifically, with regards to individuals who are transgender:

  1. Protecting a transgender student’s or employee’s privacy is important to ensuring they are treated consistent with their gender identity. In some cases, a student or employee may want the university and students to know that they are transgender, and in other cases may not want this information to be widely known. University employees should take reasonable care to respect the individual’s preference and not inadvertently disclose information that is intended to be kept private or, in the case of students, may be protected from disclosure by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

  2. Efforts should be made to address students and employees by the names and pronouns that correspond to their gender identity. Using the student’s correct name and pronoun promotes the safety and wellbeing of the student. The preferred name should be included in any public online directory, as well as any class roster or employee list, in order to inform faculty and staff of the name and pronoun to use when addressing the individual.

  3. The persistent refusal to respect the gender identity of a student or employee constitutes harassment.

Access to Facilities

Specifically, with regards to individuals who are transgender:

  1. Consistent with the non-discrimination policy, a student or employee may access university facilities that correspond to their stated gender identity, including but not limited to locker rooms, bathrooms, and residence halls, irrespective of the gender listed on the student’s official records.

Policy Violations

  1. Harassment of transgender individuals constitutes gender-based harassment under the university’s Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct Policy.

  2. Gender-based harassment means acts of aggression, intimidation, stalking, or hostility based on gender or gender-stereotyping. Gender-based harassment can occur if students are harassed either for exhibiting what is perceived as a stereotypical characteristic of their sex, or for failing to conform to stereotypical notions of masculinity, femininity, or androgyny.

  3. To constitute harassment, the conduct must be unwelcomed and unreasonably interfere with an individual’s education or educational activities or create an objectively intimidating, hostile, demeaning, or offensive academic or living environment.

  4. Any violations of this policy for students should be reported to the university’s Title IX Coordinator, titleixcoordinator@emu.edu , or on the incident report form, found at https://emu.edu/safecampus/ For more information, please see the Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct policy and other information at https://emu.edu/titleix.

Intercultural Studies Programs

  1. EMU Intercultural Studies programs will have specific supplementary policies and procedures available fall 2019.

Residence Life

  1. Residence Life has specific complementary policies and procedures, which can be viewed in the Residence Life section of the student handbook under Non-discriminatory Access to University Housing.


Any questions about this policy should be directed to the university’s Title IX Coordinator at titleixcoordinator@emu.edu.

Life Together: Commitments for a Community of Learning

At Eastern Mennonite University our life together supports our work, and in turn, our work shapes our life together. EMU serves the church and the world by engaging in academic inquiry in conversation with God’s story through scripture, Christ, and the church. As a Christian university in the Anabaptist tradition, we encourage each other in Christ-like ways of living and learning.

The following ideals describe the learning community we aspire to be. They are derived from scripture as read in the Anabaptist tradition, our own century of tradition as an academic church institution, and the traditions we continue to make together today. Formal policies and procedures outlined in EMU faculty, staff, and student handbooks are designed to hold us accountable to these principles and sustain the identity and values that bind us together while creating space for questioning that identity in a spirit of continual renewal. We commit ourselves to regularly review and update all university policies in light of these ideals.

Love for God and one another: Our most important work is to love as God loves us, as shown in the life of Jesus. We seek relational, collaborative, and restorative approaches to teaching and learning, administration, policy, and discipline. We commit ourselves to practice generosity and hospitality, demonstrating reconciling love, sustained by collective worship and spiritual formation.

Wisdom: Our learning community pursues truth and seeks wisdom in its practice. We bring creativity and rigorous inquiry to our academic work, including our curricular distinctives of peacebuilding, social justice, cross-cultural engagement, and sustainability. We listen to each other with compassion and boldly share our own authentic statements of faith and doubt. We commit ourselves to intellectual, physical, and spiritual growth in all aspects of academic and social life.

Equality: Because each person has immeasurable worth in God’s eyes, we value participatory processes and pedagogies. Each person has a right to be heard, and to work and study in a safe environment. Policies and procedures aspire toward equity, including individuals of all backgrounds in the benefits of community membership and giving everyone a recourse against abuse of power. We commit ourselves to show respect for the rights, dignity, and full personhood of one another.

Sustainability: We strive to use God’s gifts wisely and generously, emphasizing well-being and supporting policies that enable students and employees to live balanced lives. We commit ourselves to exercise responsibility in our care for the earth and our use of resources as we practice stewardship of mind, time, abilities, and finances.

Accountability: Our individual and collective actions affect the health of the entire community. We expect each person to conduct themselves ethically and faithfully in personal and public matters, in order that all may thrive physically, spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually. We commit ourselves to mutual accountability motivated by love in a spirit of generosity and grace.

Adopted by the Board of Trustees
June 23, 2017

Missing Student Protocol (Clery Act 2008)

Each institution of higher learning is required to establish a Missing Student Protocol for students who reside in on-campus housing. This protocol goes into effect once campus officials determine the student to be missing from campus for more than 24 hours. At EMU, Residence Life Professional Staff are often the group who determines that the student has been missing from campus for more than 24 hours. 

Once it has been determined that the residential student has been missing from campus for over 24 hours, The Director for Campus Life, in consultation with the Vice President of Student Affairs/Dean of Students, institutes the emergency contact procedure in accordance with the student’s designation on the Residence Hall Information Form (unless the student is under 18 years of age, in which case the custodial/parent or guardian must be notified).

Missing residential students will be reported to the Campus Safety and Security Coordinator. Once a missing persons’ report has been filed with EMU Campus Safety and Security, the following emergency contact procedures will be initiated no later than 24 hours after a student is determined missing from campus:

  • The Campus Safety and Security Coordinator will consult with the Vice President of Student Affairs/Dean of Students and the Director for Campus Life, and will notify law enforcement and may also contact the student’s emergency contact (if VP/Dean of Students and/or Director for Campus Life has not already contacted the student's emergency contact).
  • If a student is under 18 years of age and not emancipated, the missing student’s parents or guardian will be notified by the Director for Campus Life or the VP/Dean of Students no later than 24 hours after the student is determined missing.
  • The Campus Safety and Security Coordinator will notify other campus offices as applicable.

Details on the Clery Act, including EMU Campus Crime statistics, are found at http://www.emu.edu/safety-and-security

Pregnancy Policy

Eastern Mennonite University is committed to creating and maintaining a community where all individuals enjoy freedom from discrimination, including discrimination on the basis of sex, as mandated by Title IX and ensuring the protection and equal treatment of pregnant persons, individuals with pregnancy-related conditions, and new parents. 

Non-Discrimination and Reasonable Accommodation

Students affected by pregnancy, childbirth, or related conditions are entitled to the following:

  1. Eastern Mennonite University and its faculty, staff, and other employees will not require a student to limit studies due to pregnancy or pregnancy-related conditions.
  2. The benefits and services provided to students affected by pregnancy shall be no less than those provided to students with temporary medical conditions.
  3. Students with pregnancy-related disabilities, like any other student with a disability, are entitled to reasonable accommodation so they will not be disadvantaged in their courses of study or research, and may seek assistance from the Assistant Provost for Student Success.
  4. Reasonable accommodations may include, but are not limited to:
    • accommodations requested by the pregnant student to protect the health and safety of the student and/or her pregnancy (e.g. allowing the student to maintain a safe distance from hazardous substances)  
    • modifications to the physical environment (e.g. accessible seating)  
    • extending deadlines and/or allowing the student to make up tests or assignments missed for pregnancy-related absences  
    • excusing medically-necessary absences  
    • granting leave
  5. Breastfeeding students must be granted reasonable time and space to pump breast milk in a location that is private, clean, and reasonably accessible. Bathroom stalls do not satisfy this requirement. Individuals should contact the Title IX coordinator (540-432-4133 or titleixcoordinator@emu.edu) to arrange for private on-campus spaces for breastfeeding, and accommodations will be made on an individual basis according to preferences and needs.

Reports of alleged discrimination on the basis of pregnancy or pregnancy-related conditions will be investigated by the university's Title IX coordinator. See Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct Policy (Title IX).

Privacy Notice Policy

This privacy notice discloses the privacy practices for official websites of Eastern Mennonite University. Official EMU websites use the domain name ‘emu.edu’ or its subdomains, are publicly available and are managed by university staff to support university business. This privacy notice applies solely to information collected by official websites. It will notify you of the following:

  1. What personally identifiable information is collected from you through the website, how it is used and with whom it may be shared.
  2. What choices are available to you regarding the use of your data.
  3. The security procedures in place to protect the misuse of your information.
  4. How you can correct any inaccuracies in the information.

Information Collection, Use, and Sharing

We do not automatically collect personally identifying information for visitors to official EMU websites unless you voluntarily provide it to us—for example by requesting information, registering for an event, applying for admission, or logging in using an EMU account. Should you decide not to provide personally identifiable information you may not be able to receive some of the services we offer online.

We do automatically collect information generated as a routine part of visiting official EMU websites. This information may include your computer’s IP address, details about your web browser, and the date and time of your browsing session. We use this information and other information collected from our servers to monitor the performance of our systems, to respond to security threats, to analyze usage patterns and trends, and to improve our websites.

We also use "cookies" on official EMU websites. A cookie is a piece of data stored on a visitor's computer to help us improve your access to our site and identify repeat visitors to our site. Usage of a cookie is not linked to any personally identifiable information on our site, except during browsing sessions when you voluntarily provide such information to us.

We also use Google Analytics to collect and process data about your visit. We do not pass any personally identifiable information to Google and are prohibited from doing so by the Google Analytics terms of service. For more information about Google Analytics please see “How Google uses data when you use our partner’s sites or apps” located at www.google.com/policies/privacy/partners/ .

We are the sole owners of the information collected on this site. We do not sell or rent this information to anyone. We will not share your information with any third party outside of our organization, other than as necessary to fulfill your request and as described above.

We use an outside credit card processing company to bill you for goods and services. This company does not retain, share, store or use personally identifiable information for any secondary purposes beyond filling your order.

Your Access to and Control Over Information

You may opt out of any future contacts from us at any time. You can do the following at any time by contacting us via the email address or phone number given on our website:

  • See what data we have about you, if any.
  • Change/correct any data we have about you.
  • Have us delete any data we have about you.
  • Express any concern you have about our use of your data.


We take precautions to protect your information. When you submit sensitive information via the website, your information is protected both online and offline.

Wherever we collect sensitive information that information is encrypted and transmitted to us in a secure way. You can verify this by looking for a lock icon in the address bar and looking for "https" at the beginning of the address.

While we use encryption to protect sensitive information transmitted online, we also protect your information offline. Only employees who need the information to perform a specific job are granted access to personally identifiable information. We keep the computers and backup devices in which we store personally identifiable information in a secure environment.


We may make changes to this policy from time to time, prompted by changes in technology, law, or other factors. We reserve the right to make changes without notice.

Questions and Concerns

If you have questions or concerns about this policy or about official EMU websites, please contact us via telephone at 540-432-4357 or via email at helpdesk@emu.edu.

Research Misconduct Policy

Consistent with the mission, vision and values of Eastern Mennonite University and with its Life Together statement, the university holds faculty and students to the highest standards in the conduct of research. While EMU aims to prevent any instances of researcher misconduct, the university takes seriously the need to investigate possible instances of misconduct. EMU is committed to a process of considering complaints made in good faith while protecting the positions and reputations of complainants and all those asked to participate in investigations.

Read the full EMU Research Misconduct Policy Statement.

Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct Policy (Title IX)

Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) is committed to establishing and maintaining a community rich in equality and free from all forms of discrimination and harassment. As an institution rooted in the values of Christian discipleship, community, service, and peacebuilding; EMU commits itself to the highest standards of personal and professional conduct. Relationship violence and sexual misconduct are prohibited at EMU. Relationship violence and sexual misconduct are community issues and can only be prevented through active community participation.      

As a Christian institution of higher education, EMU affirms that relationship violence and sexual misconduct is harmful to the individuals involved as well as to the campus community. Furthermore, instances of relationship violence and sexual misconduct are often experienced as trauma and can thus have lasting impacts even many years after the originating event/incident. EMU recognizes that healing from sexual violence is a process that often takes time, resources, and empathic support.  Many individuals in the university community are survivors of multiple forms of trauma, including historical trauma, repeated victimization, marginalization, discrimination, and other forms of violence. EMU seeks to ground this policy and procedures within this awareness and understanding.

The university will take prompt and equitable action to eliminate relationship violence and sexual misconduct, prevent its recurrence, and repair the harm that has been caused. When the conduct has a propensity to create a hostile, manipulative, or coercive environment on campus, the university obligates itself to respond in support of victims/survivors, the campus community, and others who have been impacted. EMU commits itself to proactively build a campus community that prioritizes health and safety. The university strives to achieve this by ensuring the safety of those who have been harmed, holding accountable those who have done harm, and addressing the root causes of relationship violence and sexual misconduct.

EMU commits itself to the prevention of relationship violence and sexual misconduct, and commits itself to response efforts that are focused in the following ways: through policies that reflect EMU values and meet federal and state guidelines, a response procedure that is clear and supportive, ongoing sexual violence prevention and healthy relationship education, and establishing and maintaining a community that is survivor-supportive.    

The purpose of the Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct Policy is to define relationship violence and sexual misconduct, describe the process for reporting violations of the policy, outline the procedure used to investigate and resolve alleged violations of the policy, and identify resources available to members of the EMU community who are involved in an incident of relationship violence and/or sexual misconduct.

Conduct Prohibited Under This Policy

The university prohibits the following conduct under this policy regardless of the sex, sexual orientation and/or gender identity/expression of the complainant or respondent: 

Relationship Violence

  • Domestic Violence
  • Dating Violence
  • Intimate Partner Violence
  • Stalking
  • Retaliation

 Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Violence

  • Sexual Harassment
  • Gender-Based Harassment
  • Sexual Assault
  • Sexual Exploitation

The complete version of this policy and its procedures is available at emu.edu/titleix/relationship-violence-policy.

Safety Policy for Cross-Cultural Programs

The safety and welfare of Eastern Mennonite University’s students and leaders participating in intercultural programs is always our priority.

Pre-travel preparedness

  1. Our intercultural leaders are experienced EMU faculty who accompany students in all their academic travel. During independent travel, students follow additional safety precautions. 
  2. Students receive instruction on safety, cultural norms, behavioral expectations, and legal considerations as part of orientation activities.
  3. Students receive identification letters from EMU to be carried on person to assist them in case of emergency.
  4. Students (and parents) receive a detailed itinerary with contact information and emergency contact numbers. The faculty leaders and director of intercultural programs maintain regular communication at all times. Periodic updates are sent to parents.

Geopolitical monitoring

  1. EMU carefully monitors the regions of all intercultural programs. Sources include U.S. Department of State advisories, consultants, travel agents, regional media sources, field contacts, local area partners, churches, and expatriate mission personnel. The intimate understanding of on-site field experts is invaluable for evaluating situations.
  2. EMU intercultural groups are registered with the U.S. Department of State or directly with embassies and consulates to receive assistance in case of emergency.

General Health precautions

  1. Students complete a Health History, Medical Permission, and Emergency Information form, including verification of international health insurance coverage, to assist faculty leaders and the director of intercultural programs to arrange for appropriate medical care while traveling. Immunization requirements for each program are communicated to students in advance. For students under the age of 21, a parent/guardian provides written permission for student participation in an intercultural program. Faculty leaders identify health professionals and facilities for all locations of their program to assist in case of illness or accident.  
  2. EMU intercultural groups embrace an ethic of care for each other.

