Military Recruit

Military Recruit

Military Recruitment & Patriotic Symbol Usage Policy


The purpose of this policy is to identify basic rules regarding military recruitment and use of patriotic symbols at EMU, as well as establish guidelines for the rental of EMU space to outside groups.

Eastern Mennonite University seeks to fulfill its mission in the context of Mennonite Church USA, and the Christian Anabaptist heritage. The following policy is meant to be a practical application of the affirmation that “the church is the spiritual, social, and political body that gives its allegiance to God alone” (Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective, Article 23). This policy expresses how this community, composed of persons who differ in some aspects of interpretation and acknowledge ambiguity in drawing lines of practice and behavior from Scripture, will work together in addressing the issues named below in ways which are consistent with the mission of the institution.

Policy Statement

1. As discovered through numerous discussions, forums and feedback, the act of military recruitment is offensive to a majority of EMU faculty/staff and constituents because it is contrary to the basic tenets of Anabaptist theology. Therefore:

a.   No military recruitment will be conducted on the EMU campus;

b.   Representatives from military academies will not be allowed on campus for the purpose of recruiting or encouraging membership in their institutions;

c.   Military representatives will be welcome on campus to share in open forums, classroom discussions and other venues for educational purposes.

2. The question of the use of patriotic symbols and ceremonies(such as singing the National Anthem, flying the U.S. flag and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance) emerged in the context of the discussion of military recruitment and has also been an issue for the athletics department. Therefore:

a. No flag pole will be erected, nor will the U.S. flag be given a permanent base on campus, unless it becomes part of a display of flags from around the world;

b. Patriotic symbols will not be used at regularly scheduled athletic events or other regular EMU-sponsored events on campus;

c. Should EMU host events as a member of an athletic or other organization where patriotic symbols are required parts of the program, EMU will allow the use of those symbols for the duration of that event;

d. Should an organization, otherwise meeting all criteria for outside rentals, wish to rent EMU facilities and use patriotic symbols during their stay, they will be allowed to do so, provided the flag or other symbol is displayed only within their rented space during their rental period;

e. Although no one at such events is required to actively participate in patriotic symbols and ceremonies, it is expected that EMU faculty, staff and students will be respectful of others as they participate.

3. There already exist a number of policies regarding rental and facilities usage on campus, including “Space Scheduling Policies,” “University Commons Facility Reservations,” and “Conferences and Events Purposes and Outcomes.” We affirm these policies and agree that EMU facilities shall only be rented to organizations and groups whose purposes are in harmony with EMU’s overall purpose and its vision, mission and values statement. Therefore:

a. All rental and space use policies will be placed in easily accessible documents and  be available to any interested faculty, staff or student;

b. If an organization or group unfamiliar to EMU officials wishes to rent EMU facilities, we shall require a written statement of the organization’s purpose, goals, or mission statement and written notification of the event they wish to hold, including a list of all involved parties and activities involved. Where questions of compatibility with EMU’s mission arise, the EMU administrator responsible for the decision may seek counsel from a Reference Group, whose members shall be appointed and called together by the Provost.

Responsible Party

VP for Finance

Policy Review

As needed

Policy Distribution

Director of Physical Plant

Vice President for Student Life

Vice President for Finance

Director of Athletics

Director of Conferences and Events

Approved by President’s Cabinet, September 8, 2004

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