Mental Health Precautions

  1. A student with concerns or identified need will be seen by the director of counseling services to assess safety for travel and the implication of lack of access to resources.
    1. If the student is a current client on campus, the director of counseling services will rely on records and the in person assessment. 
    2. If the student already has a community counselor, the director of counseling services will request a release to consult with the provider.
    3. If the director of counseling services assesses no threat to safety, recommendations to allow the travel will be made to the student, parents, faculty and administration as appropriate.
    4. If the director of counseling services feels further evaluation is needed, recommendations will be made to the student, parents, faculty and administration as appropriate and may include requests for further assessment by an outside provider which can include a psychiatrist or psychologist. 
  2. In consultation with the Director of Intercultural Programs, the Director of Counseling Services, and Dean of Students, the university may reserve the right to consult with parents or guardians and refuse permission to travel with an EMU program.

Contingency plans

  1. EMU faculty leaders take care in planning programs, and design contingency plans in case of emergency. Contingency plans may include, for example, relocation to a nearby country in order to complete studies. 
  2. Any decision to evacuate, relocate, or cancel an intercultural program rest with the president of the university in consultation with the provost, director of intercultural programs, and faculty leaders. The director of intercultural programs calls for such a meeting. While traveling, faculty leaders are authorized to withdraw to a safe location or return home if:
  3. there is a complete breakdown of communications systems making it impossible to contact the university; or,
  4. the danger is so immediate that there is insufficient time to contact the university. 

Should it be necessary to leave an intercultural program location prematurely, the intercultural leaders will:

  1. make every effort to complete the program in a similar locality or region; or,
  2. return to campus to complete the program with alternative learning experiences.
  3. If it is impossible to satisfactorily complete the program, arrangements for reimbursement and academic credit will be determined in consultation with the faculty leaders, director of intercultural programs, and university registrar according to university policies.

Responsible Party

Responsibility for this policy lies with the Director of Intercultural Programs.

Policy Review

This policy is to be reviewed every five years.


This policy is distributed via the Intercultural Leaders Manual and the EMU Student Handbook.

Revised by Cross-Cultural Committee, February 06, 2014
Approved by Academic Cabinet, April 9, 2014
Approved by President’s Cabinet, September 10, 2014
This policy is a sub-section of the ICP Risk Management Policy since 2019

Selling and Soliciting

Students wishing to make sales presentations to individuals or groups on campus need to secure permission from the Administrative Team.  Off-campus sales personnel are not permitted to sell to students on campus.  Marketing of credit cards is prohibited.

Student Academic Integrity Policy


In accordance with EMU mission, vision, and life together statements, we expect academic integrity of all members of the community. Responses to violations of academic integrity are detailed below.


Eastern Mennonite University fosters a culture where faculty, staff, and students respect themselves and others. In this culture, faculty, staff, and students gain confidence in their desire and ability to communicate concepts, construct new knowledge, and think critically about their own and others’ ideas. In doing so, EMU community members grow as competent thinkers and writers.

EMU faculty and staff care about the integrity of their own work and the work of their students. They work intentionally with students during the learning process, creating assignments that promote interpretative thinking. Honesty, integrity, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility are characteristics of a community that is active in loving mercy, doing justice, and walking humbly before God.

At EMU, academic accountability means that community members are accountable to themselves, their colleagues (fellow students or fellow instructors), the university, and the fields of study in which they engage. To be academically accountable means to be able to give a transparent account of the academic work that we do. It means that we “leave tracks” and create trails so that others may learn where we started and how we ended up where we are.

A transparent account for academic work involves producing and submitting one’s own work in papers, essays, projects, quizzes and tests; correctly and consistently acknowledging sources used; factually representing research results, one’s credentials, and facts or opinions; and appropriately documenting use of technology.

Informed use: as much as possible, students, faculty and staff should be generative AI (gAI) “literate” 

  • know how gAI systems work

  • gAI is ubiquitous and increasing in options 

  • gAI systems are associated with common applications and tools

  • gAI can be good for tasks such as outlines, brainstorming, checking grammar, spelling, and/ or style 

Ethical and Responsible use: as much as possible, students, faculty and staff should understand limitations, benefits, and risks of gAI

  • Consider privacy and unequal access to gAI tools

  • Information should not be submitted to an AI system unless you expect it to be publicly available and you own it 

  • gAI systems may be poorly referenced and/or the content may be unattributed to the original copyright owner

  • Bias exists in the data and output 

  • gAI can “hallucinate” and may provide untrue information (fact checks are required)

  • gAI searches have climate impacts (electricity and water usage)

Examples of violations of EMU’s Academic Accountability Policy are below. Additional examples of violations are available in this document.

  1. Not providing appropriate documentation to all information, ideas, and quotations taken from any source, including anything online; 

  2. Using resources such as notes, textbooks, online resources when not authorized by the instructor;

  3. Giving or receiving unauthorized assistance to or from another person, face to face or electronically on or during or after a quiz or test;

  4. Falsifying research results, withholding data, misrepresenting facts;

  5. Presenting material as one’s own from a site that sells essays or generates them for you (generative AI);

  6. Frequently committing violations within a single document or repeatedly over time;

  7. Using Google Translator, generative AI (gAI) or other software to translate work from one’s native language to the language of instruction and submitting the work as one’s own work; or

  8. Recycling one’s own previous work without proper citation and securing the instructor’s approval.

    Faculty should clearly describe allowances for generative AI usage on specific assignments on the spectrum of 

    • Free usage (no acknowledgment, documentation, or citation needed to use generative AI on this assignment) 

    • Fully prohibited (The assignment must be completed without assistance from others, including generative AI tools)

    • Middle positions 

      • describe which sections of a multi-layer assignment can incorporate use of AI 

      • describe what types of actions might be allowed (eg. outlines, brainstorming, checking grammar) 

      • describe how to use source citations for AI use. 

Academic Accountability Procedures

The following procedure is appropriate for use in undergraduate and graduate settings.

When an instructor observes or suspects that an episode of academic misconduct has occurred, the process below should be followed.  NOTE: The Academic Accountability Representative (AAR) is the director of the Academic Success Center and acts as a process facilitator. Instructors are mandated to contact the AAR about possible academic misconduct to the AAR.

  1. The instructor contacts the AAR to discuss their observations and to share further details of the episode and any documentation of alleged violation. They decide whether or not to initiate a formal process.
  2. Together, they (AAR & Instructor) explore possible reasons for the incident, plan for the instructor to converse with the student to understand each others’ perspectives, and explore possible avenues for accountability. If the AAR and instructor conclude that no violation has occurred, the instructor will inform the student and copy the AAR;
  3. Otherwise, the instructor meets with the student. (Sometimes, when the instructor meets with the student, this is the moment when the student and instructor resolve the issue without further involvement with the AAR.) 
  4. If the instructor and AAR have decided that a formal process is needed, the instructor informs the student about the concern  (the paper submitted, the test taken) and that they will be consulting with the university AAR to initiate a formal process and will inform the student of the consultation results.
  5. The instructor completes a form reporting their concerns, which goes automatically to the AAR.
  6. The AAR checks on any prior episodes for this student. (AAR has access to all previous reports.)
  7. The AAR arranges a meeting with the student to occur within 2 business days.   During this meeting, the student is in a safe place where privacy is ensured. The student is encouraged to share what happened. The AAR listens, asking prompting questions as appropriate. Ultimately, the AAR is seeking moments of learning, of redemption for the student, of restoration of the relationship between student and instructor. 
    1. The AAR reports to the instructor the pertinent details of the meeting with the student. The AAR will record notes of the meetings with instructor and student(s);
    2. The AAR will set up a planning meeting with the AAR, instructor, and student within 7 business days and inform the parties. The student will be informed that they may invite a trusted support person to this meeting if they choose;
    3. In the case that an accountability process extends beyond the last day of the course, the instructor will record an “Incomplete” grade for the course.
  8. The AAR/Instructor/Student meeting will include the following: 
    1. The AAR will briefly explain the purpose of the meeting and facilitate decisions about  ground rules;
    2. The student will explain their actions and what led up to those actions (What happened? What were you thinking at the time?);
    3. The instructor will explain their observations and concerns (What happened? What were you thinking at the time?);
    4. The instructor and student will discuss possible actions to remedy the situation and prevent its recurrence (What have you thought about since? What could make it right? What could keep it from happening again in the same way?);
    5. As appropriate on a case-by-case basis, the instructor and student will write and sign a detailed action plan to include dates and responsibilities of all parties. The plan should include due dates and the responsibilities of both parties.
  9. The AAR will record all meetings with student and instructor, including the Action Plan in the Maxient case file and arrange further instruction if necessary.
  10. Shortly before the Action Plan is due, AAR will check in with the student and instructor to monitor progress.
  11. Once the Action Plan has been carried out and/or the situation has been resolved, the AAR will update the case notes to reflect this completion, and close the case in Maxient.
  12. The instructor will replace any Incomplete grades with final grades.


  1. If the instructor and student cannot agree on an Action Plan 
    1. The AAR will meet with the student and the instructor separately to evaluate points of disagreement and to develop potential solutions. The AAR will facilitate a meeting where both parties discuss the issues and proposed solutions.
    2. If the student and instructor cannot agree on an Action Plan after these individual meetings, the dean of the instructor’s school in collaboration with the Dean of Students will identify an Action Plan or grade consequence.  
  2. If the Action Plan is not satisfactorily completed by the student  
    1. The instructor may assign a failing grade to the assignment or test in question.
    2. Failure to complete the Action Plan will be recorded in the case notes in Maxient. 
  3. Repeated violations with accompanying failure to complete Action Plans  
    1. If the student fails to complete multiple action plans, a Letter of Probation, or Letter of Indefinite Suspension/Disciplinary Withdrawal may be issued.  The AAR and school dean will determine these responses and the dean will carry out the response.
    2. If the instructor assigns  a student an F for the course, the student will not be allowed to withdraw from the course. The student is prohibited from attending class after the professor assigns the F grade. The course continues to apply towards the number of credits the student is pursuing that semester.

Student Appeal

The student will submit an appeal form to the Provost in writing within five (5) working days following notification of the Academic Accountability report. The student may wish to work with their academic advisor or a Student Life staff member to complete the Appeal form.  The student will send the completed form to the Provost.

 Reasons for the appeal must be clearly stated and based on at least one of the following:

  1. Significant and relevant new evidence;
  2. Alleged procedural error that may have affected the decision; or
  3. Unduly harsh and arbitrary consequences of the academic accountability violation
  4. The Instructor, AAR, or other institutional representative did not follow through on the agreed upon plan.

On the basis of these factors, the provost will review the appeal and, in consultation with the AAR, make a decision to uphold or modify the academic accountability violation record. The Provost will communicate the decision to the student in writing within five (5) days after the receipt of the appeal. The decision is final.


    • Students who receive any type of academic accountability violation will have it documented in an internal record keeping system at EMU. This system is confidential with limited access. 
    • Academic accountability violations/probation/suspensions are never part of a student’s official EMU transcript.  
    • Academic accountability violations will not prevent admission into any academic major at EMU.  
    • Academic accountability violations are not part of any student life recommendation for students transferring to another university.  
    • A review of academic accountability violations - in particular, reports marked “incomplete” - may be included when students are considered for student leadership positions, academic honors, participation in cross-cultural opportunities and recommendation for students transferring to another university.
    • Academic accountability violations that are egregious and broad in scope may have more serious consequences, including a letter of academic conduct probation and/or a letter of indefinite academic conduct suspension/withdrawal.  
    • Students who have repeat academic accountability violations may receive a letter of academic conduct probation.  This letter serves as official notification that additional academic conduct violations may warrant a letter of indefinite academic conduct suspension.  

Responsible Party

The provost is responsible for this policy.

Policy Review

This policy is reviewed annually.

Policy Distribution

Undergraduate, Graduate and Seminary Catalogs, Undergraduate, Graduate, Seminary and Lancaster Student Handbooks.

Reviewed by Undergraduate Council, Graduate Council, and Faculty Senate
Approved by Academic Cabinet, March 25, 2009 and revised October 6, 2010
Revised by Academic Cabinet, February 26, 2013
Revised by Academic Cabinet, November 19, 2014
Revised by Provost’s Council, December 16, 2015
Revised by Graduate Council, April 1, 2019 and approved by Provost’s Council, April 10, 2019
Revised by task force and approved by Provost’s Council, May 4, 2021
Revised by Provost’s Council, January 19, 2023 and December 12, 2023

Student Complaint Policy

Eastern Mennonite University welcomes open communication from students regarding its policies and practices. Student feedback helps administrators determine effectiveness and clarify and improve processes and procedures. If a student has a complaint it should be communicated to the administrator responsible for the area of the complaint. Most complaints can be dealt with through informal communication between the parties.

When a student wishes to lodge a more formal written complaint in writing, the following student complaint form is submitted: http://emu.edu/about/student-complaint-form/.

This form is directed to the executive advisor to the president, who determines the appropriate person to respond to the stated concerns. A formal written response will occur within five business days of notification of the concern. This response will be copied to the executive advisor to the president.

In the event that a student is not satisfied with the response to the complaint, the student may choose to follow up by utilizing the Conflict and Grievance Policy and Procedure for resolution, available in student handbooks. The university recognizes its obligation to ensure that students who make complaints do not suffer adverse treatment as a result of the complaint. In the event that a student alleges such treatment, the student shall be referred to the Conflict and Grievance Policy and Procedure for resolution.

If an issue cannot be resolved by the university’s internal processes, students may file a formal complaint with the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) at  https://www.schev.edu/index/students-and-parents/resources/student-complaints.

Approved by President’s Cabinet May 21, 2003
Revised March 12, 2007
Revised February 11, 2009
Updated March 2021

Student Participation in Institutional Decision Making

Eastern Mennonite University desires students to participate in making decisions that affect them. In its efforts to create a campus community, the administration wishes to include the voices of every group that constitutes the community. At the formal organizational level student participation occurs through membership on selected institutional committees and through student or student/faculty/staff organizations in the various programs. Students are considered voting members of the institutional committees on which they serve. In the case of departmental faculty or staff committees, the department decides whether or not student representatives are voting members of the committee. In all cases, student voices are welcomed. Student representatives to committees are encouraged to find ways to communicate with their fellow students about relevant issues, both to acquire feedback from other students and to disseminate information and committee decisions when appropriate. Students are encouraged to accept opportunities to serve on committees, as well as to be active participants in student organizations.

Adopted by President’s Cabinet,

May 12, 1999

Student Publications Ownership and Appointments

The role of student publications at Eastern Mennonite University is to provide information to students, faculty, staff, and subscribers; a forum for student opinion and responsible discussion; a training opportunity for prospective journalists; and a reasonably accurate historical record of the institution in a particular year.

All students are eligible to serve on the staff of the Weather Vane and Phoenix; however, the editor of the Weather Vane is nominated by the Visual and Communication Arts Department and appointed by the academic dean. Staff for the Phoenix are identified by the Language and Literature Department. Eligible staff members may receive journalism credit or financial remuneration. Each staff includes a faculty person who serves in a consultative role, but students direct all aspects of the production and business operations. Student editors accept their tasks with freedom and responsibility, keeping in mind the standards of journalism: accuracy, excellence, newsworthiness, and taste. In an agreement of mutual trust the editors expect the publisher to refrain from censorship and interference; the publisher expects the editors to produce an accurate and tasteful publication.

The publications are part of the properties of the EMU Board of Trustees. The university administration acts as publisher of the papers for the Board of Trustees and may dismiss an editor who is not working within established policies.

Some student publications are funded by an allocation from the general student activities fee, the amount approved annually by the Student Government Association, and by the revenue from advertisements and subscriptions. Publications are distributed without additional cost to current full time students. 

Virginia Laws Governing Alcohol & Other Drugs

In accordance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act, EMU communicates the information in this section regarding the unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol to its students and employees. 

Federal Alcohol and Drug Penalties

Federal law prohibits the unlawful manufacturing, distribution, use, and possession of controlled substances.

Penalties depend on various factors, including the type (Schedule I - V) and amount of the drug involved, and whether there is intent to distribute. Penalties under federal law range from less than one year to life imprisonment and/or $1,000 to $4 million fines for first offenses. Penalties may include forfeiture of property, including vehicles used to possess, transport or conceal a controlled substance, and forfeiture of Federal benefits, including student loans. A drug conviction may also result in future denial of professional licenses.

Federal Penalties and Sanctions for Illegal Possession of Controlled Substances
21 U.S.C. 844 (a)

  • 1st conviction: Up to 1 year imprisonment and fined at least $1,000 but not more than $100,000, or both.
  • After 1 prior drug conviction: At least 15 days in prison, not to exceed 2 years and fined at least $2,500 but not more than $250,000, or both.
  • After 2 or more prior drug convictions: At least 90 days in prison, not to exceed 3 years and fined at least $5,000 but not more than $250,000, or both.
  • Special sentencing provisions for possession of crack cocaine: Mandatory at least 5 years in prison, not to exceed 20 years and fined up to $250,000, or both, if: (a) 1st conviction and the amount of crack possessed exceeds 5 grams; (b) 2nd crack conviction and the amount of crack possessed exceeds 3 grams; or (c) 3rd or subsequent crack conviction and the amount of crack possessed exceeds 1 gram.

21 U.S.C. 853 (a) (2) and 881 (a) (7)

  • Forfeiture of personal and real property used to possess or to facilitate possession of a controlled substance if that offense is punishable by more than 1 year imprisonment. (See specially sentencing provisions re: crack, above.)

21 U.S.C. 881 (a) (4)

  • Forfeiture of vehicles, boats, aircraft or any other conveyance used to transport or conceal a controlled substance.

21 U.S.C. 844a

  • Civil fine of up to $10,000

21 U.S.C. 862

  • Denial of Federal Benefits, such as student loans, grants, contracts, and professional and commercial licenses, up to 1 year for first offense, up to 5 years for second and subsequent offenses.

18 U.S.C. 922 (g)

  • Ineligible to receive or purchase a firearm.

Federal Penalties for Illegal Trafficking of Controlled Substances

The Controlled Substances Act (CSA), Title II of the comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970, is a consolidation of numerous federal laws regulating the manufacture and distribution of controlled substances. The CSA places all use, potential for abuse and safety or dependence liability.

The CSA provides penalties for the unlawful manufacturing and distribution of controlled substances. The charts on pages 36-37 of the U.S. Department of Justice publication, Drugs of Abuse, 2020 Edition, provides an overview of the penalties for trafficking of controlled substances.

For additional details about Federal illicit drug laws, visit the following websites:

City of Harrisonburg Alcohol Ordinances

Open Container and Drinking in Public - Sec. 16-8-51

  1. If any person takes a drink of alcoholic beverages or offers a drink thereof to another, whether accepted or not, at or in any public place, as defined in § 4.1-100 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, he shall be guilty of a Class 4 misdemeanor.

  2. It shall be unlawful for any person to possess an open or opened container, can, cup, glass or bottle containing an alcoholic beverage in any city parks, playgrounds, public streets and any sidewalks adjoining any public streets in the city.
  3. This article shall not prevent any person from drinking alcoholic beverages, offering a drink thereof to another or possessing an open container, as described in subsection (b) of this section, in the dining room or other designated room, as defined in § 4-25 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, of a hotel, restaurant or club; provided, that such hotel, restaurant or club, or the person who operated the same, is licensed to sell for consumption in such dining room or other rooms such alcoholic beverages and the alcoholic beverages drunk or offered were purchased therein.
  4. This article shall not prevent any person from drinking alcoholic beverages, offering a drink thereof to another or possessing an open container, as described in subsection (b) of this section, in any room or area approved by the ABC board at an event for which a banquet license or mixed beverage special events license has been granted. Nor shall this article prevent, upon authorization of the licensee, any person from drinking his own lawfully acquired alcoholic beverages or offering a drink thereof to another in approved areas and locations at events for which a coliseum or stadium license has been granted.

Drunk in Public - Sec. 16-7-33

  1. If any person profanely curse or swear or be drunk in public he shall be guilty of a Class 4 misdemeanor.
  2. If any person shall be convicted for being drunk in public three (3) times within one (1) year in this state, upon the third or any subsequent conviction for such offense within the period of one (1) year, such person shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor.

Virginia Laws Governing Distracted Driving

Below is the state law regarding distracted driving:

46.2-1078.1. Use of handheld personal communications devices in certain motor vehicles; exceptions; penalty.

  1. It is unlawful for any person to operate a moving motor vehicle on the highways in the Commonwealth while using any handheld personal communications device to:
    1. Manually enter multiple letters or text in the device as a means of communicating with another person; or
    2. Read any email or text message transmitted to the device or stored within the device, provided that this prohibition shall not apply to any name or number stored within the device nor to any caller identification information.
    3. The provisions of this section shall not apply to:
    4. The operator of any emergency vehicle while he is engaged in the performance of his official duties;
    5. An operator who is lawfully parked or stopped;
    6. The use of factory-installed or aftermarket global positioning systems (GPS) or wireless communications devices used to transmit or receive data as part of a digital dispatch system; or
    7. Any person using a handheld personal communications device to report an emergency.
    8. A violation of this section is a traffic infraction punishable, for a first offense, by a fine of $125 and, for a second or subsequent offense, by a fine of $250.

Voter Registration

Federal legislation requires colleges and universities to make voter registration information available to degree-seeking students studying on their campuses. Accordingly, a link to the official online voter registration form will be provided on myEMU Academics by the University Registrar’s Office in order for students to meet state filing deadlines.

While students who are a citizen of any state may use this form to register to vote in their home state, persons who are not U.S. citizens must not submit this form – doing so may cause serious difficulties with visa status.

EMU is providing this information in compliance with federal stipulations, but recognizes the responsibility of each student to decide whether to register to vote.  Students who do wish to register should keep in mind that an individual states’ deadline to register to vote may fall far in advance of election day, and should submit their registration forms in time to meet these deadlines.

Please contact Travis Trotter, University Registrar at 540-432-4085 or travis.trotter@emu.edu if you have any questions.

Persons interested in coordinating voter registration activities are encouraged to contact the Student Life Division.

Section 2: Student Services- Undergraduate and Graduate

Most student service offices are open Monday-Friday 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. For students in non-traditional programs who are on campus weekends or evenings, most offices will accommodate special appointments if contacted in advance during normal hours. 

Auxiliary Services

Website: emu.edu/facilities-management

This office provides supervision and oversight to several services on campus including university owned apartment rentals, the Box Office, custodial services, facility set-up, parking passes and enforcement, and University Commons’ facility management. Additionally, this office serves as the EMU liaison with Pioneer College Caterers, our university food service provider, and the online bookstore. The Auxiliary Services Office also coordinates groups visiting campus for everything from wall climbing to large-scale meetings, sporting events, and occasional concerts. Summer activity resembles the operation of a large hotel/conference complex. Summer conference assistants (students) learn valuable skills as they assist in providing excellent customer service to the groups.


Lori Gant
Administrative Assistant



The EMU online bookstore, powered by Textbookx, operates completely online and can be visited at emu.textbookx.com. Students visit the website to order textbooks online and have them shipped to their home or campus. Digital course material access is emailed. The online bookstore is a partnership with Akedemos, Inc.

Royals Shop

EMU Branded clothing can be viewed on the 1st floor of University Commons, ordered on your mobile device and picked up on campus.

Box Office

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Business Office

Student Accounts Office

Web: emu.edu/business-office
Phone: (540) 432-4112

The Student Accounts staff welcomes the opportunity to answer any questions you may have concerning your accounts and to help you explore ways of meeting payment due dates. The office is located in the Campus Center, room 104 next to the Post Office.  Hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.  A cashier is available to receive payments, cash checks up to $75.00 per day and to answer questions concerning the student account. Please have the student ID number available for each transaction.

Payment Policy

Tuition, room and meal plan charges, less processed financial aid, are due one week before classes begin for each semester.  Unpaid accounts may be subject to the following:

  1. EMU network access for student-owned computers will be denied.
  2. Charging items from the university bookstore and Common Grounds Coffee House to the student account will be denied.
  3. Grades, transcripts, enrollment, and diploma will be denied.
  4. Monthly finance charge of 1.5% (18% annually) will be assessed
  5. Delinquent accounts will be reported to the Credit Bureau.
  6. Collection and/or attorney fees necessary for collection of unpaid accounts will be paid for by the debtor.

For information regarding refunds of credit balances, please contact the cashier.


Health Insurance

EMU offers health insurance plans through RCM&D. Health insurance is an EMU requirement for full-time undergraduate, full-time CJP, full-time seminary, full-time MA in counseling, and all international students. The plan options are only available to those student groups.

Personal Property Insurance

EMU does not maintain insurance on student-owned property. Students’ property is sometimes covered under their family homeowner’s policy. Tenant insurance may also be obtained from a local agency if desired.


Students are expected to respect the rights and property of others and to use campus facilities in a responsible manner. Costs of damage to university property are charged to the account of the student responsible for the damage. Students assume responsibility for damaged property and should report it promptly to the residence director and/or Facilities Management Office.

EMU is not liable for the loss of money or valuables or the loss of or damage to any person’s private property on the campus due to fire, water, or theft. This includes the property of resident and non-resident students and their guests. Students should insure their personal property through their own policy or their parents’ homeowners’ policy.

Refund and Withdrawal Policy

Policies differ for graduate and undergraduate students related to refunds and withdrawals. 

Undergraduate Student Refund and Withdrawal Policy

Graduate Student Refund and Withdrawal Policy

Adjustment and Refund Percentages (Chart) for 2024-2025
Time PeriodFall SemesterSpring Semester  %
1st weekAug 28 - Sept 2Jan 9 - Jan 1497%
2nd weekSept 3 - Sept 9Jan 15 - Jan 2190%
3rd weekSept 10 - Sept 16Jan 22 - Jan 2883%
4th weekSept 17 - Sept 23Jan 29 - Feb 476%
5th weekSept 24 - Sept 30Feb 5 - Feb 1169%
6th weekOct 1 - Oct 7Feb 12 - Feb 1862%
7th weekOct 8 - Oct 14Feb 19 - Feb 2555%
8th weekOct 15 - Oct 21Feb 26 - Mar 11 **48%
9th weekOct 22 - Oct 28Mar 12  - Mar 2040%
After the 9th weekOct 29 and laterMar 21 and later0%
** period includes Mid-Semester Recess

Adjustment and Refund Percentages Chart

Adjustment and Refund Percentages (Chart) for 2024-2025
Time PeriodFall SemesterSpring Semester  %
1st weekAug 28 - Sept 2Jan 9 - Jan 1497%
2nd weekSept 3 - Sept 9Jan 15 - Jan 2190%
3rd weekSept 10 - Sept 16Jan 22 - Jan 2883%
4th weekSept 17 - Sept 23Jan 29 - Feb 476%
5th weekSept 24 - Sept 30Feb 5 - Feb 1169%
6th weekOct 1 - Oct 7Feb 12 - Feb 1862%
7th weekOct 8 - Oct 14Feb 19 - Feb 2555%
8th weekOct 15 - Oct 21Feb 26 - Mar 11 **48%
9th weekOct 22 - Oct 28Mar 12  - Mar 2040%
After the 9th weekOct 29 and laterMar 21 and later0%
** period includes Mid-Semester Recess

Career Services

Website: emu.edu/careers
Phone: (540) 432-4131

The University Career Services office, in Campus Center 114, is open for use by undergraduate and graduate students. Visit the career services website for more information and resources including assistance with resume development, interview and job search skills, and job search strategies. 

Off-campus and online students can contact the career services via phone or email; contact information is on the office’s website. All students have access to free online resources.

Computing for Students

Website: emu.edu/is
Phone: (540) 432-HELP (4357)

Information Technology provides computer services to students to facilitate their learning experience at EMU. When on campus, students have network and internet access in dorms and in many public areas via wireless connections. Students can receive assistance connecting to the network and help with viruses at the Helpdesk. Computer labs provide access to special software, as well as printers and scanners.

From on or off campus, students can access their EMU e-mail, connect to personal and shared network space, access Moodle, the EMU Library catalog, and myEMU.

Students living off-campus and needing access to the Internet from their residences are encouraged to obtain service from a local provider.

See also “Information Technology Policies” under the “University Policies” section of this handbook.

Constituency Relationships

The advancement division staff welcomes student suggestions and cooperation in relating to the university’s diverse constituency. The division consists of Advancement and Alumni Engagement (Advancement Assistant 540-432-4200).

These departments conduct all fundraising for EMU including annual giving, capital campaigns for new and renovated facilities, endowment giving, and work with foundations and corporations for grant support. The advancement team also oversees business engagement and continuously communicates with alumni, friends, parents, and other supporters of the university, including the Seminary and CJP. 

The advancement division coordinates Homecoming and Family Weekend, Parent and Alumni Councils, LovEMU Giving Day, Legacy Scholarship events, Crowdfunding, annual fundraising initiatives including the senior class gift, class reunion giving, parent and alumni giving programs, and phone-a-thons, and various on and off-campus events. Members of the Advancement office engage alumni, parents, and friends of the university to invite financial support to the university. Staff assists donors in establishing or adding to endowed scholarships, program and chair endowments, and/or immediate impact scholarships. Staff serves as consultant to others across the university for engaging with churches and congregations.  

Counseling Services

Website: emu.edu/studentlife/counseling/
Phone: (540) 432-4317

Email: counselingservices@emu.edu

EMU Counseling Services enhances and supports healthy management of mental and emotional health for the entire EMU community through prevention and intervention focused on optimal levels of functioning in relationships and academics.

EMU Counseling Services is a safe and confidential space where students are welcome to discuss a number of concerns, including feelings of depression or anxiety, loneliness, identity development, conflict or relationship difficulties, or adjustment to college life. For those students seeking counseling, EMU provides a benefit of short term sessions at no charge.

Counseling Services provides direct services for undergraduate and graduate students enrolled and attending classes on EMU's main campus (Harrisonburg). Off-campus or online program faculty, staff, or students are able to consult with an EMU counselor via email or phone on locating resources or assistance in their own geographic area.

Counseling Services is located in the Weaver Wellness Suite in University Commons 2nd Floor

Welcoming Hours: Monday - Friday, 9-5 pm
WALK IN HOURS: Monday - Friday, 1-2 pm

Dining Services

Website: emu.edu/dining-hall/

Dining services are available for on-campus students and commuters, as well as visitors. To see more information about the dining services EMU provides, including meal hours, meal prices, weekly menus, Royals’ Den details, and job opportunities, please visit the above website.


Sick trays and takeout meals are available by request.
Special diets can be accommodated; we do ask for an outline of your dietary needs.


All students will bring proper ID to enter the dining hall. Anyone without an ID will be required to pay.
Non-meal plan students and visitors must pay at the door to enter the dining hall. The line rates are posted at the door.

Facilities for Meetings

To reserve any of these spaces, call the Facilities Management at 540-432-4390 except where specifically noted otherwise.


Location of Room




Discipleship Center

Campus Hill




Lehman Auditorium

Lehman Auditorium


Large meeting area generally available from 7 pm - midnight


Lehman Board Room

Campus Center


Group meetings


Conference Rooms

Hartzler Library




Martin Chapel





Room 106

Science Center


Multi-purpose w/stage



Science Center

Available when classes aren’t in session


Strite Conference Room

Campus Center




Common Areas

University Commons

UC100, UC100.1

UC200, UC200.1



President’s Reception Room

University Commons


Special occasions

Contact President’s Office to reserve


University Commons 211 & 212

University Commons


Conference rooms

16 each

Park Cabin

Park Woods



No running water, cooking stove or restrooms

For open air fires, the person planning the event needs to complete an “Open Air Fires-EMU Policy” form and check out a fire extinguisher and a bucket for water.  Contact Facilities Management  at 432-4390 for permission or  information.

Financial Assistance Office

Web: emu.edu/financial-aid
Phone: 1-800-330-9683 or (540) 432-4137

The Financial Assistance Office coordinates student financial aid programs, which include scholarships, grants, employment, and loans. The staff is available to assist students in the application process and welcomes questions and concerns about their financial planning.

All students are encouraged to apply. Most financial aid awards are subject to available funding and satisfactory academic progress. Students should contact the Financial Assistance Office prior to withdrawing from classes or reducing academic loads during a semester. Office hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.


Web: emu.edu/is
Phone: 540-432-HELP (4357)

The Helpdesk is located in the northeast corner of the lower level of Hartzler Library and is open Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

The Helpdesk provides support for the following student technology at EMU:

  1. EMU Password
  2. Wireless connectivity
  3. Computer labs
  4. Audiovisual equipment (available for checkout)
    1. DVD Player
    2. LCD Projector
    3. 70x70 Screen
    4. Tripod
    5. Digital Audio Recorder
    6. Canon XL-1 Video Camera
    7. Digital Video Camera
    8. iPad
    9. LCD TV
    10. Digital Camera
    11. Chromebook
  5. Moodle Learning Management System
  6. myEMU
  7. E-mail
  8. Copiers/Printers

Identification Cards

An ID card is issued to each undergraduate and graduate student during registration. This card is used for entry to many buildings and entitles students to free or discounted admission to all events sponsored by their student activity fee, including athletic events, films, performing arts series, concerts, and theater performances. The card is required for admission to the Dining Hall for those on meal plans, for all transactions at the Business Office, for checking out books in Hartzler Library, and for purchases at the University Bookstore. If an ID card is broken, the broken card can be taken to the Helpdesk and the card will be replaced for free. Lost ID cards can be replaced for $15. 

Your EMU ID photo will be used for your EMU ID card and may also be used in the EMU web directory accessible only by current authenticated students and employees. You may request that it not be used for the EMU web directory by completing the Personal Information Update Form on myEMU (my.emu.edu).

ID cards may be received and replaced in the lower level of the Hartzler Library at the Helpdesk.

International Student Services

Web: https://emu.edu/studentlife/iss
Phone: (540) 432-4459

International students are a valued part of the Eastern Mennonite University community. They bring a rich cultural perspective that enhances the learning process as EMU seeks to educate students to think, serve, and lead in a global context. 

International Student Services is dedicated to providing services, social and educational programming, and leadership opportunities to assist in the growth and development of enrolled international students. These services include orientation to U.S. culture, the U.S. higher education system, and EMU campus culture; assistance on immigration-related matters (maintaining student status, work authorizations, etc.); advising; mentoring; social and educational activities; leadership development; and advocacy.


Sadie A. Hartzler Library

Web: emu.edu/library
Phone: 540-432-4175

Library staff provide guidance in identifying, finding, using and citing materials for your presentations, papers, and other creative work. The library provides access to articles, books, journals, video and sound recordings--either electronically, on-site, or through loan from other libraries.

Computers, wireless access, copiers and printers are available on all three floors.

Please present your EMU ID when checking out materials. For more information about library holdings and policies, see the library web site (www.emu.edu/library).

The building is located in the southeast corner of the campus at 1195 Park Road. The library entrance is on the north side of the building.

Regular hours during the school year are as follows. Check on the web for updates.

  • Monday-Thursday        7:45 a.m. – 11:30 p.m.
  • Friday                            7:45 a.m. – 6 p.m.
  • Saturday                       10:00 a.m. – 6 p.m.
  • Sunday                          2:00 p.m. – 11:30 p.m.

The library building houses the Menno Simons Historical Library, Academic Success Center, Information Systems Helpdesk, classrooms, the EMU Archives, Virginia Mennonite Conference Archives and the JAMAR Suite (LB-121) which has its own outside entrance.

Special Collections

EMU’s Special Collections include materials from the history of EMU, the Virginia Mennonite Conference, and the worldwide Anabaptist/Mennonite experience.  The Menno Simons Historical Library contains family history and genealogy, Shenandoah Valley history, and Anabaptist/Mennonite materials. The EMU Archives house EMU’s organizational records and files, including material from persons who have been associated with EMU throughout its history.  The Virginia Mennonite Conference Archives houses historical documents relating to the conference, including official records, personal papers, congregational materials, and the records of Eastern Mennonite School.

The Menno Simons Historical Library is the point of contact for all special collections materials and for assistance with your research. The library is open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.  Please call 432-4178 or e-mail archives@emu.edu.

Mail Room

Phone: (540) 432-4253
Email: mailroom@emu.edu

Mail Room hours: Monday - Friday 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm

Changes to these hours are posted by the mail room service window.

The EMU Mail Room is located on the main floor of the Campus Center (Room 106) and provides a wide range of postal services to students, faculty, and staff. Postage stamps and USPS mail - as well as shipping via UPS, FedEx, and DHL - are available.

Mailbox Information:

Each undergraduate student is provided with a campus mailbox which is used for on-campus as well as incoming USPS mail. Mailboxes are assigned at the beginning of the school year each August. New students and transfers for the second semester receive their mailbox assignments in January. Mailbox numbers and combinations can  be found by following these steps:

  1. Login to MyEMU
  2. Choose Directory from the menu (on a mobile device, scroll down on the menu to see all options)
  3. Click the My Personal Information button/tab
  4. Scroll down to find your mailbox number and combination information

Please stop by our window if you need assistance opening your box for the first time.

Address Information: 

Students may receive mail at EMU by using this address:

Student’s first & last name
1200 Park Road
Harrisonburg, VA 22802

Please do not use any other EMU campus location as your mailing address. We cannot guarantee proper delivery if an unapproved address is used.  

Please make note of all
Mail Room Policies and Procedures.

Use of Mail Room for Mailing Chain Letters or Inappropriate Surveys

The Campus Mail Room will not deliver chain letters, unauthorized surveys (not for coursework), or any other mailings that are considered wasteful of time and materials. Permission for questionable mailings must be obtained from the Mail Services supervisor and from the vice president for student life. Mailings with no sender’s name on them will be discarded.

Multicultural Student Services

Web: https://emu.edu/studentlife/multicultural
Phone: (540) 432-4458

The Multicultural Student Services office serves students who have been historically underrepresented and marginalized in our country as well as students from many nations of the world. Their presence helps enrich the campus and helps bring the global connection into daily campus life. We provide them with tools and resources to enhance their sense of belonging and help them successfully navigate the complex challenges and opportunities they may encounter during their time at EMU. 

We strive to build connections with campus constituencies who work with and on behalf of multicultural students to collaborate on areas of mutual concern; and strengthen cultural understanding across areas of difference, including national/international background, language, and all areas of identity.

The Multicultural Student Services office provides support and advocacy to American students of African, Hispanic, Asian, and Native American descent (AHANA). Also, with guidance from staff, students are empowered to succeed academically, culturally, socially, and spiritually. We assist students in recognizing, cultivating, and actualizing their potential to thrive and succeed at EMU and beyond. This is accomplished through student-run organizations such as the Black Student Union, Latino Student Alliance, Alpha and Omega Dancers for Christ, and the EMU Gospel Choir. These clubs are advised by the director of Multicultural Student Services and serve as a venue for cross-cultural experiences for the entire EMU and greater community. Students, faculty, and staff benefit from opportunities to partake in our positive, welcoming, and diverse community.

The office and student clubs offer annual campus-wide programs and encourage the EMU and greater community to participate.  Some of our offerings include Black History Month, Latino Heritage Month, Town Hall on Race, Alfombra, and Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration, along with other cultural activities.

Multicultural Student Services provides an inviting environment for multicultural students at Eastern Mennonite University. We embrace the African Proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child.” We provide a place for students to develop and grow through mentoring each other, spending time together, and planning and implementing programs for the campus and greater community, with the goal of affirming and celebrating diversity. Welcome to “The Village.”

Office of Academic Access

Web: emu.edu/academics/access/
Phone: (540) 432-4233

EMU students who have disabilities are served through the Office of Academic Access located in the Academic Success Center, Hartzler Library, 3rd floor. 

EMU promotes equal educational opportunities and full participation for persons with learning, emotional, physical, and other disabilities. Students are provided access through reasonable accommodations in the academic program. According to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, “students with documented disabilities may request modifications, accommodations or auxiliary aids which will enable them to participate in and benefit from all post-secondary educational programs and activities.” This was confirmed and strengthened by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the ADA Amendment Act of 2008. Faculty and staff support individual students needing reasonable accommodations in the classroom due to documented disabilities. The faculty and staff also foster the development and use of strategies which promote independence and personal success.

Students with disabilities should initiate contact with the Office of Academic Access upon acceptance to EMU. Disclosure of a disability is voluntary. However, students need to identify their disabilities and provide appropriate documentation prior to receiving accommodations.  All documentation is confidential and is kept in the Office of Academic Access. Students who wish to appeal a decision on their accommodations may use the University Conflict and Grievance Policy procedures located in the President’s Office or the Student Life Office.

Students without documentation of a disability who exhibit indicators of learning or attention disorders are encouraged to make an appointment with the Office of Academic Access. Referrals for a professional evaluation can be made to community assessment resources, if needed.

Make an appointment with the Office of Academic Access by calling (540) 432-4233 or (540) 432-4254.

Printing, Copying and Scanning

Instructions for printing from a personal device are located at emu.edu/print. Copies and scans can be made at any EMU copier by swiping your ID Card. Students print account are credited $25 on January 1 and July 1.

Cost per side



Black & white









Access to a wide variety of activities is one of the advantages of a university campus.  These programs are supported by student activity fees.

Recreational Facilities—Indoor

Park Cabin

Located on the east side of campus, this facility provides a spot to relax in the beauty of Park Woods. This building does not have running water, a cooking stove, or restrooms.  A wood-burning stove in the one-room cabin provides an atmosphere for creative activity. Reservations may be made through the Auxiliary Services Office (540) 432-4391.

University Commons Gymnasium

The gym may be reserved by contacting the athletic office (540) 432-4440 and providing the date, time, group name and function. Groups outside of EMU make their reservations through the Auxiliary Service office.

Fitness Center, University Commons

The University Commons Fitness Center provides safe and enjoyable facilities, equipment and programs to meet the recreation and exercise interests of the campus community. The fitness center includes: a weight room, a group exercise room and a cardio room with various aerobic fitness machines. An indoor track is also available. Student staff is present during open hours.

There is no charge for full time students and full time faculty/staff. Others may purchase a membership in the Fitness Center by completing a membership application and paying online. For questions, contact the Fitness Center Front Desk at (540) 432-4341.

Game Room, University Commons

The University Commons Game Room is available for the campus community as a place to relax, socialize and enjoy a friendly game. It has four pool tables, four table tennis, one foosball tables, and two televisions. Also available are a wide variety of sports equipment and games that can be checked out with an EMU ID or Fitness Center membership card. Friendly and helpful student staff members are present during open hours. Contact the Game Room coordinator at (540) 432-4655.

Recreational Facilities—Outdoor

The various outdoor recreational facilities include tennis and basketball courts, a lighted turf field, a 400 meter all-weather surface track, and two sand volleyball courts. Facilities may be reserved for faculty, staff and student groups based on availability by contacting the director of athletics (540) 432-4646.

For open air fires, the person planning the event needs to read and sign an “Open Air Fires – EMU Policy” form. Contact the Facilities Management Office, (540) 432-4391, for permission and information.

Park Woods

Consisting of over 13 acres, the Park Woods Preserve contains hundreds of native wildflowers, shrubs and trees, providing a site for ecological study and wildlife appreciation.  In addition, a ½ mile walking trail is available to enjoy.

Registrars Office

Web: emu.edu/registrar
Phone: 540-432-4110

Grade Reporting

Grades are available to students through myEMU at https://my.emu.edu/ics/Academics


Course registration materials will be provided to continuing students prior to each term of study. A student wishing to add or drop a course shall contact his or her advisor. For courses offered on a standard semester basis the following applies: courses may be added through the first five days of the semester and may be dropped with no grade through the first four weeks. Courses dropped during the fifth through ninth week are recorded as “W” (withdrawal). No change is permitted after the ninth week. Drop/Add deadlines are adjusted accordingly for courses offered on other time frames.


To assure confidentiality of academic records, all requests for official transcripts must be submitted by the student in writing. Requests should be made to the University Registrar’s Office. For instructions on how to request an official transcript, go to www.emu.edu/registrar/transcript-ordering.

If found responsible for sexual assault, a student's transcript will be noted according to the requirements of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Notation also occurs if a reported student withdraws before a finding has been reached.

Safety and Security

Campus Security: (540) 432-4911

Safety and Security Guidelines

Safety and Security guidelines can be found on the EMU website at https://emu.edu/safety-and-security/safety.

Harrisonburg residents enjoy a relatively low crime rate. However, it is the responsibility of every member of the campus community to take reasonable precautions for maintaining personal safety as well as the safety of others. The university’s campus safety and security program is an ongoing process that includes the development and enforcement of regulations, procedures and practices.

Safety and Security concerns may be addressed to:

Campus Safety and Security: (540) 432-4911

The following information is designed to give you “how to” information on staying safe and responding to emergencies should they occur.

Crime Awareness and Prevention

Crime prevention is essentially being aware of one’s environment, commonly referred to as situational awareness, and being alert to and avoiding situations that allows vulnerability to crime. Listing specific measures to protect people from every threatening situation that may arise is difficult; however, here are a few “crime prevention” suggestions to practice in day-to-day living. This is not an exhaustive list of crime prevention measures, but serves as examples to make life safer and more secure.

Protect your car

  • Lock your car, close the windows, and take the keys. Many car burglaries and car thefts occur because the owner did not take time to secure the car. Don’t make your car a target of opportunity by leaving it unlocked and open for all who care to enter.
  • Do not park in isolated and/or dark places if these areas can be avoided. Park where there are people about and where the car will be lighted.
  • Do not leave items of value unattended in your car. Expensive cameras, stereo equipment, and even textbooks and clothing left on the seat of an unattended car are invitations to theft. If you must leave items in your car, store them in a locked trunk.  Weapons may not be kept in your vehicles or anywhere else on campus.
  • Specific parking regulations relate to lots dedicated to residential users. Familiarize yourself with these rules and obey them.  Vehicles on campus are subject to inspection if deemed necessary.

Protect your bicycle

  • Never leave your bicycle unlocked while unattended.
  • Record your bicycle serial number and description of the bicycle. Many recovered bicycles will not be released by the police without proper serial number identification. 
  • Engrave your bicycle with your name or your driver’s license number.
  • Bicycles are not to be taken inside campus buildings. Keep your bicycle locked on one of the bicycle racks or store your bicycle in the designated bicycle sheds. Keys may be obtained from your Residence Director.

Protect yourself

  • Lock the door to your residence hall room when you are asleep or alone in the room. These are some of your most vulnerable moments; you need the extra protection a locked door affords.
  • Do not lend keys to your room, or ID card with building access to anyone .
  • Do not open your door to strangers. Immediately report any problems with your door’s lock to your CA.
  • Do not give your name, address, or phone number to strangers.
  • Whether traveling on foot, using public transportation, or operating a personal vehicle, have a friend go with you. It’s more fun to travel with company, and there is extra safety in numbers.
  • When going out, let your roommate, a friend, or a staff member know where you are going and when you expect to return.
  • EMU ID card should be carried at all times For your protection persons will be required to present a valid EMU I.D. card on campus in the evenings and for entrance into EMU events.  Your ID card is also required for access to all residence halls floors. 

Protect yourself in public areas

  • Do not leave your belongings unattended in public areas such as hall lobbies, restrooms, hallways, laundry rooms, and dining rooms; tables in public restaurants; hallways and classrooms in academic buildings; and public restrooms. If you want to keep it —keep it with you! 
  • Do not carry more cash with you than you anticipate needing in one trip. And do not flash large amounts of cash in public.
  • Do not carry your identification cards and your checks in the same wallet. Keep them separate; IDs in your billfold in one pocket and checkbook in another pocket. If either are lost or stolen, the finder will not have access to your checking account.
  • Mark items you regularly take to class, such as books, backpacks, and calculators. Persons in laboratory or studio classes should also mark all of their personal supplies with their name.
  • Make a list of your credit cards, identification cards, and checking account numbers, and keep the list in a safe place. If your purse or wallet is lost or stolen, you will then have a list of numbers to use when notifying the proper authorities. Remember, you will need to contact not only the police, but all credit card companies and banks with which you do business. Immediately report these notifications.

Protect your possessions - for students in residence halls

  • Lock your door when you are away from your room. Most burglaries in student housing units occur in unlocked rooms. Lock your door to remove the easy opportunity for thieves.
  • Engrave all personal items of value in your room with your driver’s license or other identifying number. Engraving tends to deter theft and facilitates recovery of your possessions should they be stolen.
  • Keep a record of the serial numbers of all your belongings. Items of value that do not have serial numbers should be photographed. Clothing can be marked on an inside label with an indelible laundry marker 
  • Do not advertise your valuables. Keep them out of sight. Arrange your room so that high risk items such as cameras, stereos, and televisions are not visible from the hallway when the door is open, or from ground-level windows.
  • Items of high monetary value and minimal use in a college environment (such as expensive jewelry) should be left at home. Very expensive items should be stored in a safe deposit box 
  • All students should have insurance for their belongings.  Insurance against loss of, or damage to, personal possessions must be provided by the student. Check with parents regarding coverage under the family’s homeowner’s policy. Tenant’s insurance may be obtained from a local agency if desired.

Emergencies: How to Respond

The following guidelines apply to emergency conditions on campus. It is not possible to establish procedures for every conceivable type of emergency, but these guidelines can be used for any similar emergency or hazardous situation. Please review them frequently so you will be prepared in an emergency.

Fire Alarm

If you hear a fire alarm, leave the building immediately via the stairways. Cooperate with all staff members and other authorities. Do not reenter the building until you are given permission to do so. If you discover a fire, immediately sound an alarm and call the fire department at 911 stating your location.  Then call 540-432-4911 to alert Campus Security.

Bomb Threats

Notify the police at 911 and Campus Security at 540-432-4911 immediately if you receive a bomb threat. You will be notified as to whether or not the building will be evacuated.

Intruder/Lockdown Emergencies

In the event that it becomes necessary to activate and intruder/lockdown response, EMU has various tools to use for emergency notification. RAVE mobile alerts and ALERTUS desktop notifications and beacons are a few of the resources available. If actions are required the best response is to be prepared through personal pre-planned response actions. Typically in intruder situations, authorities suggest a stair stepped approach to a response:

  1. Exit the building if at all possible. AVOID the situation.
  2. Barricade and go into a lockdown mode. DENY entry or access
  3. Take decisive action against the intruderDEFEND yourself with whatever means possible.

Any response needs to be based on one’s own personal safety. EMU has posted suggestions as how one might respond on the Emergency Procedure guidelines. These can be found throughout campus, it can also be found by visiting the EMU website. Please familiarize yourself with these guidelines and be prepared.

Medical Emergencies

For any situation requiring emergency medical assistance on campus, call 911. Notify the RD on call immediately (540-476-4578). Remember to dial “9” to call external numbers from landline phones. 

Physical Facilities

If you observe what you consider to be a hazardous condition in your residence hall, notify your community advisor or residence director. 

Weather/Tornado Emergency

In the event of a tornado warning, seek shelter ASAP in the pre-designated locations within buildings. These locations can be found by looking for the Tornado Shelter Location signage found throughout all buildings on campus. Please familiarize yourself with these locations.

Fire Safety Response Procedures

EMU strives to maintain a fire-safe campus community, through the implementation of proven safety standards and regulations. We hold to high expectations all those who use, and live on our campus with regard to fire safety.

Fire safety is always a concern. Students should not tamper with alarms or make changes to or modify any existing electrical equipment such as lighting, wiring or switches. As well they should understand and abide by all storage policies and guidelines for campus living.

The complete Fire Safety Response Procedure can be found at https://emu.edu/safety-and-security/emergencies.

The campus fire safety Right-To-Know law requires all colleges and universitiesto provide full disclosure of fire safety standards and measures with regard to campus buildings. The annual safety and security report is available at the Facilities Management during normal operating hours or online at www.emu.edu/safety-and-security/report.

Fire Procedures for Persons with Physical Disabilities

Living arrangements will be made on the ground level when the incoming student provides timely and necessary information on their housing questionnaire. 

Residents who are identified as having a physical disability will be asked, in a private setting, whether he/she desires help in arranging for any needed assistance in evacuation.  This includes persons who acquire a temporary disability.  If the student declines assistance, documentation should be provided and the student must verify that he/she has made arrangements on his/her own. If the resident requests assistance, the CA will solicit volunteers beginning with roommates, and suitemates, and then occupants in the nearest adjoining rooms.

Carrying an individual downstairs requires training and a great deal of caution and care.  It should not be attempted when the stairs are occupied by residents evacuating the building.  Wait for a clearing to carry an individual down the stairs.

Landings in the fire stairwells are used as an "area of safe refuge" for individuals who utilize wheelchairs or any other person who, for any reasonis unable to descend and leave the building. Individuals utilizing wheelchairs may evacuate in their chair from the hall to the landing, where they may await evacuation assistance from fire and rescue or other persons providing assistance, provided egress by others is not impeded. 

Fire Extinguishers/Alarms/Suppression Systems/Emergency Notification Devices, etc.

Tampering with any of these will incur a fine of $500, may result in additional outcomes (i.e. restitution for harmed parties) and legal repercussions.


The use or possession of fireworks is prohibited on the university campus. Because of safety concerns, violators will be fined.


The use or possession of firearms, explosives, knives, bows, flammable material or weapons of any kind (including BB, pellet, or paintball guns) is prohibited on the university campus, in vehicles on campus, or at any university-related function. If any of these items be needed on campus for educational purposes the Dean of Students must be contacted. The Dean of Students must be contacted for storage questions related to hunting weapons. The Safety and Security Coordinator will be consulted on all questions related to weapons on campus.

Sponsoring Speakers and Demonstrations

EMU reserves the right to regulate the on-campus appearance of extra-curricular lecturers and guest speakers. Students are expected to reference a proposed invitation with their organization’s faculty or staff advisor.

All students have a right to lawful and peaceful demonstrations provided they do not disrupt class work or other university business or create substantial disorder or invasion of the rights of others. Questions about this policy may be addressed (in advance of a planned demonstration) to the Dean of Students, Shannnon Dycus (shannon.dycus@emu.edu).

Vehicle Registration & Parking Permits

Vehicle Registration and Parking Permits

Parking permits are required for all vehicles and may be obtained online through myemu/accounts for students and through myemu/employee info for faculty and staff.  There is a fee of $60 per year to all faculty, staff and students who park a vehicle on the EMU campus. All vehicles must be registered within one week after academic registration.  Residents of the Ernie Martin House, Guest House, Mt. Clinton Apartments, Redmond House, Suter House, Suter II House and Village Apartments must acquire “Resident” parking permits.

The parking lot designations are available for review at https://emu.edu/map. Each driver is responsible to review the parking regulations at https://emu.edu/auxiliary-services/

Car owners assume personal liability for the use of their cars and any legal involvement of their vehicles.  Drivers carry the responsibility for any incidents involving the vehicle and occupants except where there is negotiation with the university.  Additional information about parking and permits can be found at https://emu.edu/auxiliary-services/.

Section 3: Program Specific: Graduate and Seminary

Student Services- Graduate and Seminary Only

Seminary and Graduate Student General Services Fee

In all cases throughout this handbook, Seminary students are deemed to be graduate students.

A General Services Fee of $100 per semester will be charged to seminary and graduate students registered for nine or more credits in the fall and/or spring semester ($12/credit hour for part-time students taking less than nine credits). This fee applies to all students: on-campus, evening and distance learning.

Payment of the fee ensures that various services and activities/events can be accessed in case they are desired or needed. Below is a sampling of university services provided to students (this is a representative list of services not an exhaustive list). As one might expect, different student populations will utilize these services in different proportions. That said, failing to utilize a specific service will not result in a reduction of the fee. Please note that this fee does not pay the entire cost of these services but is meant to be a contributory fee only (not a full cost reimbursing fee).

Student Services                

  • Counseling Services* 
  • Health Services**
  • Fitness Center Library 
  • Career Services
  • Campus Pastoral Support
  • Athletic events
  • Fine Arts programs

Academic Support Services

  • Academic Success Center 
  • Writing Program
  • Resources including online journals

Technology Services

  • Help Desk
  • Online technology
  • Internet bandwidth
  • Classroom Technology and Learning Management Software
  • Lab resources

*Counseling Services

Payment of this fee ensures access to free short term counseling with one of the counselors in Counseling Services. See http://www.emu.edu/studentlife/counseling/ for more details.

**Health Services

Both full time (9 credits or more per semester) and part time graduate students will be able to access Health Center services. Full time students are required to fill out the Grad Student Health information form, whether or not they plan to access services. Failure to fill out this form will result in a registration hold until it is completed. Part time students will not get a registration hold if they do not fill out the form, but it must be completed prior to accessing Health Center services. The Grad Student Health Information form only needs to be completed once during the student’s program.

Please note that payment of this fee enables students to be seen at Health Services. The fee covers services not billable to insurance including processing the Graduate Student Health Information Form and immunization requirements (the fee does not cover actual appointments, immunizations or other services rendered). Health Services is able to bill health insurance for services provided. Any applicable co-pays are to be paid at the time of the visit or paid in full if not covered by health insurance. See http://www.emu.edu/studentlife/health/ for more details.

Graduate & Professional Studies Writing Center


Phone: 540-432-4316

Students in the school of graduate and professional studies on the main campus have access to a dedicated writing center in Ammon Heatwole House, room 202. The center also offers consultations for off-campus and online students, including students on the Lancaster Campus. Visit the center’s website and the links below for more information.

Writing Standards –Graduate Level (revised 2/22/2017)


A excellent

B adequate expectations

C below expectations


(quality of the information, ideas and supporting details)

  • shows clarity of purpose
  • offers depth of content
  • applies insight and represents original thinking
  • follows guidelines for content
  • shows some clarity of purpose
  • offers some depth of content
  • applies some insight and some original thinking
  • mostly follows guidelines for content
  • shows minimal clarity of
  • offers minimal depth of content or incorrect content
  • applies minimal insight and original thinking
  • does not follow guidelines for content

(logical order or sequence of the writing)

  • shows coherence, and logically developed paragraphs
  • uses very effective transitions between ideas and sections
  • constructs appropriate introduction and conclusion
  • shows some coherence and some logically developed paragraphs
  • uses some effective transitions between ideas & sections
  • shows some construction of appropriate introduction and conclusion
  • shows minimal coherence and logically developed paragraphs
  • uses minimal transitions between ideas and sections
  • shows minimal construction of appropriate introduction and conclusion

Rhetoric and Style
(appropriate attention to audience)

  • is concise, eloquent and rhetorically effective
  • effectively uses correct, varied and concise sentence structure
  • is engaging to read
  • writes appropriately for audience and purpose
  • is somewhat concise, eloquent, and rhetorically effective
  • generally uses correct, varied, and concise sentence structure
  • is somewhat engaging to read
  • generally writes appropriately for audience and purpose
  • shows minimal conciseness, eloquence, and rhetorical effectiveness
  • uses incorrect, monotonous or simplistic sentence structure
  • is not engaging to read
  • lacks appropriate writing for audience and purpose
  • uses inappropriate jargon and clichés

Information Literacy
(locating, evaluating, and using effectively the needed information as appropriate to assignment)

  • uses academic and reliable sources
  • chooses sources from many types of resources
  • chooses timely resources for the topic
  • integrates references and quotations to support ideas fully
  • uses mostly academic and
    reliable sources
  • chooses sources from a moderate variety of types of resources
  • chooses resources with mostly appropriate dates
  • integrates references and quotations to provide some support for ideas
  • lacks academic and reliable sources
  • chooses sources from a few types of resources
  • chooses a few resources with inappropriate dates
  • integrates references or quotations that are loosely linked to the ideas of the paper

Source Integrity
(appropriate acknowledgment of sources used in research)

  • correctly cites sources for all quotations
  • cites paraphrases correctly and credibly
  • includes reference page
  • makes virtually no errors in documentation style
  • makes virtually no errors in formatting
  • incorporates feedback given in previous written assignments
  • correctly cites sources for most quotations
  • usually cites paraphrases correctly and credibly
  • includes reference page with some errors
  • makes some errors in documentation style
  • makes some errors in formatting
  • incorporates some feedback given in previous written assignments
  • provides minimal sources for quotations
  • sometimes cites paraphrases correctly and credibly,
  • includes reference page with many errors
  • makes many errors in documentation style
  • makes many errors in formatting
  • lacks incorporation of feedback given in previous written assignments

(adherence to grammar rules: usage, spelling and mechanics of Standard Edited English or SEE)

  • makes virtually no errors in SEE conventions
  • makes accurate word choices
  • makes some errors in SEE conventions
  • almost always makes accurate word choices
  • makes many errors in SEE conventions
  • makes many inaccurate word choices

The weighting of each of the six areas is dependent on the specific written assignment and the teacher's preference.
Plagiarism occurs when one presents as one's own "someone else's language, ideas, or other original (not common- knowledge) material without acknowledging its source" (adapted from Council of Writing Program Administrators).

Graduate Student Housing


EMU is proud to provide housing options for Graduate/Seminary students.  More information about these options is available by working with your Recruitment Specialist or contacting EMU Housing at:  housing@emu.edu.

For additional apartment listings posted by non-affiliated community members, see the e-classifieds website - https://emu.edu/eclassifieds/.

Health Services

Website: https://emu.edu/studentlife/health/
Phone: (540) 432-4308

Health Services is located in the Weaver Wellness Suite, 2nd floor of University Commons and provides comprehensive health services and wellness programming for students on the main campus.

Both full time (9 sh per semester) and part time graduate students have access to Health Services. Full time students are required to fill out a Graduate Student Health Information Form before beginning their graduate program. See https://emu.edu/studentlife/health/forms. Failure to fill out this form will result in a registration hold until it is completed.

Part time students will not get a registration hold if they do not fill out the form, but if they want to have access to Health Services, a Graduate Student  Health Information form will need to be completed.

The graduate student fee covers services not billable to insurance including processing the Health Information Form and immunization requirements (the fee does not cover actual appointments, immunizations, or other services rendered). Health Services maintains electronic medical records and bills health insurance for services provided. Any applicable co-pays are to be paid at the time of the visit or paid in full if self-pay. See http://www.emu.edu/studentlife/health/ for more details.

A health care provider is available almost every day of the week at varying hours of the day. Specific hours of operation can be found at http://www.emu.edu/studentlife/health/; services are available for EMU students and employees. A Psychiatrist is available to meet with students in Health Services by referral through a health care provider.

Health Services provides evaluation and treatment for a wide range of health care needs. Routine vaccinations and travel vaccines are available. Health Services collaborates with departments across campus to provide medical requirements for coursework and practicums.

Durable medical equipment such as crutches, wheelchairs, and heating pads are available for loan.

Health Insurance

Health insurance is an EMU requirement at the Harrisonburg location for all full-time Seminary, CJP Graduate, and Counseling Graduate students taking 9 or more credit hours.  Health insurance is also required of all full-time international students in Harrisonburg, regardless of academic program.  

EMU Student Health Insurance is available for full-time graduate students who are enrolled in graduate programs that offer health insurance as an option.

For a complete description of the benefits available, limitations, and exclusions, please visit www.firststudent.com (US Residents) & (International Students).

Contact Information: Eastern.Mennonite@rcmd.com or (800) 346-4075.

For a complete description of the benefits available, limitations and exclusions, please visit: www.rcmd.com.

Spiritual Life

Website: https://emu.edu/studentlife/spiritual-life
Phone: (540) 432-4115

The Office of Faith and Spiritual Life fosters relationships of hospitality, healing, and hope; encourages spiritual formation, active faith, and interfaith literacy; welcomes questions and doubts; and explores values and vocation, with EMU Mission, Vision, and Values and the Student Life Division purpose as foundations.

The University Chaplain is available to the entire campus community and is eager to hear your stories, ideas, and vision for faith and spiritual formation on campus. Engagement through email, phone and website interaction with any EMU student, whether on campus, off-campus, in Lancaster, or online, is welcomed. Feel free to check out the Office of Faith and Spiritual Life on this website.

Fellowship and Spiritual Companioning for Graduate Students

Graduate students wanting to meet one-to-one or in small groups for spiritual companioning (spiritual direction) are welcome to request a meeting with a spiritual companion/director. This is an opportunity to explore God awareness and spiritual connections alongside graduate studies. Apply with this request form.

Worship Opportunities for Graduate Students

The schedule for Seminary Chapels is Tuesday at 11-11:45 a.m. in Martin Chapel with details posted in the Events or Calendars tab of the MyEMU web page found at https://my.emu.edu/ICS/Calendar/.

Campus Worship, a Christian worship service, is held every other Wednesday from 10:10-11 a.m. in Martin Chapel. Convocation takes place at the same time in Lehman Auditorium on alternating weeks.

Graduate students are welcome to join the Celebration Praise Worship sessions most Sunday nights from 9-10 p.m. in Martin Chapel. Hymn Sings are held there as well as posted on the MyEMU events calendar.

Podcasts from Convocation, Campus Worship, and Seminary Chapel Gathering services are posted at this link:  https://emu.edu/now/podcast/.

Faith and Spiritual Life Staff

The University Chaplain and Faith and Spiritual Life staff are a spiritual resource available to students, faculty and staff for conversation, counseling, support and prayer.  The chaplain offers spiritual mentoring, relational pastoral care, and coordinates programs for spiritual formation and spiritual growth including campus worship services, faith formation groups, retreats and special events. The Office of Faith and Spiritual Life is located in the University Commons, 2nd floor, Student Life Suite (UC 224).. Find the Seminary Campus Pastor’s office at Seminary Building 137.

University Chaplain and Director - Office of Faith and spiritual Life

     -Brian Martin Burkholder, 540-432-4115, brian.burkholder@emu.edu

Seminary Campus Pastor

     -Kevin Clark, 540-432-4217, clarkka@emu.edu

Policies/Procedures- Graduate and Seminary Only

Standards of Conduct: Information and Policies-Graduate

Accountability and Support

A community exists on the basis of shared values, principles, and ideals. At EMU these ideals are articulated in Life Together: Commitments for a Community of Learning.  EMU strives to be a community characterized by love for God and one another, wisdom, equality, sustainability, and accountability, and further, to be a place in which all belong and see themselves as members, owners, and curators of the community.  Life Together describes the broad ideals that the EMU community commits to, and the Standards of Conduct provide more specificity for these shared commitments. All members of the community are expected to uphold and abide by the Standards of Conduct. 

EMU is committed to building and maintaining a campus environment that is conducive to academic inquiry, engaged campus life, and thoughtful study and discourse. At EMU, student accountability prioritizes educational, developmental, and restorative processes that meet the needs of individual students as well as the needs of the university community.

Restorative Justice and Student Accountability at EMU

Restorative Justice (RJ) begins with the assumption that all people should be treated with dignity and respect, recognizing that each person has a unique perspective. By our presence we are all members of communities and are therefore connected to each other. Each of us needs to be responsible for our own actions and need to be held accountable for those actions.

Restorative Justice is a philosophy that focuses on meeting the needs of individuals and groups through community/relationship building as well as through the development of processes that lead to active and meaningful accountability. RJ embraces community empowerment and participation, multi-partial facilitation, active accountability, and social support. 

The purpose of a Restorative Justice process is to bring together all parties involved in an incident for the purposes of addressing the harms associated with the incident. The RJ process enhances the opportunity for learning amongst all involved, as well as providing a venue for discussion of various points of view.

Student accountability processes at EMU attempt to embody this Restorative Justice philosophy by creating space for inclusive decision-making, active accountability, repairing harm, and rebuilding trust. However, there may be incidences where there is not an easily defined harm/harmed party, or where harm is not the best descriptor of what happened (but there has still been a violation of policy or standards), or there may be respondents/those who have done harm who do not take responsibility and/or need to be held responsible for harm done or for a violation of university standards of conduct. While highlighting the restorative processes (conferencing and circles) used for repairing harm, rebuilding trust, and building community, the EMU student accountability procedures also contain mechanisms for incidents in which those who have done harm/respondents are held responsible for harm/wrongdoing/violation of policy.  

Scope of Community Expectations

Students at EMU are provided a copy of the Student Handbook annually in the form of a link on the EMU website. Students are responsible for reading and abiding by the provisions of the standards of conduct.  The standards of conduct apply to the conduct of enrolled students. A student will be considered enrolled if the following conditions are met:

  1. the student is pre-registered for courses in any term (fall, spring or summer); and
  2. the student’s attendance in at least one class has been verified.

Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the standards of conduct, whether or not on university premises/property, and may be considered for disciplinary action whenever and wherever a breach of conduct has occurred. The standards of conduct apply to conduct that takes place on campus, at university-sponsored events, and off-campus, especially when the conduct has impact on the campus community.   

While on an EMU Intercultural experience, students may encounter different cultural standards and values. During preparation for the Intercultural experience,students and faculty leaders will agree upon culturally appropriate behavior that still honors EMU’s standards of conduct. Violations of the Standards of Conduct that occur during a Intercultural trip will be jointly processed by the InterculturalLeader/s and the Dean of Students, with the full range of outcomes available. *If a student is required to return home from the Intercultural experience as an outcome of a Standards of Conduct violation, that student will be responsible for the cost of return travel. 

The standards of conduct are also applied to behavior conducted online, via email, or other electronic medium. Community members should be aware that online postings such as blogs, web postings, chats, and social networking sites and applications are considered part of the public sphere and are not private.

The standards of conduct apply to guests of EMU campus community members;hosts are expected to be accountable for the behavior of their guests. Visitors to and guests of the university may seek resolution of violations committed against them by members of the EMU campus community while they were visiting campus.

Whenever conduct violates federal, state and/or local law and EMU policies, the university is obligated to follow through on its own accountability processes separate from and independent of action taken by civil authorities.  A civil and/or criminal process may move forward simultaneously and independently from the university’s process. The university enlists assistance from civil authorities if and when the lives, property, or safety of its students or personnel are endangered and cooperates with law enforcement officers as they carry out their duties.

Standards of Conduct

The following standards of conduct are believed to represent the commitments referred to in Life Together and take into account the best interests of the campus community. . These standards apply to all students (undergraduate and graduate/seminary) and include off-campus university-sponsored activities, including intercultural trips. 

All forms of dishonesty, including cheating, plagiarism, forgery, furnishing false information to university officials acting in the performance of their duties, and falsification of official documents. See “Academic Accountability” for specifics related to academic accountability.

Knowingly furnishing or possessing false, falsified, or forged materials, documents, accounts, records, identification, or financial instruments.

Unauthorized Use or Entry
Unauthorized entry into, presence in, or use of university facilities, equipment or property which has not been reserved or accessed through appropriate university officials.

Action or inaction with another or others to violate the standards of conduct.

Election Tampering
Tampering with the election of any university-recognized student organization.

Disruptive Behavior
Substantial disruption of community operations including obstruction of teaching, research, administration, residential life, athletics events, and/or other university activities which occur on or off campus.   

Damage or Destruction
Intentional, reckless, and/or unauthorized damage to or destruction of university property or the personal property of another (student, faculty, staff). Conduct which threatens to damage, or creates hazardous conditions such as dropping, throwing, or causing objects or substances to fall from windows, doors, ledges, balconies or roofs.

Actions or threats which put other persons in danger, whether physical, psychological or emotional.

Fire Safety
Violation of local, state, federal or campus fire policies including, but not limited to:

    1. Intentionally or recklessly causing a fire which damages university or personal property or which causes injury;
    2. Failure to evacuate a university building during a fire alarm;
    3. Improper use of university fire safety equipment; or
    4. Tampering with or improperly engaging a fire alarm of fire detection equipment while on university property. *Such action may result in a local fine in addition to university outcomes.

Gambling as prohibited by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The exchange of money and/or goods by betting or wagering. It is illegal to use the internet for purposes of gambling. 

Inappropriate Use of Technology
Any violations to the Technology Code of Responsibility for Students. From Technology Code of Responsibility - Prohibited activities include:

    1. Using technology resources to threaten or harass others, even as a joke.
    2. Knowingly distributing malware, phishing emails or other malicious communication.
    3. Attempting to gain access to computers or network accessible resources for which I am not authorized.
    4. Hosting for-profit activities using EMU resources (e.g. selling items for personal profit or promoting a personal business, etc.).
    5. Using the EMU network or other technology resources for criminal or malicious activities. 
    6. My account (Royal username and password) identifies me to EMU systems. I will safeguard my account by:
      1. Not allowing others to use my EMU account; nor will I use someone else’s account. 
      2. Securing my computer against unauthorized access, including using a password-secured screensaver.
      3. Not leaving my computer unattended without securing it by either logging out from it or using a password-protected screen saver.
      4. Using strong passwords and not writing them in places where others can easily see them.
      5. Treating login pages and requests for my password with skepticism. IS will never ask for your password.

*Reports of alleged technology misuse that involve sexual misconduct will be investigated by the university's Title IX coordinator. See Eastern Mennonite University Policy on Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct. Hostile environments should be reported to campus officials via the Relationship Violence and/or Sexual Misconduct (Title IX) Campus Safety Incident Report (emu.edu/safecampus/)

The use or possession of firearms, explosives, knives, bows, flammable materials or weapons of any kind (including BB, paintball, pellet, and airsoft guns) is prohibited on the university campus or at any university-related function.

Abuse of Conduct Process
Abuse or interference with, or failure to comply in, university processes including conduct and academic integrity hearings including, but not limited to:

    1. Falsification, distortion, or misrepresentation of information;
    2. Failure to provide, destroying or concealing information during an investigation of an alleged policy violation;
    3. Attempting to discourage an individual’s proper participation in, or use of, the campus accountability system;
    4. Harassment (verbal or physical) and/or intimidation of a member of a campus conduct body prior to, during, and/or following a campus conduct proceeding;
    5. Failure to comply with the outcome(s) imposed by the campus accountability system;
    6. Influencing, or attempting to influence, another person to commit an abuse of the campus conduct system.  

Complicity with or failure of any community member to appropriately address known or obvious harm to other community members and/or violations of the standards of conduct.

Eastern Mennonite University does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, religion, ability, sexual orientation, perceived gender, gender identity, expression, ethnicity/national origin, age, ancestry, color, marital or family status, pregnancy, pregnancy-related conditions, physical or mental disability, genetic information, HIV/AIDS status, creed, military or veteran status, club affiliation, organizational membership, or perceived political ideas

Discrimination is defined as any act or failure to act that is based upon an individual or group’s actual or perceived status that is sufficiently severe that it limits or denies the ability to participate in or benefit from the university’s educational program or activities. Any conduct that is potentially discriminatory should be reported to campus officials via the Bias/Discrimination Incident Report (emu.edu/safecampus/). Campus officials will act to remedy and resolve reported incidents.

Respect for the dignity of all persons is the EMU standard. Any unwelcome conduct based on actual or perceived status including: sex, gender, race, color, age, creed, national or ethnic origin, physical or mental disability, veteran status, pregnancy status, religion, sexual orientation or other protected status. Any unwelcome conduct should be reported to campus officials via the appropriate Incident Report (emu.edu/safecampus/), who will act to remedy and resolve reported incidents.

Hostile Environment
A hostile environment occurs when harassment is sufficiently severe, pervasive and/or persistent and objectively offensive that it unreasonably interferes with, limits or denies the ability to participate in or benefit from the University’s educational or employment program or activities. 

Reports of alleged hostile environments, in-person or virtual, that involve sexual misconduct will be investigated by the university's Title IX coordinator. See Eastern Mennonite University Policy on Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct. Hostile environments should be reported to campus officials via the Relationship Violence and/or Sexual Misconduct (Title IX) Incident Report (emu.edu/safecampus/).

Retaliation against any student, faculty or staff member reporting an alleged policy violation, regardless of where such conduct or retaliation might occur.

Acts of violence or use of physical force against any member of the community, or any act that threatens the use of physical force.   

Hazing is prohibited at EMU. In Virginia law "hazing" means to recklessly or intentionally endanger the health or safety of a student or students or to inflict bodily injury on a student or students in connection with or for the purpose of initiation, admission into or affiliation with or as a condition for continued membership in a club, organization, association, fraternity, sorority, or student body regardless of whether the student or students so endangered or injured participated voluntarily in the relevant activity. 

Reports of alleged hazing that involves sexual misconduct will be investigated by the university's Title IX coordinator. See Eastern Mennonite University Policy on Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct. Hazing should be reported to campus officials via the appropriate Incident Report (emu.edu/safecampus/).

Language Abuse
Profanity, vulgarity, and the use of words or names that demean, intimidate, or contain threats of unwanted physical contact or damage to property.

Actions which cause harm, damage and/or inconvenience to others and property.

Relationship Violence*
Relationship violence is a broad term used by EMU to categorize types of violence, threats, coercion, or intimidation, other than sexual harassment, that occurs in the context of an intimate relationship, often including emotional, psychological, physical, or fiscal abuse, which results in a hostile environment. An incident of relationship violence can consist of a single act or a pattern of acts. Incidents of relationship violence can occur separate from or in tandem with incidents of sexual misconduct and/or sexual harassment.Conduct that constitutes relationship violence is covered under the Eastern Mennonite University Policy on  Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct- emu.edu/titleix/relationship-violence-policy.

*To report an instance of relationship violence and/or sexual misconduct, contact the Title IX coordinator at 540-432-4302 or by email at titleixcoordinator@emu.edu OR complete a Relationship Violence and/or Sexual Misconduct (Title IX)  Incident Report at https://emu.edu/safecampus/ 

Sexual Violence/Misconduct*
Sexual violence/misconduct: is a broad term that encompasses sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, and indecent exposure. Conduct that constitutes sexual violence and/or sexual misconduct is covered under the Eastern Mennonite University Policy on Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct.

Sexual harassment: a form of unlawful gender discrimination. Sexual harassment means unwelcome sexual advances, unwelcome requests for sexual favors, or other unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature. (see EMU Policy on Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct)

Gender-based harassment: includes harassment based on gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression which may include acts of aggression, intimidation, or hostility, whether verbal or non-verbal, graphic, physical, or otherwise. (see EMU Policy on Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct)

Sexual assault: consists of sexual contact and/or sexual intercourse that occurs without affirmative consent. (see EMU Policy on Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct)

Sexual exploitation: purposely or knowingly doing any of the following-

    1. causing the impairment or incapacitation of another person (through alcohol, drugs, or any other means) for the purpose of compromising that person’s ability to give affirmative consent to sexual activity;
    2. allowing third parties to observe sexual activity from a hidden location (e.g., closet) or through electronic means (e.g., Skype or live-streaming of images);
    3. engaging in voyeurism (e.g., watching private sexual activity without the consent of the participants or viewing another person’s intimate parts (including genitalia, groin, breasts or buttocks) in a place where that person would have a reasonable expectation of privacy);
    4. recording or photographing sexual activity and/or a person’s intimate parts (including genitalia, groin, breasts or buttocks) without affirmative consent;
    5. disseminating or posting images of private sexual activity and/or a person’s intimate parts (including genitalia, groin, breasts or buttocks) without affirmative consent;
    6. prostituting another person; or
    7. exposing another person to a sexually transmitted infection or virus without the other’s knowledge.  

Indecent Exposure: A person commits indecent exposure if that person exposes their genitals, buttocks and breasts in any public place or in any place where there are other persons present and under circumstances in which one knows or should know that this conduct is likely to offend, affront, or alarm. See EMU Policy on Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct.

*To report an instance of sexual violence and/or sexual misconduct, contact the Title IX coordinator at 540-432-4302 or by email at titleixcoordinator@emu.edu OR complete a Relationship Violence and/or Sexual Misconduct  Incident Report at https://emu.edu/safecampus/ 

Theft of money or property, shoplifting, possession of stolen property and/or the unauthorized use of personal or institutional property.

The possession or use of alcohol is prohibited from the EMU campus as well as at all university-related functions. EMU prohibits the misuse of alcohol, where misuse refers to underage drinking and/or drinking to excess. (See Alcohol, Tobacco and Illegal Drug Policy in “University Policies” section.). Remaining in the presence of persons who are consuming alcohol on campus or at EMU-sponsored activities without objecting to its use may be considered a violation.  Those who host (i.e. provide a venue and/or provide alcohol or other substances where misuse occurs) may receive more serious outcomes. All members of the community are encouraged to report alcohol use by themselves or others preferably as a self-report for follow-up by EMU personnel (see below)

Illegal Drugs
The use and possession of drugs prohibited by law (such as hallucinogens, heroin, cocaine and marijuana) and the abuse of those drugs controlled by law (such as prescription drugs, narcotics, amphetamines and barbiturates) are prohibited. In addition, any substances which mimic the effects of illegal drugs or controlled substances (e.g. K2, bath salts, “designer drugs”, etc.) are also prohibited. Drug paraphernalia or other contraband are also prohibited.  If for any reason drugs are suspected in an on-campus location, those said locations including residence hall rooms and personal vehicles may be searched and drugs or other contraband confiscated, even without the owner of the location present

Prescription Medications
Abuse, misuse, sale, or distribution of prescription or over-the-counter medications is prohibited

Defined as failure to comply with the reasonable directives of university officials or law enforcement officers during the performance of their duties and/or failure to identify oneself to these persons when requested to do so. EMU students are expected to have their EMU ID card with them at all times and must show it to university officials if and when they are asked.

The possession or use of tobacco (including vape pens and e-cigarettes) is prohibited in all university buildings as well as at university related functions. Smoking is not permitted within 25 feet of any university building, nor anywhere on EMU property unless specifically posted as a designated smoking area. (See Alcohol, Tobacco and Illegal Drug Policy in “University Policies” section.)

*NOTE on Self-Reporting/Amnesty: Individuals who self-report behaviors, consumption or potential misuse harmful to self  will not face university disciplinary action. In cases of self-reporting, a member of the student life staff will meet with the student to determine the best educational and/or recovery options available for the student, if needed. In cases of self-reporting, the university will offer its own resources (Counseling Center, Health Services, Mentoring, AOD educational activities) as well as community-based resources to help.


Any member of the EMU community may report potential violations of these standards of conduct, and are especially encouraged to report incidents that have caused them harm or that negatively impact their educational experience at EMU. Reporters are encouraged to use the Reporting Landing Page to submit their concerns to the appropriate EMU staff.  


Standards of Conduct: Procedures- Graduate

Introduction and Overview

This overview gives a general idea of how the university’s campus conduct procedures work, but it should be noted that not all situations are of the same severity or complexity. Because of this, these procedures are flexible and are not exactly the same in every situation, though consistency in similar situations is a priority.

The student accountability procedures are intended to provide opportunities for students to be actively accountable for their behaviors as well as provide opportunity for learning, growth, and change. The procedures are administrative procedures rather than criminal, civil, or juvenile law procedures. This means that the procedures are primarily focused on determining responsibility for a violation of university policy or responsibility for harm done to another individual or group rather than the focus being on guilt or innocence (as in criminal law). When sanctions are necessary, the sanctions will be focused as much as possible on the repair of harm and rebuilding of trust (to individuals and groups that have been harmed) rather than on punishment. The university commits itself to accountability procedures that are fair, equitable, and impartial.  

The Dean of Students is responsible for the application of these procedures. When graduate/seminary students are involved, the procedures will be implemented by the appropriate Academic Dean or by their designee, many times in collaboration with the Dean of Students.



The campus accountability process begins with a report being given to a member of the campus community. A report of harm and/or violation of university policy may come from any source (victim/harmed party, student leader, staff, faculty, student) and may come through multiple formats including online (via incident report form), email, phone conversation, or face to face meeting. The most direct and efficient forms of report for graduate and seminary students are face to face conversations with the student’s Program Director, Dean, or Associate Dean. Other Graduate and Seminary faculty and staff or other students may also become aware of harm and/or violation of university policy. When members of the campus community become aware of harm done and/or violation of university policy, they are obligated to consult with the appropriate staff person to determine next steps. Once a report is received, in most cases, a university representative will contact the parties involved for an initial conference to explain the accountability process and gather information.

Preliminary Inquiry/Staff Conference

The function of a preliminary inquiry is to determine the nature and the impact of the violation of policy and/or harm/impact involved in the situation. The preliminary inquiry is purposely meant to be an opportunity for the student to describe the situation from their perspective. The inquiry can be investigatory at times, but is meant to provide opportunity for a student to take ownership and responsibility for their actions. Students may bring a support person* to this initial inquiry as well as any other meetings that follow.   

*A support person (SP) can be a student, faculty, or staff person from EMU - provided the SP is not of family relation to the respondent. The role of the SP is to provide support for the respondent during the resolution process. The SP assists the respondent in the areas of taking responsibility, determining which resolution process is desired and appropriate, as well as providing support upon completion of the accountability process.


During the preliminary inquiry the university staff person will determine the nature of the incident as well as procedural options.

The preliminary inquiry may lead to:

  1. A determination that there is insufficient evidence to pursue the alleged violation any further. If this happens the matter is considered closed and no records (other than the notice) are kept.

  2. A determination that investigation is needed when it is clear that more information must be gathered.

  3. A determination that the incident should be moved to a different procedure (Restorative Justice Conference/Circle, Staff Conference, University Review Board).

  4. A determination that the preliminary inquiry be considered a Staff Conference.

If a determination is made that further investigation is needed (#2 above), the staff members will be responsible to complete the investigation (interviews, evidence gathering, etc.) and stay in communication with individuals involved. When the investigation is complete, the inquiry will be reconvened and any new information will be presented and discussed.

If a determination is made that the incident will be most adequately processed through a different procedure (#3 above), the staff members will consult with the Director of Residence Life, Student Accountability, and Restorative Justice, and the appropriate Academic Dean to proceed. (see procedural descriptions below)

If a determination is made that the preliminary inquiry be considered a Staff Conference (#4 above), the staff members will continue with Staff Conference procedure. (see procedural descriptions below)

Procedure Descriptions

Staff Conference

A staff conference is a meeting between the respondent(s) and one or two graduate program staff members. Respondents may bring a support person with them to a staff conference. Support persons are not character witnesses. If present, their role is to provide support for the respondent in taking responsibility as well as supporting the respondent upon completion of the accountability process.

As much as possible, the dialogue in a staff conference is focused on the harm that was caused and how the respondent can take responsibility for and be accountable to repair the harm.

Examples of violations that are typically managed via a Staff Conference: alcohol and drug violations, repeated open hours violations, incidences where there is no clear other individual or group who has been harmed/impacted.

During a staff conference the alleged violation is discussed and responsibility (for the violation of policy and/or harm) is determined. If, based on the preponderance of the evidence, it is determined that the respondent is not responsible for a violation of university policy or responsible for harm, the accountability process stops and no records are kept.

If it is determined that the respondent is responsible for the violation/harm, the staff members will lead a discussion of potential outcomes. As much as possible, outcomes are meant to provide opportunity to repair harm and rebuild trust and re-enter the campus community. In cases where there is no clear harmed party, outcomes are intended to be educational and developmental while providing opportunities to engage the campus community.

The full range of outcomes are available (see “outcomes” below). Before ending the Staff Conference, the staff members and respondent will discuss and confirm outcomes for the violation. The staff members, in consultation with the Director of Residence Life, Student Accountability, and Restorative Justice, will write an Outcome Letter to the respondent(s). The letter will include a brief description of the violation/harm, a record of whether respondent took responsibility or was held responsible for the violation/harm, and a list of outcomes. In most cases the Outcome Letter will be hand-delivered to the respondent(s), but can also be sent via campus mail or emailed as a pdf.

A copy of the Outcome Letter will be placed in the respondent’s student life file. The respondent is expected to complete the outcomes within the determined timeframe or further outcomes may be assessed.

Restorative Justice Conference/Circle

A Restorative Justice Conference involves structured and unstructured dialogue between respondent(s), impacted parties, and support persons. Facilitators hold pre-conference meetings with all involved parties before the conference to ensure full and active participation, and to determine if the parties are ready and able to (in good faith) proceed with the conference. The focus of the conference itself is on the harm that was done, the needs that have been created because of the harm, and the obligations that follow in order to make things as right as possible.

Examples of violations that may be suitable to be processed via a RJ Conference: alcohol incidents with wide impact, theft, harassment, assault, academic integrity, abusive language, dishonesty, severe alcohol or other drug incidents.

A Restorative Justice Circle allows for larger numbers of harmed parties, and can be especially effective with mixed-responsibility conflicts and harms where the distinction between respondent and harmed party is not clear. Restorative Circles involve respondents, impacted parties, community members, support persons, resource persons, and facilitators. The process involves specific questions posed to all participants, who are invited to participate equally. A Circle can be particularly impactful when there is shared responsibility for a particular incident, and the circle can provide the space needed for resolution.

Examples of violations that may be suitable to be processed via RJ Circles: alcohol incidents with wide impact, fights, roommate conflicts, bias incidents, noise, cases with multiple harmed parties/respondents, topics that affect the university community - racism, sexism, alcohol abuse, etc.

Because restorative justice processes are generally voluntary processes to repair acknowledged harm and rebuild trust, the following general criteria must be met in order to pursue a restorative conference/circle as a formal procedural option in EMU’s student accountability process:

  1. Respondent(s) takes responsibility for their actions.

  2. Impacted parties are willing to participate.

  3. Respondent is aware of the harm caused by their actions.

  4. Respondent has a desire to meet impacted parties and listen to the needs of those individuals.

  5. The existence of a clearly identifiable community impact resulting from the violation.

If the preliminary inquiry reveals that the above criteria have been met, and the determination is made to proceed with a RJ conference or circle, the Director of Residence Life, Student Accountability, and Restorative Justice will inform staff RJ facilitators (trained in RJ conferencing and circles) and those facilitators will contact impacted parties for pre-conference meetings to determine if the incident is appropriate for a conference or circle. If facilitators determine that a particular incident is not appropriate for a conference or circle, it will revert to a Staff Conference for appropriate resolution.

Generally, a restorative conference or circle will develop a Restorative Agreement that describes the harm that has been caused as well as the agreed upon steps to be taken (by the respondent or others) to repair the harm and rebuild trust. The full range of outcomes are available (see “outcomes” below) though many times the specific harm done will require a specific action to repair. Depending on the severity of the harm and the desires of those harmed/impacted, a restorative agreement may include a temporary suspension from the university to provide the needed space for community recovery. The Restorative Agreement is considered to be the outcomes of the process. A copy of the Restorative Agreement (if there is one) will be placed in the respondent’s student life file. The respondent is expected to follow through with the outcomes within the determined timeframe or further outcomes may be assessed.

University Review Board (URB)


The URB normally will hear serious disciplinary cases that involve: violations of civil or criminal laws, violations that become unusually numerous, seriously disruptive or threatening to the campus community, or violations in which a larger, more representative group is needed to determine responsibility for violating university policy. The URB is called upon to exercise sound objective judgment and to recommend outcomes to the Dean of Students.


The URB consists of

  1. two university administrators appointed by the President

  2. two faculty members appointed by the Provost in consultation with the President of Faculty Senate

  3. two EMU students in good standing; one appointed by the Director of Residence Life, Student Accountability and Restorative Justice, and a second appointed by the appropriate Academic Dean.

  4. one Student Life staff member appointed by the Dean of Students.

A trained faculty or administrator shall serve as chair.  As much as possible, members of the URB will have limited or no direct personal relationship with the respondent or complainant. Direct personal relationship refers to classroom, club, sports, church or community activities in which both engage and have regular contact. Efforts will be made to include fair gender and ethnic representation.


In order to assure students appropriate rights of privacy, URB hearing are closed to the public, including legal counsel, except when concurrent criminal charges are pending. The role of counsel is limited to consultation only. Hearings may be audio and/or videotaped for future reference and clarification purposes only.

Generally, the process will be:

  1. A respondent(s) receives a written statement at least two working days prior to the URB hearing specifying the incident of concern; the date(s) of the alleged occurrence(s); the standard(s) of conduct alleged to have been violated; the date, time, and place of the hearing; and the right of appeal.

  2. An incident report is given to the URB and to the respondent(s) and/or complainants by a member of the Student Life Division who is available for questions.

  3. The respondent(s) and/or complainant(s) are present to discuss the incident and answer questions. The respondent and complainant may each be supported by an advisor who is an employee of EMU and whose role is limited to consultation with the student.

  4. Students are generally limited to two witnesses on their behalf. Requests for witnesses to attend must be made at least one working day prior to the hearing.

  5. After the situation has been thoroughly reviewed, all persons except for the URB are excused. The URB fully discusses all issues relevant to the case and reaches a decision of responsibility when a simple majority agrees. Appropriate outcomes, if any, are recommended by the URB to the Dean of Students.

  6. The Dean of Students, considering the recommendation of the URB, issues outcomes to the respondent(s), if any, within five full working days of the hearing.

  7. A copy of the incident report and outcomes of the hearing are placed in the respondent’s active student life file.

  8. Specific details of the procedures may be modified to accommodate an individual situation as long as fairness is not compromised. The chairperson and the respondent(s) should be aware of any such modifications prior to the hearing.


The full range of outcomes, up to and including dismissal, is available for recommendation by the URB. In recommending the outcomes the URB may consider the student’s previous behavior, general attitude and contribution to pertinent academic and community life as well as the rights of the affected community members. Considering the recommendations from the URB, the Academic Dean will issue outcomes. URB recommendations may be modified by the Dean of Students in consultation with the University President and/or the Provost.


Each member of the URB and any other participants in the hearing process will maintain confidentiality to the fullest extent allowed by law. A breach of confidentiality may result in disciplinary action. In addition, board members may be removed from further service for any such breach.


In issuing outcomes, staff member(s) may consider the student’s previous behavior, general attitude and contribution to pertinent academic and community life as well as the rights and dignity of affected community members.

Outcomes for Accountability Procedures (Staff Conference, Restorative Justice Conferences/Circles, University Review Board):

The following outcomes are available,

  1. mediation or conferencing

  2. personal and/or group counseling

  3. anger management training

  4. application of a specific behavioral contract

  5. mentor

  6. alcohol assessment and recommendations

  7. drug assessment and recommendations

  8. community work/service assignments

  9. exclusion from co-curricular or leadership activities

  10. restriction of housing or other privileges

  11. completion of issue-relevant education activities

  12. fines

  13. monetary or other restitution

  14. reprimand

  15. probation (unless otherwise specified, the period of probation lasts until outcomes have been completed and verified as completed)

  16. extra-curricular suspension (separation from co-curricular activities, intercollegiate sports, elected and/or appointed leadership positions, and/or other on-campus and off-campus activities)

    1. Academic advisors, professors, athletic coaches and appropriate staff persons are informed of the suspension.

  17. suspension (separated from the university for a specific period of time up to 10 class days)

    1. The student is required to make arrangements for leaving campus within 48 hours of notification (unless the decision is being appealed).

    2. While under suspension, the student is prohibited from university property. This includes all classes, on-campus work assignments and university related activities (athletic/music/drama practices or performances)

    3. Academic advisors, professors, athletic coaches and appropriate staff persons are informed of the suspension.

    4. Students are permitted to make up missed quizzes or assignments at the discretion of their professors. In some cases, students may be permitted to postpone a suspension to avoid a major exam/paper conflict if such is verified.

  18. indefinite suspension/disciplinary withdrawal (separated from the university for an indefinite period of time, but not less than the remainder of the current semester and/or full semester following)

    1. The student is required to make arrangements for leaving the campus within 48 hours of notification (unless the decision is being appealed).

    2. The student is prohibited from campus property until the Dean of Students or a designee grants permission. If the decision to suspend a student is made within the last four weeks of the semester, imposition of the suspension may be delayed until the following semester, depending upon the gravity of the offense.

    3. In some cases, a notation is placed on the University Transcript: “Suspended on (date) for a violation of the University’s Standards of Conduct.” This notation remains until such time as the student successfully completes the term of the suspension and any conditions thereof.

    4. Re-admission involves reapplication through the Admissions Office.

  19. dismissal (permanently separated from the university)

    1. A notation is placed on the official transcript “Dismissal on (date) for a violation of the University’s Standards of Conduct”

    2. The student is required to make arrangements for leaving the campus within 48 hours of the notification (unless the decision is being appealed).

    3. The student is prohibited from campus property unless permission is granted by the Dean of Students or a designee.

Appeal Procedures

For a Staff Conference or University Review Board, any party may appeal the outcomes issued. (Because of the voluntary and participatory nature of Restorative Conferences and Circles, Restorative Agreements are not subject to appeal). Appeals for a Staff Conference decision must be submitted in writing within three working days following notification and should be directed to the appropriate Academic Dean. Appeals for a University Review Board decision must be submitted in writing within three working days following notification and should be directed to the Provost.

Reasons for an appeal must be clearly stated and based on one of the following:

  1. Significant and relevant new evidence.

  2. Alleged procedural error which may have materially affected the decision.

  3. Claims that the outcomes issued are unduly harsh and arbitrary.

On the basis of these factors, the Academic Dean or Provost will review the appeal. A decision will be made to uphold or modify the decision. This appeal decision will be communicated in writing within four working days after the receipt of the appeal, except in cases where the review is complex and requires more time or contacts to corroborate or refute claims. The decision is final.

Refund and Withdrawal Policy- Graduate

When a student withdraws from a graduate program, or changes enrollment to fewer credit hours, certain procedures must be followed and the student may be eligible for a partial refund of tuition payments.

Students who withdraw prior to the first day of classes shall receive a full refund of all payments except tuition deposits. Contact your graduate program to initiate withdrawal proceedings.

Aid recipients who change their course registration after the beginning of each semester must notify the financial assistance office. Enrollment status is very important to aid eligibility. Students who withdraw must also notify the financial assistance office. Financial aid refunds due to withdrawal are calculated using percentage of the term not completed as dictated by federal aid regulations. More information about aid adjustments and refunds due to change in enrollment status, may be obtained from the Financial Assistance Office.

Medical Leave for graduate students may be available due to documented serious physical or psychological conditions. Matters of this nature should be taken to the Program Director for an evaluation and decision.

Adjustment and Refund Percentages (Chart) for 2024-2025
Time PeriodFall SemesterSpring Semester  %
1st weekAug 28 - Sept 2Jan 9 - Jan 1497%
2nd weekSept 3 - Sept 9Jan 15 - Jan 2190%
3rd weekSept 10 - Sept 16Jan 22 - Jan 2883%
4th weekSept 17 - Sept 23Jan 29 - Feb 476%
5th weekSept 24 - Sept 30Feb 5 - Feb 1169%
6th weekOct 1 - Oct 7Feb 12 - Feb 1862%
7th weekOct 8 - Oct 14Feb 19 - Feb 2555%
8th weekOct 15 - Oct 21Feb 26 - Mar 11 **48%
9th weekOct 22 - Oct 28Mar 12  - Mar 2040%
After the 9th weekOct 29 and laterMar 21 and later0%
** period includes Mid-Semester Recess

Program Specific: Seminary Only 

Worship and Fellowship

Chapel gathering is held regularly each Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. in Martin Chapel.  These experiences of worship are central to community life and students are expected to attend chapel on the days they are on campus.

Occasionally a fellowship lunch is scheduled after chapel. A dean’s forum is scheduled during a lunch period after chapel, once each semester.

Campus Worship, a Christian worship service to nurture faith and spiritual growth, is held every other Wednesday from 10:10-11 a.m. in Martin Chapel. Convocation takes place at the same time in Lehman Auditorium the opposite week. Seminary students are welcome to attend; a schedule is posted on the seminary worship board.

Computer Resources

Website: http://www.emu.edu/is/
Phone: (540) 432-HELP (4357)

Computers are available to seminary students in the study room (#120) on the first floor of the seminary building. EMU general purpose computer labs are open to students. For more detailed information on EMU computing resources, see the “Computing for Students” section in the Graduate Student Handbook.

Video Conferencing Policies

In light of the fact that Seminary culture increasingly includes video conferencing, we need to have in place policies that will guide how video conferencing is used.  Our goal is to both make it easier for students to take courses and also make the instructor’s experience work as smoothly as possible.

  1. If any student has a legitimate reason why they must be absent from a particular class session and notifies the instructor in advance, video conferencing software may be used in place of in-person attendance.
  2. With agreement from the instructor prior to the start of the course, students who are not local (e.g., Lancaster, Kansas, Roanoke) may connect to the class sessions via video conferencing on an ongoing basis. Students need to keep in mind that connecting via video conferencing for 50% or more of class sessions will mean that the course does not count toward residency for their degree program. 
  3. Students using video conferencing are responsible to have appropriate technology and setting to connect by video and audio to class sessions without foreseeable interruption.
  4. Faculty are encouraged to develop pedagogy that allows for video conferencing in each of their courses, and, as necessary, to set appropriate limits to the number of students per course connecting in this way and/or to the number of sessions students may attend via video conferencing.

Student Identification for Online Courses

While we recognize that it is very difficult to guard against all forms of student fraud while enrolled in an online course, the ultimate goal of EMU is to verify that the that the online student who is registered for a particular course is, in fact, the same student who is performing the work. To meet that goal we will do the following:

1. All online courses are required to have one synchronous video session at the beginning of the course.
2. Hybrid students are required to get a picture ID while on campus.

Counseling Services

Web: http://www.emu.edu/studentlife/counseling/ Phone: (540) 432-4317

In addition to academic advising, the seminary provides counseling in the areas of personal crisis and career planning. The seminary campus pastor is available for counseling on spiritual and personal matters. She/he can assist the student in referral to university counseling services (see “Counseling Services” section in the Graduate Student Handbook) or other professional counseling if the need arises. Counseling on campus is confidential unless a student is a safety risk to self or others.


Seminary Building
The seminary building is located on Smith Avenue on the southwest corner of the EMU campus. Located on the first floor are administrative offices, faculty offices, student mailboxes, a large lecture room, classrooms, the study/reference room, and prayer room (just off the main entrance). On the second floor are classrooms, faculty offices, the kitchen, Gathering Area, Martin Chapel, fellowship area and two prayer rooms.

Study Room
The study room on the first floor of the seminary is available for use by seminary students, and other students as space allows. Please request a copy of the Study Room Guidelines from the seminary office coordinator. A copy is also available in the Seminary Community Council folder in Moodle.

Activities Fee

Included in the tuition charges, the student activities fee of $30 per semester for full-time students and $3 per credit hour for part-time students provides special services for the benefit of seminary students. These include lectures for colloquiums, and Seminary Community Council activities.

Information Flow

All seminary students have mailboxes in the seminary building. Official messages as well as personal mail and messages are placed in the boxes. Incoming mail is delivered to the seminary building once a day around 10:00a.m.  Outgoing mail is taken at the same time.

Bulletin boards are located on first and second floors. Acquaint yourself with their location and content. Students should form the habit of reading the boards to keep abreast of announcements and general information. Most seminary and graduate school information is communicated via e-mail.

Seminary Community Council

Representing students, administration and faculty, the Seminary Community Council (SCC) assists in structuring a community life of Christian sharing and caring. It operates from the understanding that a dynamic community life is vital to the academic process. Since Christian community requires committed individuals to be effective, every student, faculty and staff person is expected to use his or her gifts and influence for the enrichment of community life.

Committees or activities functioning under SCC:

Fellowship Committee

• plans major social functions

•stays alert to student financial needs and plans for assistance where possible

Forum Organizing

• In collaboration with a faculty adviser, the SCC works at addressing seminary issues and concerns through organizing a variety of events, such as town hall meetings, round table discussions and forums, presentations by professors or guest speakers.

Snack and Food Service

Vending machines and coffee are located in the kitchen area on second floor. Coffee and tea (located in the kitchen) are available to seminary students only, since the cost is covered by their activity fees. Microwave ovens are available in the vending area as well as a refrigerator to store lunches temporarily. Lunch and snacks may be eaten in the gathering or fellowship areas. Other campus facilities such as the dining hall, Royal’s Den snack shop and Common Grounds coffee shop are shared with the University and are available to seminary students according to the stated policies.

Who to See

Faculty Advisor

  • for academic program planning, course scheduling, registration changes, graduation requirements
  • for formative advising/mentoring, including degree candidacy and readiness for ministry

Associate Dean of the Seminary

  • in relation to special requests upon referral by the academic advisor
  • when considering a change of curriculum
  • for exploration of an independent study
  • for evaluation of transfer credit

Seminary Registrar

  • for information on degree requirements and course scheduling
  • for processing drop and add requests

Admissions Director and Director of Placement

  • when persons you know are interested in receiving information on seminary programs, courses and admission applications. For placement info contact Courtney Joyner at 540-432-4255 or email courtney.joyner@emu.edu; for Seminary Admissions contact Adam King, 540-432-4144, adam.king@emu.edu.
  • for post-graduation placement in ministry

Office of Academic Access  http://www.emu.edu/academics/access

Call (540) 432-4638 or request services via the online form.

  • for persons with disabilities needing accommodations
  • to learn about community resources and services


  • for any matters related to their respective courses

Director of Mentored Ministry

  • on matters related to Formation in Ministry internships
  • on placement for Mentored Ministry
  • to discuss matters related to Mentored Ministry

Director of Career Services at EMU

  • for general career counseling

Campus Pastor

  • for spiritual support and pastoral counseling
  • for guidance regarding spiritual direction
  • for a referral to professional counseling
  • for counsel on vocational direction

EMU Registrar’s Office

  • on requests for transfer of credit
  • on request for official transcripts

Financial Assistance Office

  • on matters related to grants, loans, scholarships and other aid
  • upon changing from full-time to part-time status or from part-time to less than part-time (if you are receiving any type of financial assistance)

Business Office

  • to make payments on your account (the preferred method is through your student account online)

Student Accounts Office

  • to ask questions regarding your student account (ext.4114)
  • to discuss options for payment

International Student Director

  • on any matters pertaining to immigration status and Immigration and Naturalization Service regulations regarding work or length of stay in the U.S (See International Student Handbook)
  • on changes in course load, program, address, or telephone number

Title IX Coordinator

  • If you have experienced or witnessed sexual assault, harassment, or discrimination based on sex or gender

Seminary Addendum to the Life Together Statement

The seminary seeks to provide an educational setting where faculty, administration, staff, and students work together in the common purpose of creating and maintaining the highest ethical and lifegiving standards of academic and community life. This task occurs in the context of theological learning and practice rooted in Jesus' radical ministry of beloved community.

We are an Anabaptist, ecumenical, and interfaith community practicing intellectual noncoercion, celebrating diversity of cultures and experiences, and cultivating critical hope amid a plurality of ideas and perspectives. We are a hermeneutical community engaging critically with texts and traditions, analyzing the dynamics and structures of power, and deepening our understanding of peace with justice. We are a community of praxis, amplifying marginalized voices and putting peace into practice through solidarity with all creation.

We believe that personal maturity and growth are fostered as all community participants share in responsibility for one another.  Thus, growth is both an individual process and one that involves the entire community as we share our own concerns and at the same time respect and are shaped by the faith convictions of others. Our commitments include responsibility to love God and to seek after righteousness, to love others and practice justice, to exercise stewardship with freedom and responsibility, and to engage differences in viewpoints in a peace-seeking spirit rooted in the reconciling power of Jesus.

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